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Everything posted by vsb

  1. if the engine upgrade doesn’t improve performance then the game is dead new contacts or not, so idk what your point is yes the new contacts are finished already
  2. the rifle silencer does not affect anything but tracers, muzzle flash, and hard damage with no reduced bloom/spread or recoil, the rifle silencer is very close to being a straight downgrade
  3. i know of at least one which is better than none i think, not that i really bother to keep track of everyone still on na not having to risk a ban and still getting to stomp bronzes, even if it’s only every other mission, sounds like dethreater heaven to me
  4. what’s the difference between half my missions being against dethreaters and half my missions being against bronzes? its not like either are fun but at least i can report the dethreaters with segregation, whereas with no segregation they get to face bronzes without having to break the ToS
  5. and it cost us performance maybe you’re one of the 1% that magically has no issues running apb, but more performance hits are not what we need plus new contacts are needed after the engine upgrade to give players something to come back to, wasting them now won’t benefit the game in any way
  6. op isnt asking for the huntress tho, he's asking for the temptress
  7. i think it's probably because it kind of sounds like you're implying anyone with a cyrillic name cheats
  8. no, each box has a 1% chance that's unaffected by other boxes to think of it another way, you aren't guaranteed to get one heads and one tails every 2 times you flip a coin
  9. the disadvantage lasts until you die as long as you continue playing missions as you were, therefore it has a theoretically infinite duration we're just going in circles at this point, because enforcers being intended to reach bounty more often for the same mission gameplay as criminals is still poor game design there is no need to consider the entire picture - a successful ltl takeout requires a stun and an arrest vs a successful lethal takeout that only requires a kill, and players that are arrested still receive a grace period before they are completely removed from combat the only mechanic i can think of that compliments enforcers being p5 is the ridiculously small boost to kill rewards yes all of those were intended, other than the xmas contacts which was likely a bug - little orbit owns the game, whatever the original creators intended for the bounty system is irrelevant once little orbit modifies it a bounty can have a large (negative) impact on a mission, this is not equivalent to the outcome of a mission being decided as soon as bounty is earned understanding how to use modifications and aiming at an enemy are basic game skills, that doesn't mean spotter's advantage is acceptable for that level of engagement 2d radar is considered a wallhack even tho it doesnt show players through walls yes i think the bounty system is more poorly implemented than the spotter modification, no i don't think the spotter modification is balanced - yet again these things are not mutually exclusive you spoke as if bounties were automatically free kills, i guess we're both spinning things around i can get more objective then - having an out of mission player being able to participate in any mission is an unfair mechanic, as it entirely disregards the game's attempt at matchmaking most enemies won't allow you to just walk away from combat i've already addressed the "assumption" there's no contradiction here tbh, bounties can hang around or they can blast through an area i simply chose the highest potential option which is something that needs to be taken into account for any balancing, but even one extra person fighting against you regardless of matchmaking is generally unfair there's no need for anyone to specifically hunt you down for this to become a problem, the nature of almost every mission requires players to move throughout the map how am i wrong? if the bounty system is intended to balance "too good" players, then allowing players that are not "too good" to receive the same balancing is a failure of the system you're quoting my summarized list of different explanations in this thread about what the bounty system is "intended" for, obviously i'm going to use the word intent when discussing them the quote doesn't mean they are mutually exclusive as stated above there's no need for anyone to chase down an n5/p5 player, just being vulnerable to 40 people instead of 4 is a significant risk increase and the rewards are not proportional over time is the same as "in the long run" but we can disagree if you want i'd argue a slow steady increase in rewards over years is the opposite of high risk/high reward mechanic values not being optimal is a system failure, to use your previous example shotgun rayscaling was a failure because damage was frontloaded - a value that was easily changed and yet it was still a failure factionkilling is not intended so im not sure this example makes sense, but i'm all for fixing this uneven punishment
  10. g1 sold the game, little orbit sold the ip, it’s no secret that apb hasn’t brought in the big bucks for a long time
  11. even if you don’t believe the content pipeline will be made easier/faster (and therefore more feasible) because of the engine upgrade, anything added to current apb comes with a cost - sometimes small, sometimes large but it’s always chipping away at overall performance and we’re already pushing the limit for a 32bit program afaik, i think eventually the game just won’t work there’s also the advance of modern hardware to consider, RTX cards are already barely able to run the current game, as similar performing tech becomes more and more standard the number of people affected will only increase
  12. no it was a joke about how i stick around because i'm mentally ill, chillax my man
  13. why would you flex over beating up 4 silvers?
