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Everything posted by vsb

  1. apologies if some of this has already been addressed, i typed it up hours ago and then forgot to post aside from my personal reluctance to remove personal explosive weapons i don’t think simply allowing such free explosive use would really change much, most players who know what they’re doing don’t use explosives (except perhaps the volcano, which needs a rebalance regardless) for av in the first place i do have several questions: would it only be provided for vehicle delivery missions? would it replace a players primary/secondary weapon or be an addition 3rd weapon? how does the game determine who gets the rocket launcher? how does the game determine what explosive weapon fits which mission? is it a forced equip? if it’s a random pickup item (as someone above suggested) does it spawn randomly? can anyone pick it up? will it respawn? is it limited duration? will it have the same balance as current explosives? and while some may find it “pathetic” to inquire about, the fact remains that players have spent large amounts of money and joker tickets in order to acquire explosive weapons and i think there does need to be some for of compensation in place - total removal of personal explosives is very different from the normal balancing guns receive as a matter of course i think the easier (and less drastic) solution would be to allow explosives to be unlocked at a lower rank, even so low as all the other original apb weapons
  2. p5/n5 has seen numerous suggestions and complaints since the score update that rendered it largely irrelevant i wasn't aware 30 year old genre descriptors were now considered buzzwords
  3. i don’t remember the issrb getting any changes aside from its rework which i would only consider a buff, the gun was absolute bottom tier before that as a 3stk
  4. hvr for people since it’s still an 850 damage cannon dmr av for cars honorable mention to issrb for versatility and the scout for (imo) the most fun gameplay
  5. yeah it’s fun to watch people run away from your car for no reason but just like actual remote det explosions you really only get to surprise someone once since the topic is about balance beyond weapons i’d really like to see some map balancing at some point - riot clearly showed that the devs have room for a ton more props on the map (probably the only good thing to come out of that mode tbh), and most troublesome map spots could be “solved” with creative prop placement the old thread by @Ellix has probably been lost to time on the old forums but it had a lot of good suggestions if anyone can dig it up
  6. i believe orbit has stated before that ue4 apb would require them to rewrite all code from the ground up, for all intents and purposes it would be less like the current engine update and more like a complete engine replacement
  7. probably whichever region has more active players
  8. gotta stick to the schedule next up will be another thread complaining about cheaters, followed by a thread bashing little orbit, then a shitpost, then probably either a support ticket thread or a technical issue thread (we try to spice things up a bit), and then we’ll repeat cmon man i know it’s not your first day here you should have this down by now
  9. 2fa was intended to stop tradelocks at one point, but little orbit ended up never adding that particular feature
  10. a fair point, but given orbit's glacial pace does it really matter? an entirely new threat system is not likely to be functional any sooner than the engine upgrade release
  11. i think that would actually be conservative, they’re generally the ones all about following the constitution to the letter
  12. asking the guy that claims to have been stunned by ltl at 100m who cheats is not a rabbit hole you want to go down
  13. ah yes riot was only shelved because of “the vets”, that mysterious group of people who control apb from the shadows - totally not because there was a 20 page thread pointing out objective flaws with the beta test, and then another 20 page thread with almost the exact same problems when it was pushed to live i’d like riot to come back as anarchy/chaos mode but with randomly spawning objectives instead of a clunky, half finished battle royale knockoff
  14. displaying a swastika is legal under US law, it’s technically protected by the first amendment swastikas are banned because several european countries do have laws against displaying nazi imagery - apb has/had servers in those countries (specifically germany iirc) and was therefore subject to those laws
  15. the volcano is just stupid, and the showstopper was overtuned for months because of the rayscaling system honestly if you just look at little orbit’s balance attempts on normal weapons it’s really no surprise they can’t handle legendaries either
  16. not really much point spending a few months creating a new threat/matchmaking system only to toss it out the window once the engine upgrade hits also use periods or space out your posts or something
  17. man i hate that joker tickets block consumables and vice versa, such an awful design decision edit: i imagine it’s even worse if you haven’t unlocked all the emotes and symbol sheets yet
  18. i feel like this deserves to be posted twice
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