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Everything posted by vsb

  1. how sick would it be for mattscott to bust in your door wearing full tactical gear tho
  2. there's not much to discuss at the moment, along with the slow and steady population drop
  3. there was no need for population to complete the tutorial, it was ditched because new players got stuck there once the tutorial was “finished” since they didn’t know how to switch districts, and eventually they just quit because the game looks empty and dead also i suspect another factor was people abusing the training districts to ramraid/mug with no consequences
  4. as said above the scout does 550 health damage and there’s no accuracy-based damage mechanic, so it will 2 shot almost all players from 0-90m a player wearing kevlar 2 or kevlar 3 will require 3 shots note that if the enemy is wearing ca3 (like almost everyone does), after the first shot and once the scout is ready to fire again you’ll have .8s (.9s with cj3) to land the second shot before they regen enough health to survive i think it’s very unlikely that the scout gets nerfed, despite being a pretty great gun it has significant drawbacks that leave it well balanced
  5. your grasp of reality is tenuous at best
  6. ruined is a strong word hvr gameplay definitely feels annoyingly clunky but 850 damage makes up for a lot
  7. vsb


    we tried that with shotguns already
  8. thank you for your input mr. cheater
  9. i can only hope that whoever wrote the riot lore has since been fired and blacklisted from the industry
  10. 100 bucks gets you on the dethreater whitelist tho, what a value :^)
  11. this is the exact scenario i pointed out earlier that can make 2v2s unfun, but it applies to pretty much any mission size and realistically having 2 overevolved apes on your team instead of 1 isnt going to make a difference, except you'll probably spend 30 minutes waiting first
  12. nice, there's even a character on there i haven't seen before
  13. while technically true i do think the /abandonmission 1v1s should also be stopped, if that's even possible
  14. double the people, double the matchmaking wait time as far as im concerned i'd rather get the same 2v2 opp over and over again than wait for 30 minutes to get a 3v3 with some rando extra teammate tacked on
  15. 1v1s i understand, but 2v2? i get that they aren't very fun if you or your teammate can't handle themselves but i can't even imagine how badly that would further break matchmaking
  16. keep fighting the good fight brother
  17. every smg sucks compared to the pmg, but i consider the pmg to be out of balance i imagine the buffed norsemen guns slotting in as longer ranged capable smgs like the curse or the c2, except where those guns are limited by the requirement to tap/burst fire the norsemen can make use of the large mag and accuracy to consistently ballpark a (slightly higher) min ttk
  18. i'd like to see it be a more accurate smg with a large magazine but higher ttk/stk rather than another knockoff oca rng-fest something like the nano is to the fbw, except for primary weapons
  19. i think i'd rather see the norsemen get a massive hipfire accuracy buff and a slight rof buff to bring them somewhere around .75s ttk, but stay 10stk no real idea what to do with the mods and wacky mechanics, tbh the norsemen seem like they were intended to be legendaries but even g1 thought another joker box might have been a little much
  20. pretty much, it would just instantly turn into "orbit why haven't you banned this obviously blatant cheater yet?" not good for anyone
  21. no mention of the /report system the conspiracy continues brothers, stay vigilant
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