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Everything posted by vsb

  1. vsb

    Texture fix PS4?

    its not like theres much to say, its a pretty straightforward suggestion
  2. the consequences of a soft ban for breaking unwritten rules
  3. that would kind of negate the whole ease-of-use schtick the atac was designed around
  4. console patches have to be approved by sony/microsoft, so they'll likely always be slower than pc that and the fact that the consoles are running a different engine
  5. some of the staff are at gamescon afaik, likely the reason communication has slowed down for the moment
  6. the thread itself is no longer visible ( https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/408600-why-did-you-stop-broadcasting-bans/ ), but they have not said that fairfight has been removed, just that some features have been disabled additional confirmation from mattscott on discord, fairfight is still running beside batteye
  7. fairfight did not ban for scroll wheeling fairfight is still here btw, it just doesnt broadcast bans anymore
  8. 9 / 10 really liked the percussion ez listening
  9. a little late to the party
  10. they only had one contest for the joker store clothing/cars, it was right before we got tiggs iirc i agree it would be cool to have it be a semi regular thing
  11. laughs in atac 'mercenary'
  12. well it doesnt have a 90m dropoff so im going to have to say its not a sniper
  13. the shredder was always intended to be a close-midrange shotgun, it trades the raw damage and fast ttk for dominating cqc for the tight spread and marksmanship modifiers to compete further out 25m-30m barely scratches the mid range of assault rifles (read: ntec), the shredder instead directly competes with the carbine and the atac - both of which are better than it imo
  14. semi automatic weapons are balanced around their theoretical min ttk scroll wheeling does not change that theoretical min ttk therefore scroll wheeling does not unbalance semi automatic weapons
  15. where did you get your percentage numbers?
  16. a partial rebalance was probably all we needed, but with the way orbit has jumped in with both feet and made some fairly sweeping changes its probably a safe bet that theyre going to touch a majority of the weapons (at the very least)
  17. theres an actual player to player trading system in the works, where each player has to post and agree with the trade before accepting it with said trading system on the way this is likely just a way for them to cut down on support tickets in the meantime (trade at your own risk until the secure option makes it through testing), since they said nearly a third of all support tickets received are about scams advertising as a middleman was a bannable offense iirc, since the official Trusted Trader program was shut down due to several trusted traders using their official status to scam people this would qualify as RMT and has always been against the ToS, save for a very brief time when GM Trading was allowed regardless of how dumb i think one has to be to get scammed, the support cutoff was kind of premature at the time it sounded fine since the trading system was complete it just needed testing, but its been a few weeks now with no news
  18. havent posted in a while, heres some uninspired cityscapes
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