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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i wouldn't mind that either but i'd like to see individual icons for each mod - spotter, flare gun, tagger (maybe even the custom ones from legendaries)
  2. should fit nicely right next to the "witnessable" indicator under the radar
  3. proper balance doesn't require 2.1 to do, although frankly i don't believe orbit is capable of doing it on either engine
  4. the shield is already meta, not like there would be any difference other than getting rid of a pointlessly complicated system
  5. how about we just make consumables permanent mods so no one has to think about this again?
  6. im 99% certain you can't get any 3slot weapons from gold boxes, altho there are a few permanent 1slots available iirc
  7. it'd be nice to know the odds as well
  8. but we're right in the middle of a 4th of july event, that was posted on the blog and on the forums?
  9. im not even sure why the gold boxes are considered gambling, you don't even pay for them technically little orbit saw fit to announce the regular joker box odds, in what i assume was a preemptive move before sony/microsoft required it, but we were never told the gold box odds - i always assumed that was because the gold boxes didn't count as loot boxes
  10. the 35% discount was pretty cool, unless that gets applied via joker store as well?
  11. this is honestly probably the greatest idea anyone has ever had for apb
  12. you can just restart apb, always fixes it for me iirc you can trigger this by tapping A and D (or whatever your left and right movement keys are) too frequently within x time
  13. can confirm - picked ntec because i had dreams of being a big owner, 5 years later still no sign of apb skills
  14. what are you going to change everyone's name too?
  15. the spawn system breaks down when there's not enough map space to have an equal area 360 degrees around the objective(s) - the worse the imbalance the more the system breaks, up until you're right at the edge of the map and opposing teams can end up spawning essentially on top of each other the spawn system also doesn't take the actual map into account (buildings, waterways, bridges, etc), which can lead to some pretty subpar spawn options these are my two biggest issues, and i don't think there's an easy fix for either one tbh
  16. don't want to take away from the outreach and transparency, but i think it would be a good idea for little orbit to look into some kind of stream team or pr team or something - a very small group of player volunteers that are dedicated to making streams/showcases/broadcasts look a little more polished and flow better i think it would do a lot to prevent little issues and (hopefully) free up mattscott, or whoever is featured, a bit more
  17. i'm not sure you understand how chargebacks work but that would mean holding items for months after the initial purchase, i don't think that's really an effective solution
  18. you could gift someone an armas purchase, then initiate a chargeback, and both accounts would be banned
  19. gifting was removed because of chargeback abuse/exploitation iirc would be nice to have it back, especially now that joker tickets are a purchasable option
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