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Everything posted by vsb

  1. all these people acting like little orbit has been knee deep in the community for years and knows every clique, or that it would be fair for little orbit to exclude players based on the claims of other players its just small sneak peak to go along with a q&a cool your jets
  2. little orbit engineered covid-19 in order to boost population numbers
  3. congratulations on being uncreative i guess?
  4. esrb and pegi are two different agencies iirc, so it’s not really that confusing that they would have different rating guidelines im not sure about pegi but esrb ratings have no actual legal power, so they’re mostly irrelevant anyway imo gamersfirst is the hub website, as it’s been for years now afaik k2 networks rebranded themselves as reloaded games (reloaded productions being the apb team iirc) at some point after buying apb, i think around the time the og team was swapped out for tiggs and co. i have no idea what the point of any of this is, didn’t you already make a thread about who owns apb?
  5. you’ve convinced me, social district is unnecessary our next move should be to petition little orbit to remove the district entirely, to stop advertising customization for apb, and to remove all existing customization (no refunds) i bet there will be literally tens of people who are just waiting to jump into a subpar shooter with absolutely no customization whatsoever and the only thing holding them back has been the existence of social we’re going to save this game bro
  6. who doesn’t like a nice manly lady
  7. last we were told server consolidation wasn’t feasible, and orbit was looking at allowing characters to play on either server
  8. there's a bulletproof trading system and support no longer accepts trade scam tickets, seems fine to me
  9. everyone thinks the star is bad because starter gun, might as well actually make it bad :^)
  10. except social districts have consistently bypassed the population caps that have been enforced on action districts over the years, nah totally unintended for social to hold more people haha between the customization and the social mmo aspects of apb, social district is like 50% of what makes this game - if you force these people (most of whom very likely do play "as intended" from time to time) into action districts all you're going to do is lose another chunk of players its also kind of dumb to pretend that the people sitting in social are the same people who complain about low action district pop, by your own words they don't play in action districts so why would they care if action districts are empty?
  11. what exactly is this saying, that people are playing the game in a way that is entirely intended? how awful
  12. can't wait to make my HUD icons so large i can't actually see anything else, i'll always have an excuse for losing that way
  13. it might have been a free bonus but you still had to spend g1c to get it, thus its still locked behind a paywall edit: an event box would truly be f2p, but i don't think we've had any of those as rewards since little orbit took over
  14. 5m is a lot for most f2p players too, i fail to really see the difference if the box was gifted to you then someone spent money, not to mention gifting no longer exists
  15. and you can get the atac and manic "for free" just using joker tickets tbh i would argue that the ursus would technically be more p2w than the atac or manic because every ursus has to be purchased via joker boxes/g1c
  16. how can you say the ursus isnt p2w but the atac and manic are with a straight face
  17. iirc the system was rather inconsistent with tracking progress or something, but the daily/weekly mechanic itself was a pretty nice addition
  18. vsb

    Western Holster

    more cosmetic options are always good
  19. shoot them all anyway
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