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Everything posted by KnifuWaifu

  1. Every time a gif only post is made a forum mod gets its wings.
  2. Some people were clearly confused by these questions.
  3. Non-premium peasant here - I don't lease any slotted weapons so I translated that into "It's so hard I don't even bother trying" which the closest value is a 1 on the scale. Hope that helps.
  4. Well said and I totally agree much of what you said is what makes APB such a great game. Or the hyperlink style heading. Definitely true but imo I think it a combination of praising APB going against the meta and also that some of us aren't as eloquent wordsmiths as @AlishaAzure and @Nyarai and can only express our support in the form of little white hearts in a blue circle.
  5. Yes! So much. The glossy/shiny textures on some items needs to calm the fuck down. They definitely need a slider or even an option to turn it off. I hate that I can't equip some items without looking like some sort of latex-clad fetish freak. (Looking at you Pestilence gear.)
  6. They could let us buy more Clothing and Outfit Slots, that would keep me from buying adult things for quite some time. Seriously how have you bought everything on ARMAS and used it all? Oh. Oof slim pickings this week.
  7. Ah. Well spotted. I did not think about that. Although it would be hilarious to watch a single bronze player run around freely doing every objective while the enemy can do nothing but watch it will probably get old quick.
  8. Why don't they just make players with lower threat always appear grey/invincible to higher threat players until they hurt/damage the higher threat player? Bonus points making Bronze/Greens always appear grey to Golds or if a Gold kills too many Bronzies, they becomes permanent N/P5 until they leave the server.
  9. I found and redeemed the code and I swear I got 2 G1C and not 1. Does that mean I'm like in a second place group of reward tier? Sure you say not overly complicated but I know for a fact that getting a smooth line on a vehicle like that red one is some expert level magic.
  10. I have no idea what you mean Thank You Ketog, Very Cool!
  11. If APB is so dated, can we built some sort of ultimate 2008 machine to run APB perfectly? Is there a CPU and GPU out there with just one massive solid overpowered core?
  12. Can't conc anything when you just use percs. I'm guessing they had all primaries with no real AV potential too. And no doubt probably followed up that mission with a post asking for Car Spawners to be removed. Speak of the devil.
  13. Someone made a post about Steam servers improving their DDOS attack protection but it was shot down because APB has private servers. But the question remains - are Steam servers a possibility?
  14. Is it really an early start if I technically never stopped "holidaying".
  15. Ideally, well... ideally ideally there would be a Brewfest-level type of event with activities and beer and weird rabbits (snakes?) that only appear when we're totally smashed or a daily where we have to chase/lead snakes out of San Paro for our prize. The final prize being beer which works like the brick but instead stuns (or "intoxicates") the victim. But ain't nobody got time for that so ideally there would be a "St. Patrick's Day" set and every year we log in to get the next piece until we're all leprechauns but this hat is nice for those who missed out.
  16. My only wish is that these sexy helmets make it onto the players somehow (and some extra clothing/outfit slots to go with them).
  17. What about the sense of entitlement that comes from saying "I've been playing since the RTW days?" and being able to recall memories of playing APB "when it was good"? But really that's a bit of a cop-out, 0-slot JG? There should be an exclusive skin or title or something. I mean in hat simulator we got a hat and that's a pretty neat thing to have to be able to laud that hat above all the fresh meat and say "That's right I was there at the beginning and paid money for this like a shmuck."
  18. Did those who played in the RTW version get anything?
  19. Yes. I feel like those reacting to heavily negative to the screenshot are trying to sanitize APB in to some sort of Safe Space™ where everyone uses the same weapon, drives the same car, lines up in firing lines, commanders ride out and exchange terms, then everyone fires rainbows and a fanfare plays and everyone wins and gets to go home with a participation ribbon. I think NPC traffic is worse because they don't "see" or at least how a person would see their only sight is directly in front of them and they only interact when something either occupies that small area or runs directly into them. Example of this is how many times a player can be driving down a street with sirens blazing and an NPC vehicle will just cut right across their path with no fucks given. They have no awareness what so ever. Even if a player tries to "play by the traffic rules" NPC vehicles don't "see" the player vehicles and even if the player has right of way the NPC vehicle will plow into them or cut them off. It rustles my jimmies so much the only time you'll see me in a dumptruck is when I'm exacting revenge on the traffic by playing street sweeper against any NPC vehicle. See, now that sounds like fun. There are so many ways to counteract this low level "griefing" we don't need to be safety padding the whole game just for something that is more added flavour to San Paro than the horrible toxic element it is made out to be.
  20. Agree. This has to be the worse blocking I've seen there is a path way to both sides you can easily get around this "blockade". To answer the question: I don't think road blocking in the streets is all that bad unlike blocking a garage exit there are plenty of ways around San Paro if one street is blocked. The guys above aren't even blocking major street so this barely counts as griefing. And even if they were blocking a major thoroughfare like I said there are plenty of other ways around this is a minor traffic inconvenience not a major mission ending griefing session. Yes it is a dickmove and it really depends on how long they put up with it if they are there for hours and actively causing chaos like herding other vehicles into the blockade, blasting loud music or voip spam and harassing anyone politely asking them to gtfo then its time for a GM to intervene. Other than that just go around that area is a clusterfuck on a good day so why you'd want to use it for any sort of uninterrupted travel is beyond me.
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