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Everything posted by KnifuWaifu

  1. Any player who thinks KD is worth a damn is the real trash. KD is easy. PTFO is hard. Heck I'm going add that supporting PTFO is even harder! Not only do you nerf your own rewards but you're tasked with defending the one who is trying to Ram that Raid, Carry that Barrel, or Defend that VIP, trying to grab the attention of 2-6 enemies while they all should be focused on that one PTFOing sob is a damn hard job and should be worthy of more praise of the highest praise; "Thank you for your service." o7 How does this work? And how does it differentiate between intentional and accidental team damage? But I support the idea of giving toxic players a debuff of sorts, although back in the day being bronze/green was considered bad and now we've got people dedicated to being max ranked bronzes, so it wouldn't surprise me if some players would be more than happy to crawl around with movement/weapon/vehicle locks and still keep griefing. Maybe a timeout of being able to press K? Or if they gain too many debuffs they're simply kicked from the server, having to reload the districts and even miss your place in a full district is probably more than enough punishment for most casually toxic players.
  2. This. Don't just ask for moar stabba and not make a suggestion as if LO have a secret whiteboard covered with new Stabbas and are just waiting for the right forum thread to pop up so they can unleash a new stabba era of stabbas. Seriously what more could they possibly add to the stabba range that isn't already there or won't just be a slight variation? This. x10 You answered my question above perfectly. Moar stabba but totally outside the box and a vehicle mod to boot so it adds to the stabba arsenal instead of trying to replace an existing part of it - this is such an awesome idea I can already see the raging-fuelled posts that will pop up in response to having this sort of thing in the hands of a competent enforcer.
  3. Speaking of JT vehicles. Let's take this: And change it to this:
  4. Rich is when you can outright buy those items that sit at the end of the queue on the Marketplace that are just meant to be there to advertise the fact that that player has neat stuff and you need to message them in game to trade with them. Other than that $APB has no real value. Come back when you have 100 million JTs.
  5. Brainstorming is good. A log in reward would be better than a mission reward on the basis of what I said earlier with the rewards being against the favour of newer players. But I still feel that Premium needs to give LO a profit somehow, maybe in addition to the idea they give away Premium more often, but in hourly parts (although for most a 1 Day Premium is basically an hourly thing). Like if they buy JMBs it automatically comes with 1-2hours premium or anything from ARMAS the more G1C the more Premium attached. I know there are those loyalty rewards but again a casual player is going to get more value out of hourly premiums or 1-3 day premiums than they'll get out of a 15 day lump sum. I know for myself I have at stack of 10-15 day Premium Codes which I don't want to use simply because I haven't had 10-15 days I can set aside to play APB.
  6. I support this idea but can see why it is not smart revenue wise. I barely play a few hours per week so 30 days or even 15 days of paid premium would take like half a year to use up and I don't think any overpaid suit with windows calculator is going to think it is a good idea to go from earning $10 a month to $5 a year but the consequence of that is that I don't buy Premium so they're really getting $0 an forever. It'll be hard to find a solution that both benefits LO and is more [casual] player-friendly without screwing over the frequent players than the current model. I thought about this too - effectively increasing the cost of Premium but then it runs in to the problem of in order for it to be worthwhile for LO they might need to increase the cost significantly to the point where those playing often simply won't be able to afford Premium. How about having 2 types of Premium - 1 Monthly based, 1 Play Time based. Monthly stays the same price per hour but Play Time is more expensive Premium per hour at some happy value that's somewhere between the place where the casuals are happy and the glorified suits with windows calculator are happy and only ticks down during time played. Or having one that ticks slower? When not logged in it ticks down at half or a quarter the time? Or having it so like when you log in you "spend" 24 hours worth so if you logged in at 6PM Sat you get until 6PM Sun. If you're still logged in at 7PM Sun that's another day spent whether you play for 1 hours or 24 hours. If you're not logged in at 6PM Sun or 601PM Sun it doesn't spend another day? Nicer for the casuals, frequents still get the same but it will suck for those who just log in and out to check mail or something and bam that's a day spent. Also what if they just want to buy from ARMAS? Does website log in count? Or just being able to pause it? I think I like this idea. Oh man this is tough. I use windows calculator in standard view so this is way above my pay grade. So like a mission reward? This seems nice as it really would help those who just want a few hours to make that one tweak on their 30 layered vehicle or clothing item but at the end it is just giving away free stuff and I don't think that's LO MO plus if it is a random reward it'll be down to RNG and max ranks who no longer need to collect any of the Lore pages or Emotes or any other junk that stops my lowbie characters from getting their share of Yellow Mods will be more likely to earn the free Premium and then players who play more will no doubt have more chances at free Premium too so it becomes the rich get richer scenario where you've got players who max out play time and would benefit the most from buying Premium have no desire to because they're stocked up with free Premium while those who play casually but would like to have Premium for those few hours a week are not going to get as much benefit and still won't buy any Premium.
