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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i'd rather it just be made more accurate so that ir3 can be used more effectively
  2. i thought not having muzzle flash was a silencer mod effect?
  3. op uses his own inability to play apb as a basis for determining cheaters and ends up hackusating basically everyone with 3 brain cells that can click rhythmically, and refuses to even consider otherwise despite older and better (and newer and worse i’d bet lmao) players telling him the truth and then he wonders why people say get good
  4. about half the guns you mention in your post haven’t been touched
  5. hb2 allows you to full auto from 0-65m the gun does bloom, so this is a very valid mod choice cj3 doesn't really affect ranged ability at all unless you can't control your own tap firing
  6. only true golds get low ms so that we can retain our dominance
  7. with hb2 or cj3 nssw you stand a pretty fair chance at out ttking an ntec if they tap fire
  8. he gives everyone a free reminder that riot was a hunk of trash invaluable really
  9. my intent was to force shotguns to lose some easy 2 shot capability without removing corner popping as a viable defensive tactic when pushed, i think shotguns need to remain very dangerous at uber cqc range a low max damage shotgun would also force shotguns to be a more skill based weapon (no more ez kills from 3 grazes) and have increased vulnerability to ca3 and kevlar im not sure where you were pre-rayscaling (perhaps not even playing at all?) but apb has gone through several different iterations of shotgun meta at this point, to say no one used them before rayscaling is a red flag you don’t understand apb imo
  10. i congratulate you on waiting until it was certain the items were up before announcing lol
  11. i don’t think that would actually differentiate the gameplay very much as you’d still be using 3stk and 4stk shotguns very similarly, although it would be amusing to see the thumper fire even faster than it already does alternatively, what about lowering max damage close to 3stk (something like 525-550) and raising the ttk (between .7-.75s)? id much rather keep the current pump shotgun playstyle and attempt to deal with the issues it causes than delete it altogether
  12. a 3stk shotgun with single shell reloading and a fast rof, what part of that doesn’t sound like a 3stk jg/csg with a .68s ttk im not denying the thumper is similar to the nfas, that was exactly my point - if the jg/csg are going to be thumper clones and the thumper is already an nfas clone, where does that leave us in terms of gameplay variety? hell even the shredder plays mostly the same, it just sucks pump shotguns moving to 3stk will just end up with everyone who has a $50 strife using that instead because it’s the only shotgun left that’s not a glorified nfas
  13. my issue with making pump shotguns 3stk is that it makes the entire weapon category play the same - why use a jg/csg (even at potentially .68s) when you can use a thumper with the same range and a lower ttk?
  14. thanks matt "five dollar hat" scott
  15. regardless of whether it’s easy or not teamwork is still a skill its not like your personal aiming skills are suddenly nonexistent just because you shoot a lower threat player lol
  16. i can’t tell if you’re making everything unnecessarily black and white on purpose or not, but playing on a team doesn’t automatically mean you’re being carried and teamwork itself is a skill, so idk how that’s unfair
  17. yeah i just mentioned the ttk buff because it was mentioned in the op
  18. is anyone going to tell him or are we all still laughing
  19. no its a little disingenuous imo, since the jt difference is 0-10jt per mission (action districts) vs 1-10jt per mission (testing districts) test districts also allow any threat to cap put at 200jt per day, but i doubt anyone has ever hit that
  20. that's not exactly what i said but sure - car spawner machines are never mentioned in apb lore but they are an essential mechanic for apb gameplay
  21. sure we could go to the extremes you mention but it would be more balanced to do a combination of approaches, like say raise the ttk to .7s and knock 5m of range off - the idea is not to have shotguns be superior at corner popping and straight face trading because that eliminates the need for smgs as for "different playstyles" that's why we have more than 1 weapon in apb, if you think cornerpopping is boring af then you're free to use an nfas and be as aggressive as you want
  22. can't say i want to decrease traditional lmg ttks any lower tho, especially with the range they have if the recoil/initial accuracy changes aren't enough i think i would lighten all lmgs to give them slightly more mobility instead
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