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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Just force merge the current accounts who still have not logged in, that way we can at least check if they are used or not.
  2. I tested the OSCAR and OBIR's max rate of fire with and without CJ3. Guess what? APB BROKE! The firerate became random, making it impossible to test. GG. I'm NOT being sarcastic, The OSCAR and OBIR stopped firing consistently after using a macro on them. The single fire and full auto weapons still worked, so I think it's a bug. I can say this much, the stats on APBVault may not be accurate. 0.175 was too slow for the OSCAR. I remember a while back testing it and it was around 0.158, but I can't test it now because well, APB's broken.
  3. Technically it does on some weapons, because they have less time to recover from bloom, but that's not how the mod works.
  4. Give players the option to auto refill without charging them more. You shouldn't get punished for wanting to shoot in a shooter.
  5. Unless this is a change in last weeks patch, CJ should still reduce the time needed between clicks. It's minimal, but enough to determine if your misclick shoots or not. Eh, I'll test it out with a macro. Hopefully BE doesn't freak out.
  6. Cooling jacket is good on everything that doesn't have a higher per shot modifier than it's shot modifier cap. The mod description is a bit misleading, it should specifically say which modifier it affects. The proper way to do it would be to display the changes on the weapon itself like it does on db.apbvault.net It depends on the weapon and the capability of the user. Weapons like the ALIG and DMR perform worse, while the OSCAR and OBIR perform better because they will never reach the shot modifier cap. The Joker carbine works better if you don't spasm your entire mag. The N-TEC had a much greater benefit when it had the curved bloom mechanic because you could get your burst shots out faster, without affecting the overall bloom per shot enough to hurt it within it's max damage range. Now it's not as useful.
  7. Put all vehicle kits that were made by G1 on sale. They all look like massive tumors.
  8. THERE IS MORE TOXIC COMMUNITY THAN US? I don't believe it, you liar. Ever been in a single PUBG lobby? Nothing but Chinese spambots and preteens yelling wigger with an n. Can't get put in the backseat if you don't have one. taps head I should put THIS EDITOR SUCKS! in a macro because seriously, this editor really sucks. I can't even type something above a quote without deleting all the text.
  9. Here's why: - Over complicated login screen. - New content is encrypted. - Shaders are recompiled on startup, even though they don't need to be. - HUD, and some other content is compiled on startup. - More content in general. - Packages split into smaller files (good for keeping weekly patches small, bad for loading times).
  10. They also lifted all PunkBuster bans. They did pretty much unban everyone, with fraud and a few other things not being included. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just saying what they did.
  11. Or that parking building with cars that explode by themselves on random. Especially objective ones. And the invisible vehicle corps that you can push onto the ramps to troll people,
  12. I don't think LO meant to take away a feature. They probably rewrote that function while attempting to fix something else. At least now they'll know that we preferred auto resupplying on spawn.
  13. Yes. Those bars are useless. They're not accurate, and even if they were, it would be difficult to tell the difference between 495 and 500 (OBIR damage).
  14. If you send mail to another character with an attachment, it will be deleted after X days. This has caused me to lose mods and symbols on characters I don't play very often. Can we have this limitation removed?
  15. I don't remember the details, It could have been an unintended side effect when they removed the delay when resupplying with 0 ammo. It was 2014 or earlier so pretty far back. Regardless, buying ammo was one of the worse features in APB. It's suppose to be a shooter, not an inventory management simulator. And wow does this editor suck.
  16. It was not a bug. It was intentionally done by Reloaded. It should not have been reverted.
  17. Release an unnerfed version of the VAS C2 with open slots, called 'Tumor'.
  18. All this IR change did was make me never use IR3. The reduction in TTK makes the weapons useless in their intended role, and the increased range doesn't push them far enough outside their intended role to justify reducing their closer range capability.
  19. I rather have the marksman's mode field of view be the same for all weapons, and adjustable. APB is limited to 100M range, you don't even need zoom to accurately aim.
  20. I argue every kit G1 made is a pathetic mess. Every single one of them look like a 5 year old just downloaded Misfit modeler for the first time. None of the body lines match previous kits, there's parts sticking out all over the place, some models look like they got corrupted saving, missing textures, cube shaped exhausts, etc. I really hope LO can separate the body panels into more sections. I hate how the roofs are often linked to window panels and bumpers to fenders/quarter panels.
  21. Would it be possible to get the true weapon stats displayed in game? I can edit the localization files to replace the weapon descriptions with stats pulled from APBvalut, but I would like official in game stats.
  22. It's a huge difference in events and fightclub. I barely get 80fps in a full fightclub, but with the HUD off it's 140+.
  23. First person gives you better line of sight when in very close cqc combat. Often I cannot see the other player because the camera zooms in on my characters head. Making your own character model transparent would fix that issue too.
  24. Crazy Idea. Make shotguns more accurate with less pellet spread, reduce damage to 600 JG, 550 CSG, 450 NFAS. Revert pellet damage change so all pellets deal the same damage. Revert rate of fire to slower rate of fire pre G1 buff/nerf. Give them the same damage dropoff as SMGs. Then, slightly buff SMG and AR accuracy so they can be used more effectively so shotguns are still outgunned past 15M. BAM, balanced!
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