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Everything posted by vsb

  1. vsb

    the same people who added curves to fucking everything
  2. tfw you can't even clear all the awful 3 day joker box leases out of your mailbox because you can't redeem any because your weapon locker is full
  3. the manic is fun because its good, and its good because it out ttks every other gun iirc
  4. if teens aren't gunning down people in the streets after playing apb then i don't think they're going to join isis because of a few player characters with offensive symbols
  5. no one but the dumbest of dumbs would defend apb in its current (awful) state, you seem reasonable enough, and the perception of new players is absolutely necessary input when it comes to changes regardless of what some may think i'd wager most of your downvotes are because a lot of the problems you listed are things we all (including little orbit) are already aware of, its kind of beating a dead horse
  6. vsb


    yeah i almost never do it these days, one of those sweaty phases im sure we've all had hell i don't even bother to chase runners anymore
  7. vsb


    if i bother to hunt them down usually i start by hitting all the contact locations, and then i usually just drive around to see if they're dumb enough to spawn a vehicle with carspawner in it
  8. vsb

    obviously every pro would suddenly suck because there are secret hacks encrypted inside the configs that are undetectable unless you look at them under a UV light
  9. current cooldowns are 50% of what they were for nonpremium players before the change, so mod cooldowns vary iirc field supplier, wide radius field supplier, large ammo box, and mobile shield are the only mods with a 2 minute cd
  10. afaik the anticheat will just boot you from the game if you try to use ninjaripper anywhere but the character select screen, but that might have been back with battleye and not eac no idea if repeated attempts lead to a ban or not
  11. the ursus is just a gun and its only "unique" because you can't get an ursus without buying joker boxes, this is the exact type of "unique" that doesn't qualify it to be a legendary imo previous buyers can suck dirt frankly, and i say that as someone who's bought all the legendaries through joker boxes - they're still getting an account bound weapon, and depending on how many joker boxes they bought it could have only cost them 99g1c whenever i log in there's 50 pages of symbols and like 10 pages of legendaries so i don't think it would render the mp useless, and if little orbit ever gets rid of joker boxes like they originally stated they would then it won't matter anyway
  12. as nice as the ursus crosshair is i doubt it's really giving you anything at all in combat and the nano has no special unique mechanic at all, which was the whole point of my post - probably half the current joker box weapons are only "unique" because g1 walled them off behind a joker box, not because they actually have a unique mechanic it would probably require some effort but my solution would be to straight up get rid of those joker boxes and push the weapons into the game as f2p lease unlocks, and probably add account bound purchases to armas as well current owners of the weapons would receive a free account bound version in their mailbox
  13. i feel like these only support my point, out of all these clips the closest to a min ttk are 20m and 30m away which is the exact range the atac is designed to fill - but like in your clips anyone with even passive cover requires you to use nearly an entire mag to secure a kill, if not more as i said before i don't think a range nerf back to 40m would really make any difference so go wild with that, but i'd prefer not to add more rng to apb
  14. why is your perception of a weapons stats or stat changes based on a single day of what you can remember your opponents using? if we were all to do that then i remember seeing a bunch of oca players yesterday, so it must be op now right?
  15. there’s nothing really all that difficult or messy about it, you and i both summed up such a policy in less than 3 sentences in fact i’ve personally been involved in such a situation; another forum user referred to me by one of my discord handles which is technically considered against the forum ToS, the other user was warned but explained the situation, and the warning was rescinded - easy peasy painless (and quick) i see you’ve also chosen to completely ignore the other more relevant parts of my post, but your reply to someone else is related so there is no difference between your two options both are “dev generated content” and according to you all “dev generated content” should conform to the ToS said devs created, so we’re back to what differentiates why some potentially offensive “dgc” is acceptable and some “dgc” is unacceptable
  16. that seems like a pretty dangerous allowance, literally anything could be construed as acceptable as long as it was ingame before little orbit took over? and how does that relate to user generated content - what if i had a symbol that's against little orbit's ToS, would it be okay because i made it in 2016? im not sure who brought up 'fuck' but my examples specifically were illegal (in many US states at least) acts and other derogatory (comparable to 'wh*re') words used to refer to women, none of which seemed to have bothered you even now after they've been pointed out this seems like a flimsy excuse to me, anyone using the title and being called a wh*re likely doesn't care because they are already labeling themselves as such anyone calling someone without the title a wh*re gets a warning or whatever the appropriate disciplinary action is and the line is drawn at worst we get another thread like this one where someone doesn't understand the difference between the two scenarios and it gets explained to them
  17. putting aside that the ToS is very specific about user generated content, i would reuse your own words - how deep does that rabbit hole go then? should little orbit remove the potentially offensive content that i listed in my previous post? should less derogatory titles like 'scrub' or 'noob' be removed as well? should certain clothing items be removed for being obscene? do the voiceovers need to be censored?
  18. legendaries should not be called legendaries, its rather misleading in my opinion and only serves to confuse players who don't have 10k hours in apb i do think legendaries overall need a rebalance pass (just like half the guns in apb tbh) because i feel legendaries should be guns with unique gameplay mechanics and several of them are lacking: we have legendaries with special mechanics but that barely effect gameplay like the sitting duck/reaper, firework launcher, and ursus we have legendaries that have no special mechanics at all and are essentially just normal guns like the hazardous, the nano, and the ffa we have some combos of 1 & 2 like the anubis or the ocsp line and we have the volcano, which is a little too legendary and has a silly mechanic even for apb i don't think that the community's perceived monetary value is a reasonable basis for balancing weapons
  19. premium gives you a 20% discount on nearly all armas purchases and the current free premium is not compensation
  20. at best little orbit rewarding a title with wh*re in it might create a loophole when calling players with that specific title wh*res but i don't understand how you've managed to wrangle this around to it allowing someone to call any player a wh*re, there's clearly a disconnect somewhere and no i don't really think titles or rewards really have a limit beyond what will garner too much negative PR, and having a title with wh*re in it is nowhere near that arbitrary limit in a game most players expect to be a gta clone its already been mentioned several times, but the use of wh*re seems insignificant in a game that references no/sex trafficking, bestiality, describes female contacts as "bitches", etc - is the issue specifically that this title is a new (is it even new) addition? if little orbit added a new mission tomorrow and the mission stage flavor text referred to the other team as something offensive, would you take this as a complicit allowance that you are allowed to call every player that offensive term, regardless of mission or faction?
  21. i've already said there's a difference between someone voluntarily calling themselves a wh*re and someone slinging the word at others, so no i do not see the irony nor do i think i can really help you understand the difference if you don't already
  22. if you're getting "melted" by atacs at...40m? 50? 60? (can you specify what you define as mid-long please) then i urge you to try using cover tbh i wouldn't even care if they knocked the atac range back to 40m, that's where it was originally iirc and it still struggled to min ttk within its range
  23. the context very clearly pointing to the "secondary" definitions were conveniently left out of the original post maybe i'm reading too much into this but did one of you get a warning or something for calling another player a wh*re? because it seems like there's a (hopefully) obvious distinction between calling someone a wh*re and someone voluntarily displaying a title
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