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Everything posted by vsb

  1. doubtful, it will most likely either be a patch (albeit a very large one), so if you dont have the correct game version you wont be able to log in an entirely new client, in which case you obviously have to have the right client keeping two versions of apb running at once would cost at least double the resources, since theyre essentially completely different games
  2. sprint delay is based on a weapon's rof iirc yeah https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/378532-patch-1191-709-wednesday-10-am-utc/?p=4029444
  3. would LMGs keep their current ttks with this new system? i think the shaw/euryale would be .6s-.65s and the alig would remain .72s - .72s would actually be a decent ttk for some of the "hybrid" weapons
  4. vsb

    balance suggestion

    each threat color has 10 internal levels that are not shown visually, so in reality we have 40 different threat levels
  5. it’s a pretty great nfa9 alternative the jb variant is kind of insane, accuracy wise, but the lower rof makes it slightly more risky
  6. a search function would be nice, going through 50 pages of symbols and clothing is really annoying
  7. probably where battleye does it’s thing
  8. vsb

    balance suggestion

    so your genius idea is to punish people for getting better at the game? its getting harder and harder to tell what’s satirical these days
  9. tbh theres no real reason these shouldnt be turned into fully customizable options, making them preset-only is a pretty big slap in the face for 10k JT
  10. yeah theres a permanent 20% off now
  11. 8 / 10 for those vocals, tracks a little to horizontal tango sounding for me tho
  12. i honestly like this idea a lot, instead of expanding outward make the districts feel "larger" by adding more interiors and rooftops to the current maps
  13. vsb

    nerfing ltl

    really undermining your own credibility tbh
  14. vsb


    these downsides cancel out the negatives if heavy barrel forces you to shoot slower, then theres no reason to use it, you could just shoot slower yourself without using the mod if improved rifling reduces your damage theres no reason to use it, since that 15% damage would likely increase the stk making the mod useless seems fine, altho i doubt it will ever be used for anything but ramraiding no, all money sinks should stay besides, orbit is adding a trading system that has no tax
  15. id guess we'll get the engine update as soon as they patch it into the live version
  16. does it not take off less than a tenth of a second from the obir/oscar?
  17. calm down it’s just a change for burst fire weapons, it’s not going to ruin the game
  18. i remember it used to go back and forth from 6stk to 7stk every other patch lol
  19. i feel like they should have just left double b in the loading screen image grab, she has a lot of blue, it would have tied the whole thing together a little more imo btw when is the thunder actually to be released, my wallet has blue balls
  20. 6 / 10 wish i could understand the lyrics
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