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Everything posted by KnifuWaifu

  1. Yesss. They should bump up all the rewards. Maybe balance some but only balance them up, not down. Most reviewers are borderline crayon eaters and just see the existence of a Cash Store = P2W. Although I don't blame new players entering the game and seeing gold/purple guns everywhere and thinking that it is P2W, it takes time and experience to realise all the different avenues for gaining new weapons. And the ultimate god tier skills to realise that the STAR is the best gun you'll ever get anyway.
  2. I like what LO did to shotguns and to IR - for a time things were fun, it was a great time for LO to experiment with the guns and it was fun to see the meta gtfo. Then y'all had a giant cry about it and they probably won't touch guns ever again.
  3. Damn. I thought this was a new weapon thing and wanted to plug my idea to bring Emma into APB. As far adding to ARMAS is concerned, I think all guns should be available on ARMAS, but some of the special ones should be on the JT store, or heck why not everything on every store? We should cater to everyone's style - some have lots of skill and will grind weapons through achievements and event prizes, some have lots of mom's credit card and will gain weapons through ARMAS, and some just want to grind FC and gain weapons through JTs or some want to just collect in game cash and trade guns on the MH. I don't see the harm in letting all types of gamers a chance to collect guns the only issue is that it upsets the snowflakes who think because they have something then no one else should have it ever and certain guns belong hidden away in Lockers never to see light in San Paro again because you all only use the NTEC anyway.
  4. Thanks guys - I will try this method at least until LO is able to fix it with a patch or something. And tbh that Catcher is actually quite annoying - current issue aside - the game crashes and I'm already fuming from that and then comes along this Catcher asking me to write an assay on what happened. I wonder if they ever actually get any non-rage-fuelled responses in that empty text box? Edit: Did this with both APBCatcher and Vivox - APB works fine and no longer need to mess with the Task Manager for every session. There goes my theory - but I think the "It not closing after APB closes" is the answer. I too haven't restarted my PC since 3 Feb 2006, so no wonder I've stacked a few APBCatchers.
  5. I use Cheat Engine APB Advanced Launcher. Could that be it? My theory was it was opening a Catcher for every Chrome tab to steal my cryptocurrency.
  6. Phew long thread is long, I just want to say that I only reason I enter bronze to play against golds. This. This comment is so gold it should be the one ashamed to go near the bronze server. Winner chicken dinner. Bro Team Pill best video ever.
  7. It just takes 9 months, but you get a new team mate.
  8. This would be great it reminds me of the WoW PvP queue system. Not that we need something so elaborate with little horns going when a pvp match is ready (we do) but a queue system that allows us to do other stuff would be really, really, really nice especially for RIOT since I'm not sure about others but I cannot see the RIOT servers so the only way to find if a match is brewing is to join the empty carless district and press M and sit there and watch the population counters go up and down. Don't get me wrong reducing it to 8 players is great but for Jericho that 8 is still going to encounter an amount of waiting which some people ain't go no time for, if we have a queue system it would surely get more people involved since it is a more passive way of joining that doesn't involve that empty district sad times. And really for the third act this should be in the works - RIOT is our programmer's proving grounds yeah? Where they can learn the code and see what crazy stuff they can do to APB and learn in the process while still making something available to players? What a better flexing of that coding muscle than putting some awesome QoL changes into the mode which can then be ported over to FC or even Mission Districts? (Queuing for WF while in Fin, because we all know players are more likely to join where other players are playing, even if it is against their progression interests rather than sit and wait on the chance they'll trigger a domino effect and get a healthy WF district going.)
  9. At this point we might as well just If we're going Rice, we might as well go full RICE. But honestly, that prototype looks 90% complete to me. Wonder what happened to it? If I was to guess I'd say the IO Growl stole its specs but not its body. This is really good and we all know it is possible because who hasn't had their car bug out and become a giant moving spray symbol? DAE think that RIOT was going to bring in a whole lot of new para-military stuff like armoured vehicles like this? More equipment like wearable RIOT shields and better helmets? And more LTL but for both sides? Or did I just read waaay too much into this picture?
  10. Well shoot. I guess other than what I said before - a rebuff of all the underused vehicles to make them relevant again. And of course this masterpiece: OH I thought of a mod idea for vehicles - FLARES! Like this: Or this As anti-rocket counter measures, replaces nitro? So you got to activate/launch them with the shift-key. Either they burst out once and you got to time it right with the approaching OSMAW or they fire like in 5 in a row sequence for like 5 seconds - still needs timing but not as much as the burst.