  7. Didn't see the video but read the synopsis - basically they afk in a 2v2 and seal the deal with a TK at the end. To take some artistic licence - if the described behaviour was /reported and I was a GM and was given the video evidence. I'd send them a warning and record it on their profile and hope the other GMs follow suit, when enough warnings are given out - 3 Day Ban. If it somehow keeps going - 7 Day Ban. If it still somehow keeps going (what is wrong with this player?) - 30 Day Ban and then if they're really really dead set on doing it again - Perma Ban. So really this instance of behaviour isn't ban worthy - life happens and sometimes you gotta afk sometimes you're drunk or just want to fool around or you just hate 2v2 or maybe something that happened off camera inspired you to be a banana. But if it is a repeated action that just shows that that player is intent on ruining the enjoyment of other players aka harassment which is ban worthy after the player has been given enough chances.
  8. It'll just lock out way too many players and I think the heyday of subscription based games is over. The only real way to stop the "hackers" from just creating endless accounts apart from the actual effort it takes to make a new email and account would be some sort of DNA test via samples sent directly to LO HQ that way our accounts are bound to our biological identity and can't be spoofed. Also it limits the amount of accounts hackers can make they'll max out at around 6 or 7 billion and we'll feel slightly better knowing that those who somehow want to make it their hobby to create APB accounts just to get them banned have to go through various means of retrieving DNA samples from non-APB players and I'm going to assume that means poop. So let them sift through other people's poop to play APB I'm fine with my single account. But seriously on the topic of subscription I'd prefer to see the Premium move to a Time Played model than a Calendar Month model because I'm a filthy casual.
  9. Did we just do that thing where we both have the same idea at the same(ish) time and write out it with slightly different plot and characters but it essentially is the same and then people just remember the one idea that was released first and think that other was just a copy based solely on the release time? Anyway I agree and think recreating the RAF program with a longer term rewards scheme in place is a good idea. It will need some heavy thinking and testing to make sure the rewards are not easily exploited and those in the program aren't abusing their privileges. I do like the part where the mentor is given a random newbie based on some basic criteria like a dating website, It will hopefully lessen any exploitation of the system. Like I said before though I do think the rewards should be shared. APB is full of free junk that has been given out over the years and new accounts have really missed out on some variety of items because they didn't happen to log in and exploit at a specific time period. And the anti-toxicity needs to work both ways - we can't have newbies reporting the mentors for abuse because the mentor refused to give them a free legendary etc.
  10. This might be a good way to bring back the RAF program except with longer term goals in mind to try and tilt the rewards towards those really making an effort to mentor new players rather than just getting them to sign up and play for a few hours. If they put thought into it with input from SPCT and the community they could really work out a good list of what makes a good SPCM member and what sort of milestones determines a well-mentored player worthy of rewarding that SPCM member or better yet sharing the rewards gear up the new players with some of that RAF junk so they're not completely restricted to white guns. I'm talking about really long term milestones here like the Newbie reaching rank 150 or earning 10k JTs or reaching the end-game tier level contacts (or spending 5000G1C...). I'm sure more creative minds than mine could make up a list of milestones which are showing of what makes a good player but you get what I mean? It'll be harder to exploit the RAF when the rewards can be months apart or require more effort than just making a smurf account to play for a week and forget about.
  11. Just going to re-plug the idea for a player blacklist. Although it does nothing for player out of mission griefing those in mission at least it will stop them from being grouped with you on any faction. My idea for out of mission griefers? Let's just borrow a great idea from our friends at Black Mirror and block them - if you black list a player suddenly the black listed can't see that player anymore, anywhere, or anytime. Can't grief what you can't see.
