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Everything posted by vsb

  1. considering little orbit has charged five dollars for a single standalone clothing item (a hat) i think this price is ok the lack of an account bound option is definitely frustrating, especially with little orbits continued promises to transform armas into a more consumer friendly storefront
  2. it’s entirely possible and common to do well in one mission, only to go n5/p5 in your next mission almost regardless of performance - you gain more notoriety/prestige for kills than you do for deaths, so unless you’re getting completely shut down with 0 kills you’ll inevitably pop a bounty
  3. already been suggested, hasn’t happened little orbit is afraid to come off as milking the game despite throwing up $5 dollar hats
  4. everybody say it with me one more time - “notoriety/prestige is not based solely on current mission performance, so it fails at being a balancing mechanic” wasn’t that fun?
  5. i’m pretty sure he’s suggesting shoes, just a wild guess tho
  6. is that the only thing stopping you from wasting money on these awful ducking presets?
  7. 20% is the standard premium discount edit: are you sure you just didn't look at the prices after logging in?
  8. i don't see any prices that are different on the valentine's guns, where are you seeing discounts?
  9. doubling mission rewards isn't a high enough reward for potentially fighting 40 people for 10 mission stages, in the most extreme example not to mention if you don't complete the mission you get essentially no rewards for being n5/p5 no matter how well you performed while you had it
  10. just don't worry about it big brain moves
  11. it is a challenge, but a challenge is not an inherently positive concept so this word distinction isn’t really relevant imo when a challenge is impossible, is not correctly applied, and provides no benefit, it becomes a negative action (punishment) n5/p5 puts the player at an extreme disadvantage that is theoretically infinite; there is no mechanic that allows a player to continue normal mission gameplay without their bounty constantly interfering until they die, and yet there is also no sufficient reward for doing so and (for like the 15th time in this thread i think) the bounty system may have been intended to be placed on players doing exceptionally well but in practice it doesn’t actually limit itself like that, it’s entirely possible to go n5/p5 with even average or subpar performance in your current mission
  12. you can’t sue for that as you agreed to allow little orbit to ban you for any reason as they see fit, no contest
  13. making a perfectly balanced apb is impossible, that’s something i’ve already said but tweaking mission stages to be fairer for both sides or ensuring objectives don’t spawn in areas with zero cover or adding alternate movement paths through the map is not going to magically ruin the game spread/bloom is the only thing you’ve listed that i don’t think can be changed, at least not without completely reworking how every weapon functions
  14. everyone might theoretically be equal but a game based entirely on rng removes a large majority, if not all control from the player obviously they’re within the same franchise and genre so there are broad similarities which allow the transfer of skills, but i find that to be a poor measure - you could take anyone with decent tracking/aim and fling them from shooter to shooter (even apb) and they would perform adequately
  15. no that would be a BR game, which are definitely not competitively balanced by my standards csgo was released in 2012 iirc, its a very different game from og counter strike
  16. i don't see the contradiction, competitive balance and giving players more control over their actions (not more control over winning or losing, i have no idea where you got that from) are not mutually exclusive it seems more contradictory to me that you seem intent on declaring the "ntec hoodie" crowd to be secretly manipulating the game despite the ntec getting nerfed several times over the years, including just last month the necessity of concs is a direct result of vehicle play remaining terribly unbalanced despite pretty much everyone agreeing it needs to change, i think it says a lot about the old loyos that they were ever chosen over concs in the first place except the bounty system was not limited to crazy killstreaks or soloing enemy teams, because the bounty system was not based solely on current mission performance i also feel its healthier for any team getting solo'd to just lose the mission and move on, rather than prolonging the stomping through another 3-10 minute mission stage i'm not really sure what you mean here as enforcers can't ramraid without breaking the tos, or at least breaking the tos under g1
  17. rayscaling was intended to make shotguns more forgiving, thats a move towards casual gameplay weapons have an effect on competitive/casual balance, and so far all we've seen little orbit add are weapons geared more towards casual play - 2 shotguns that are incredibly forgiving thanks to rayscaling and an AR intended to be used full auto with no real penalties the problem with the hvr is and always has been it's damage over every range, but that's a different discussion apb is competitive by nature for the sole reason that gameplay is entirely based on pvp, now that n5/p5 has been partially disabled the only things that can affect a player in a mission are other players in vehicles and civilians (if those can even be considered "out of mission") i personally don't really enjoy csgo and i play siege pretty sparsely but i can still recognize that they're at least attempting competitive balance no idea about toxicity or how that relates tbh being a f2p gta clone is definitely more generic than being the only (that i know of) competitive open world pvp shooter what game is 20 years old? csgo went f2p in dec 2019 iirc, but it was gaining pop even before that
  18. i'm unclear on what other response there can be to anyone who accuses approximately 25% of the population of cheating based on their arbitrary threat color, that's a pretty clear indication of someone with a major disconnect
  19. wouldn't this already make apb generic? making apb into a more competitively balanced open world shooter would actually make it less generic not more siege is 5 years old i wouldn't exactly consider that new, and csgo recently hit its highest population since 2016 a valid tutorial that shows players mechanics before making them actively apply those mechanics is invaluable, for an apb example a player that knows what marksmanship mode is and what bonuses it gives will outperform a player that doesnt in basically every situation
  20. you had me at least listening up to this point, deleting people's accounts (including accounts that have invested time not only playing but creating unique items ingame) is a one way ticket to deadville the only acceptable times for account wipes are in early access pre-release game versions, and while apb might (still) look and feel like an alpha it's not advertised as such
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