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Everything posted by vsb

  1. even if he continues, i don’t really see his point - players behave like this regardless of what language they speak, not because of what language they speak
  2. i feel like you might be more than a little biased on this issue
  3. that’s exactly what someone silencing feedback would say
  4. if they would take down the forums during game maintenance all of this could be solved
  5. rayscaling tackled reliability issues by introducing way too many other problems, which is why it's being deleted i wouldnt say the accuracy based damage really solved anything since its still pretty easy to use the hvr in cqc, making a gun so obnoxious to use at all in order to stop people from using it in one specific manner is a horrible way to go about balancing
  6. if you're talking about rayscaling then that was a horrible system and the hvr is similarly not a good system, it basically just made the gun feel clunky while not really dealing with the actual issues
  7. you say that like 90s ringtones were bad
  8. i mostly just want all the curve systems removed, not just dropoff specifically imo the ideal situation is that little orbit does all 3, plus option 4 - add correct and functional weapon stats in the actual game i like apbdb and all but it shouldn't even need to exist, having to use a 3rd party website just for basic gameplay values is kind of insane
  9. i would prefer the option that reduces rng afaik the curves are created using engine values or something, hence why speed (apbdb) can’t just recreate them himself
  10. i think it’s a safe assumption that phasing wouldn’t work as intended on the current engine
  11. the forums are already dead, and have been for some time now might as well delete them
  12. sometimes i think these forums should be deleted
  13. this has been a confirmed bug since they revamped the friend and /who systems, they just haven't bothered to fix it
  14. might as well just light the money on fire and throw it in the nearest trash can, exactly the same process as purchasing from armas tbh
  15. are you just stating really obvious stuff or am i missing something? they clearly already have people for new content creation because the new contacts have new content, the engine upgrade should just allow those same people to release new content more often
  16. a large part of the point in upgrading the engine is to enable new content (and any changes in general) to be created and implemented easier im almost positive i’ve already explained this to you
  17. it's been a while since i used it, but doesn't the vbr still have the same 35m range it's always had?
  18. they were ready during g1 but they didn’t have enough content to fill the level unlocks iirc
  19. you mean you don't have an obsessive compulsion to read all the shitposting being done in another language? but that's, actually that's pretty normal
  20. i’m sure the russians wonder why you’re on their server too
  21. so dethreaters killed the server population and the proper response is to reward them? thats definitely a big brain move, i’ll give you that i’ll pass on the feedback loop
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