  11. Only 1 wish? I don't want to waste it on making the Moirai 4x4 again - but that one seems the most achievable. But if we're going for genie wishes I mentioned in the Suggestions Forum a mod/update to turn Espacios into Gunships, if we could get that I would be so happy.
  12. 100-200 is actually pretty good since you only need 1000. Smashing out 10-20% of an achievement is good progress. I'm not sure where you're driving to and from but you can get a good circuit going to increase efficiency, but I do agree the cool down on the chopshops/impounds is totally bunk. But at least you get an achievement - no recognition for Enfos returning stolen vehicles. (unless you're into Choi)
  13. Oh my yes. The amount of times changing hairstyles on one outfit makes another go from a 10 to a 2. If the players in that old teaser could changes styles with every outfit, surely we can too?
  14. FC playstyle suits APB way more than RIOT. But no to more cars actually I agree with taking cars out of FC altogether - unless it is a FC Car only mode like Mario Kart. That would be fun.
  15. One change I'd like for Car Surfer is to stop the automatic banning of it from most Holiday Events. The only reason Car Surfer is "OP" is because it turns a disorganised group into a slightly more organised group which we all know for the ntec+perc metas means death, so it gets a ton of hate. As far as allowing "restricted"/heavy guns on vehicles - I'd like to keep that and even go a step further.
  16. Oh I've had the same experiences with both. Unless your premades have some sort of indentured servitude to you or are literal saints with the patience of the gods they can end up rage quitting too if they're the type. Then they play the game of not grouping up ever again which isn't too bad but what's the point of being in a guild if you can't group with the members and yes I've even been kicked from a guild after a particular losing streak.
  17. This is the hardest one to deal with and probably teach others because I think we've all interacted with those people who "group shop" only for the sole purpose of being carried. It's at the point that I just don't accept any group invites even if I had fun because no matter how clear I make it that I suck and just had a good streak, players still want to group up only to rage quit later on or start throwing abuse because my streak ended or we simply went up against better opponents. The purpose of a good matchmaking system is to put you up against ever more challenging players until you lose, so no group is safe. Even the solid gold "hackers" out there end up losing once in a while, 50% of the game has to lose otherwise no one finishes the missions. And I'm not just a victim - I do it too I ask too much from my team and although the difference is I keep it to myself the outcome is the same - raging at friendly players. But the situation is clear - if you find yourself hating on team members the news is - You're the bad team member. It's your fault, not theirs. If you got 2v1ed it's because you ran into a 2v1 situation, other players aren't there solely to bail you out of your bad decisions. The enemy stole the item? Because you weren't defending it. Your team died in a deathmatch? Why didn't you have their backs? The target vehicle blew up? Why didn't you stop that OSMAW set up across the road? Team work goes in both directions and I think more people need to realise that before they start raging at fellow greens.
  18. I love you. I have nothing else to say I am just glad that I am not alone with the sniper-sucking disease. Your story really inspires me to want to keep snipering, thanks man. I would like to put in my vote for these reversions. There it is fellas, Cookie says it's fine, so time to nerf it.
  19. Wow you guys are right, both the SBSRs are in the "Semi-Automatic Rifles" section on ARMAS. I thought one was a SAR and one was a HVR. But both SARs? So feel bad for anyone who dropped money on those things.
  20. I have so many questions, but the biggest is "How?" Like is the secret to great sniping to wear no clothes, blast some sick beats, and slow your PC down after every kill? Also notice how the Anubis, SBSR, and Dog Ear aren't even considered in a discussion on snipers.
  21. Looks like they had to reduce the image quality until it matched the awful pixelation that occurs on most decals when seen outside of the symbol editor.
  22. Sweet, I'm in for the gathering of this group.
  23. We beat this dead horse before and I thought the conclusion of "Gives buffs not nerfs" was the best option. Non-meta vehicles aren't used simply because they're just plain worse than the vegas/pioneer for the cost - if you're going to pay $100 to spawn, you get the best you can for that $100, so goodbye 2 slot growl. I did make a suggestion to Make the Espacio (and Vans in general) a more viable option - I think this should be included in the buff train. I think we need to give vehicles better niches to live in, have one really good at ramming, others good at tanking, or racing, they're kinda there which is why the Vegas reigns over them because it's such an ok all-rounded, but maybe give the other vehicles a buff in their niche strengths to make it worth the effort to spawn them. Or if we're not going to buff at least price their spawns accordingly - everything below a certain tier should be free imo. I tried to look up the operator "->" and still don't understand, so like the Coywolf is better? I'm not sure how they can do it programming wise, make kits gift out buffs, but I think this is a good idea, although it really smells of p2w. Yes. This. They said in that other thread that they nerfed the Moirai from AWD to RWD. They need to return it to its AWD glory.
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