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Everything posted by vsb

  1. the eol deep impact is my favorite apb weapon, despite being questionable at best also a big fan of the shredder, corsair, and thunder even if none of them truly suck tbh i tend to use a lot of off meta guns because i feel it forces me to play better rather than relying on the meta, and also because i don’t like the idea of having a full weapon locker but only using 4 or 5 guns
  2. joker store changes look great, glad there’s finally a way for people to have meaningful trials with weapons
  3. who says silvers can’t cheat?
  4. i actually forgot about that, there is a "changes" page on apbdb that probably has all the recent changes, i think it even covers the testing district changes too https://apbdb.com/changes/
  5. vsb

    Sprint Shooting

    yeah sprint shooting was mainly supposed to be a carbine and oscar nerf, but it ended up barely doing anything to those guns and making everything else feel just a bit clunkier i personally wouldn't mind sprint shooting coming back but i don't think its worth dealing with all the complaints about "warping" from people who can't track very well
  6. i think you'd have to search through individual patch note postings if you're looking for the whole process apbdb if you just want to see the current stats, altho iirc it doesn't list the hvr accuracy based damage values or any curve systems applied to bloom
  7. i remember seeing ffas for like 5-6 million on na at one point the market price has managed to mostly recover, i think its great that this small time game has managed to recreate its very own debeers price fixing situation lol
  8. eac isnt busted like ff was, it just sounds like they can't get a part of it up and running, i doubt there will be a mass unban its not like there was a mass unban from battleye to eac either
  9. tbh i dont see why its not just on armas by now, its not like the gun is actually rare nor is it really something i would consider a "legendary"
  10. ah that explains why it was discontinued, can't have the players getting uppity and expecting good events
  11. quick google search says its 1 lira = to .15 USD, are you saying that armas prices should be redone to be based on lira or are you asking for something like steam's regional pricing?
  12. opinion seems pretty split (imagine that lmao) on the gun games - on one hand its a good source of JT which is great for f2p players, on the other hand the events always have massive performance issues
  13. the reward reduction mechanic was probably the single worst anti-dethreater solution we've had, other than not doing anything at all
  14. both the aces rifle and smg either need less bloom per shot or better starting accuracy
  15. in one of the q&a’s mattscott confirmed that the vendetta trailer was all that was ever created for that game
  16. this is not correct at all, please don’t spread misinformation there is no “jam” mechanic and trying to fire at the wrong time has no effect on when the carbine can be fired again if you set up a macro (or use your finger because you’re a big owner) that clicks every .01s it will fire at max rof, regardless of the hundred times it tries to fire during the carbines fire interval the only jamming mechanic is in your head - since no one’s brain can process “oh damn i clicked at .14s and not .15s, quick finger click again in .01s” in .01s, if you click too early you’ve doomed yourself to whatever your reaction time is this goes for all semi automatic weapons in apb
  17. i’d like orbit to put the mask on armas just so there’s no more entitled threads whining about “exclusives”
  18. crosshair overlays are officially allowed as long as they don’t interfere with game files
  19. there is no significant change without the engine upgrade it's less of a "the engine upgrade will save apb" situation and more of a "no engine upgrade will kill apb" situation
  20. the engine is necessary to make the significant changes that would affect matchmaking and threat distribution, among other much needed revamps
  21. the atac was not nerfed within a month of its release, in fact it received several buffs within a year afaik
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