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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. I have the old Real Time Worlds version with all the music files extracted. I can upload them if you want. The music files are about 1GB uncompressed.
  2. Try turning off contact markers in the UI, as suggested in a similar thread. I have never experienced this issue and I play with the contact markers turned off. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/15499-map-points/?do=findComment&comment=196343
  3. Are you no longer using AWS as a provider?
  4. They want to unlock all the content, so they can play with it. What's the point of unlocking 3 slot weapons when you can't use lvl 3 mods under rank 40. Want to unlock aviator sun glasses as a crim? You need to unlock Michael Simeone and level him to 4. You can't unlock him if you only have 1 active mission district. I might be wrong, but from memory the random symbol rewards are also locked behind specific contacts. EDIT: The old APB:DB shows symbols that are unlocked per contact: http://old.apbdb.com/contacts/Waterfront_E2/#random
  5. BlatMan

    constant crashing

    If you use custom mission titles it could be causing it. I had the same crash due to one of the localization files not updating. Try deleting everything in this folder, then run a repair on the launcher. APB Reloaded\APBGame\Localization
  6. Being able to attach multiple items to the same email would be a good alternative.
  7. It's common in rural areas of the US and Canada. There's usually one 1 ISP available, and the ISPs take advantage of it. It doesn't matter which one, they all do it. They'll even throttle streaming services like Netflix, and require Netflix to pay extra to not be throttled.
  8. BlatMan

    Med spray.

    Medspray wouldn't be an issue if it didn't bug out and let the user continue to heal while taking damage.
  9. Before the nerfs, when you switched to the HVR, it would not start out with max bloom, it would have the base accuracy. As long as you stopped moving before you switched to the HVR, there was no RNG involved in landing the shot. It's hypocritical to claim they didn't want RNG weapons in cqc when they neutered shotguns to the point that they are literally RNG cannons in cqc.
  10. You can miss all of your pellets due to the RNG pellet spread, and with a damage dropoff of 7M, the damage output is extremely inconsistent in cqc combat. The HVR would always deal the damage, and before the nerfs, it's base accuracy was tight enough to land hits in cqc 100% of the time.
  11. IBM Model M. I still use it, but the 2-key rollover is getting annoying. Unicomp still make this keyboard, but didn't fixed the n-key rollover.
  12. I still don't get why APB uses the installation folder to store settings. It should be using the "%appdata%" folder to store user settings, not it's installation directory. This would allow APB to run without admin rights, and allow users who share the same PC to have different options saved between their windows profiles.
  13. My 10yo $25 CPU runs this game over 100fps. What kinda hardware you running that can't handle APB?
  14. Having the option to disable themes has improved the experience for me. I used to delete the instruments folder and miss out on all the cool songs people write. Now I can listen to people's custom songs as they drive by, without getting ear raped mid mission. The mods are not hunting you down. I apologize if this sounds offensive. Many of your posts are hard to read. If English is not your native language, write your posts in both English and your native language to clear up any translation errors.
  15. For everyone wanting to play, run the launcher and get the latest updates now so you don't have to download everything on the weekend when everyone else is trying to download it.
  16. You're probably missing the Visual C++ redistributes, or the installation for those files is corrupted. Normally, Steam automatically installs these when you download a new game. The installers for these are located inside APB's folder. Right click APB Reloaded in Steam. Go to Properties. Go to the Local Files tab. Click Browse Local Files. Go to APB Reloaded\TPI\ Go into each VC200 folder. Run vcredist_x86.exe. Do this one at a time. After running all of them, restart your PC. Once restarted try launching APB.
  17. If you like playing APB, then stream it. Getting lots of views is all about luck.
  18. I use custom desktop logo. It overlays the picture on the game. http://customdesktoplogo.wikidot.com/download
  19. Enable the line feed command "\n" on the weapons description UI element and I can get all the weapon stats added to the descriptions cleanly.
  20. Meanwhile I get kicked for being "afk" while shooting other players.
  21. For APB? No change. First generation i7's can get over 100fps in APB, and over 120fps when overclocked. After the engine upgrade, I think there's going to be even less of difference since the newer UE3 builds have better multithreading support. If you're on a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th gen Intel Quad-Core CPU, then I can see there being a significant jump, but only with the new engine. This is all speculation though. We have the beta test coming up. Better off going by that than what we currently have.
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