  14. depends on what you mean by "good player" and "playing well" if you just want low effort mission wins, grab a pmg and never leave your pioneer unless you're 100% certain of getting a kill if you want to be as technically skilled at apb as possible i don't really think there's a specific gun for that, it mostly comes down to game knowledge and teamwork/tactics - it definitely doesn't hurt to know how every gun functions tho, so pick one to start with and work your way through all of them until you have at least a rough sense of their stats
  15. the engine upgrade is the barrier to any significant new content
  16. if you struggle with recoil control then the medusa is probably better for you
  17. you can’t “master” the bounty system, unless you’re a crim who can pay off after every mission (and even then you might still get a bounty) it’s just a straight disadvantage that lasts until it inevitably helps you die
  18. nowhere did i say that the bounty system prevented players from playing, in fact you were the one that stated that someone who doesn't like the old bounty system shouldn't play enforcer ltl is always objectively worse than any lethal weapon because opponents have to be "killed" twice, even in the case of a 1 shot pig stun i'm confused, players are meant to afk during missions to run over hundreds of signs? or enforcers are supposed to hit every civilian they see? neither of these seem like "the way the game was meant to be played" additionally, because little orbit has removed bounty interaction in missions i'm pretty sure that not having bounty interactions in missions is the way the game is intended at this point i don't remember saying otherwise both mechanics are braindead wallhacks, altho spotter at least requires player initiative - its just that people are arguing one is balanced i think i speak for most people when i say that removing features, making mechanics more time consuming, and making mechanics riskier/more difficult for no extra payoff all mean open world activities are less desirable i've posted my suggestions for the bounty system (and n5/p5 specifically) several times, imo they were far less drastic changes than straight up deleting n5/p5 from missions but i have no issue with the temporary removal little orbit decided to do "up to 30 minutes" doesn't mean the average mission is 30 minutes long, and there are 30 minute missions frankly mission times don't even matter since you've claimed that "good enforcers" will hit p5 every mission, so this is now a failure of a mechanic affecting 100% of missions assuming you can kill them a random player involving themselves in your mission regardless of what's happening is not a balancing mechanic, no matter how you spin it yes which is exactly why i imagine most people against the old bounty system found it frustrating when they were fighting an opponent and a random bounty decides to join in against them nowhere did i state that a bounty had to hang around to cause damage, a bounty killing your vip and forcing them to respawn away from protection or a bounty taking out one player in a stalemate tdm are just the two easiest examples i can think of where one unnecessary death instantly puts your team at a disadvantage having issues handling suddenly being outnumbered , either because you're a bounty and have potentially 40 other people to deal with or because a random bounty decided to shoot at your team, is a "shortcoming" that only the very best players can coast through - and the bounty system doesn't affect only the very best players players who are not performing "too good" in their current mission can go n5/p5, a system intended to punish players playing "too good" is a failure when it affects people its not intended for affecting the open world feel and the frequency of bounty occurrences are not mutually exclusive it fails entirely at high risk/high reward - competing against 1-4 enemy players that are intended to be as equal to you as possible for up to 30 minutes awards a set amount of apb$ and joker tickets/consumables but competing against potentially 40 players forever awards less apb$ and no joker tickets/consumables there is no "over time", you pop a bounty, get 10-15 kills, and then die and that 150 extra apb$ is your "high reward" this is a valid point of failure because this is how the bounty system is currently implemented, how easy something could be to change has no bearing on how bad it is without being changed yeah higher rewards for a single kill just because "open world pvp" is ridiculous hahahaha
  19. intended gameplay is running missions, enforcers are affected more severely by the bounty system as you yourself have pointed out this is objectively wrong as already mentioned, even a 1 kdr player won’t see any benefit from running over signs or civilians unless they make it their primary objective individual kdr isn’t predictive of the entire mission outcome permanent visibility vs a temporary mod effect is not comparable additionally spotter is a reward for successfully using basic tactics and game skills, a player has to see their enemy for it to take effect and then has to activate the mod - a bounty doesn’t require any of that and yet players receive (in your comparison) an equivalent reward missions are the core gameplay, i’m not sure how this is even debatable, non-mission activities have been made less and less desireable over the years missions can last up to 30 minutes if not longer and there’s additional downtime while matchmaking attempts to work, your own personal notoriety/prestige can affect a large percentage of missions, and that’s without factoring in other n5/p5 players randomly popping in and wrecking your mission (what part of random n5/p5 players affecting other missions is a balancing mechanic btw?) if the bounty system is intended to balance players that are playing too good it fails - it also effects players that aren’t playing too good, or even good at all in some cases if the bounty system is intended to enhance the open world feel it fails - a negligible difference in the open world feel at the cost of a negative impact on apb’s core gameplay if the bounty system is intended to be an arbitrary chance for players to engage in high risk/high reward gameplay it fails - not providing a high enough reward to make facing up to 40 people on your own worthwhile im unclear on what else the bounty system could be intended for, please fill me in
  20. “just don’t play enforcer if you don’t like the bounty system” is not a solution, if one faction is punished more for the exact same intended gameplay then it’s just bad game design being encouraged to not play an entire faction is a negative being encouraged to replace your situationally optimal weapon with never optimal ltl and putting your team at a massive disadvantage (if you weren’t killed while switching weapons while n5/p5) is a negative being encouraged to leave the mission area to run over signs and fire hydrants is a negative being encouraged to shoot civilians and reveal yourself to the enemy team is a negative none of these options will help if a player is doing even perfectly average (1 kdr) or better, it takes probably a dozen civilians just to equal one enemy kill this is the only suggestion that doesn’t put players at a disadvantage or interrupt core gameplay, but i imagine it’s annoying as hell to not be able to play again until you find a stolen vehicle after every mission and dropping to p2 doesn’t guarantee that you won’t get a bounty on your next mission, so in the end the time sink might be pointless anyway a vague sense of “open world feel”, an extra 400 bucks if you manage to kill every single opposite faction player in the district, and the satisfaction of knowing you’re stomping your opposition (unless you aren’t, because notoriety/prestige often doesn’t work as intended) are laughable “rewards” for your enemies being given the single best advantage anyone can get in apb
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