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Everything posted by vsb

  1. regardless of how i feel about joker boxes the fact remains that while technically (legally) you might receive your 99g1c worth for a 3day lease, in reality the more permanent weapons you buy from armas the less value those 3day leases have while spending money does keep the lights on, this isnt a kickstarter or a gofundme - little orbit is selling a product and if its not good enough people wont buy it simply out of the good of their hearts
  2. vsb

    similar games to apb?

    unfortunately apb is pretty unique when it comes to actual gameplay, so if you dislike the direction you're kind of screwed on the bright side that uniqueness is a large part of what has kept apb alive the last few years also shredder is fine, how are you getting sniped at 100m with it
  3. i made a clan symbol bro wrong section btw
  4. im implying that the only thing that improved rifling affects is the rof and the range, neither of which would affect burst fire the way you claim
  5. there is always hope young padawan
  6. if it doesnt affect the bullets within each burst then there should be no affect on the burst grouping
  7. idk if that tracks, since really all you're suggesting is to make missions equally unbalanced also not sure how it would work with final stages
  8. judging by the thousands ive spend on joker boxes yes
  9. i think i prefer the one we have now, and just allow weapons to be manually reordered
  10. i agree the spawn system needs an overhaul but imo its something that needs to be done manually, and therefore its a pretty huge task
  11. vsb

    Fisherman cap/Old rank

    like zombiebiscuit said, the 40 different threat levels (10 per color) are still present and still used for matchmaking - they just arent shown visually bucket hats are essential tho
  12. by that logic if all the missions become 3 attack stages and 3 defense stages all that will happen is more ties
  13. vsb

    nerfing ltl

    everyone already has that rolled into their character by default, the mod used to be called Energizer and it was -15% incoming stamina damage iirc
  14. 6 / 10 chase music more workout music
  15. improved rifling affects the time between bursts, the obir with ir3 currently has a ttk around 1.41s it doesnt affect the bullets fired within each burst
  16. you want longer spawn distances? i dont think thats dependent on the engine upgrade
  17. debundle everything its seems like orbit is working on it a few items at a time, the last few patches have all included a few debundled items
  18. this hasnt been a thing for a few years now, the popup when you select a district with an "incorrect" threat level is just a confirmation that you realize your threat and the district threat dont match
  19. vsb

    Income Feature

    sounds a little like less profitable ram raiding, which makes it kind of useless id like to see cash rewards for nonpremium players increased slightly tho, if only to allow them to have a better leased weapon arsenal from week to week
  20. im not entirely sure if it could be adapted to ladders, but if we could get the same mechanic as objectives - where if you're close to it but physically blocked they can still be completed - that would be a good solution
  21. i still havent eaten, i think im a vampire count chocula
  22. did you just rate yourself? 4 / 10 the other ending was better perfect asap rocky sample
  23. false there was a whole thread about it actually
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