  12. We can only conclude that it simply likes you more than me.
  13. Well throw a shrimp on my barbie, I must be doing something wrong. Are you using a VPN? Was your account created in Australia? F Seriously 21% is rough. Although you seem to pay less for G1C than me, so maybe that evens it out...
  14. The 10% GST isn't there? I use PayPal? Did I do it wrong? You mean that thing people use to get Netflix worth watching is actually useful for other things? That's brilliant!
  15. But the sales Tax ruins that illusion. Well it does for Australians - we get charged a tax now. Does the rest of the world get taxed on G1C? Or is it just classic Australia tax?
  16. I thought APB stood for Alpha-Pre-Beta? And we're just playing a game called Reloaded, you know like the Matrix where you can dress up and have lots of guns. This isn't the Matrix?
  17. First make it easier to add new content by updating the game. Then add new content to the game, But if we're adding wishes I would rather they release another season-pass-esque package like the Juggernaut set than another string of JMBs. Juggernaut was dope af, it was like Christmas every month getting that set.
  18. You mean the intersection outside of Double B and Violet Prentiss? These.gif Make it part of the Tutorial arena or yes even better add it to Social, maybe in that giant building not many people go into at the top of the stairs no one is allowed to enter. Of course make the guns only work in that area. It'll have to be at least 105m long though so we can test out explosives. And some sort of programming gymnastics would need to be made to ensure we a) couldn't murder each other b) couldn't leave the range with a weapon. c) not murder each other's targets. It would suck to be trying to work out the ttk on the Harrier only to have a stray rocket plow through your target. Also find a way to add weapon mods to the mix. I mean a gun range is great for mucking around with an ARMAS gun but some folks might want to feel the difference between CJ2 and CJ3 on an PMG etc.
  19. Thank you so much. Getting info on how to find the giveaway was definitely the hard part of the giveaway. After this post I got one in 3-4 clicks. Wish this stuff was stickied. Considering those limitations it's a great car and the small effort needed to claim the giveaway this is a great prize. Shame that Alienware didn't want you to use the alienhead seems counter to the promotion but still great work on the designers for still giving it the Alienware look without the alienhead. See below for my suggestion for future giveaways. This. Is not a bad idea, although it would be a heap of work for a reskin and new kit of a Patriot T25 or Dolton Montane but the essence should be taken in to account - if they're going to giveaway free stuff LO should use that opportunity to promote lesser used vehicles and bring life to the neglected side of APB. Free Redesigned Balkan Varzuga? Do it. New Skin for the STAR? All in. Find stuff that is game statistically neutral or everyone already has access to (like the Calabria or the STAR) and jazz it to breathe new life into it. But that's just me and my boredom with the Vegas + NTec meta that's been going on since time immemorial. And obviously the rewards should balance with the effort needed to claim them. Considering the Alienware vehicle only took a few clicks for someone with an account, it's almost too much to be given a vehicle with more than 1slot.
  20. I don't understand the 0 slots = 127 thing. The Han Veo in the picture shows the opposite - Han Veo = 0 slots, Han Veo 120LX = 1 slot, 220LX = 2slot, etc? If the Calabria 0slot starter was always the 127 the complaint makes sense but then with G1 adding the Spawner onto it turning it into a 1slot doesn't that mean that G1 fixed the naming convention or am I missing a detail? I actually like the car and the Calabria is insanely efficient for what it does - free spawn unit. Considering 90% of games where you use a Spawner some jerk is going to move that car right up against the objective effectively nullifying its spawning slot being able to respawn it for $0 makes it so much more versatile. Players also leave them alone, if you've got a 4x4 armoured Vegas or giant Pioneer 9/10 times the player spawning in it is going to want to ride that thing to the objective or way too close to the enemy. If they spawn in a Calabria? They jump out and avoid that shitty lawnmower like the plague - it's too slow and weak for anything other than a free spawn. Every time I am near a Car Spawn on mission I just hit E and inflate one of those bad boys and I'm all set for a random spawn point. Even better when I spawned one 2 missions ago and it's still sitting in some obscure corner where it becomes relevant again when a totally different mission arrives. It's the perfect spawn and forget vehicle.
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