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Everything posted by KnifuWaifu

  1. y'all mean. I'm in, weekends are best for me. Does Jericho have any streamers still alive? We should make it an event or something.
  2. Name Population Enforcers Criminals Unknown 0 0 0 Data checks out - this link is legit.
  3. Where do I sign? But I totally agree, I think if we could at least see how many are waiting to RIOT in the advanced tab we might get more people joining rather than most just not wanting to risk the wasted time loading into an empty district. For those weapons skins of course!
  4. tbh I think even that is a stretch. Off peak I haven't seen above 3 people in that empty "Waiting for Players..." area. Sure doesn't help that the mode isn't visible from the Advanced Tab, I'm guess that's a problem with not letting players join while it is playing a round but if there was someway to show us the empty lobby so we can tell if it's worth joining or not that would be greeeat. But I'd rather free JTs, so give me those 100s!
  5. Ah ha fell straight into my trap, just like all those new RIOT players will. Now go updoot all my posts here.
  6. Me too! Finally a benefit to being an off-peak player. O̷̡̦͓͝ḳ̷̩̿a̷͖͌̿y̶̢͍̪͊,̸̖͛͋ ̵̥͔̰͆̂M̷̹̳̓o̶̫̮̳͗̂̍ņ̸̺̑͋͑ị̷͆k̸̨̙͖̄ą̴͉̞̄̔ Thanks! I love the Game Suggestions section but keep forgetting it exists.
  7. Best idea ever. To fix RIOT for Jericho. Give players waiting in the District 100 JTs every time the "Waiting for Players..." message appears. People will flood to the mode wanting to farm JTs and oh surprise now we're playing RIOT.
  8. That's a good "easy-way" fix to add Crim LTLs. I always liked the idea where Crims could have LTL but they only did it so they could shiv the Enfos after stunning them, but that would take a lot of added animations and scoreboard reworks. Just giving them the same LTL stun-arrest(kidnap) stuff and fluffing it up is a way easier solution.
  9. ikr, we should make a game of it - an open world MMO cops vs robbers style game but with a flair of customisation to make it stand out from the crowd.
  10. What about giving them to Crims? Only because I think the easiest answer is to put the open slot LTL on the JT store, unless LO have a reward space free on the new contacts and are completely stuck as to what to put there and this thread is the answer which if that's the case - you're welcome, I take payment in JTs and Death Theme Music mute options.
  11. potato tomato, whatever works with balance and the rest of the game I just want that customisation.
  12. I am okay with LTL being more difficult to use than lethal. It just makes sense that way plus the rewards for LTL are worth the extra effort. My only suggestion is to someday add 3-slot any slot unmodded LTLs. (Also give LTL to Crims)
  13. Yes. This. Let's bring back this. My thought was that if both Enfs and Crims wanted those empty districts to farm, they'd be forced to duke it out as space becomes a premium and those empty districts become not so empty.
  14. Or - give Enfos a free money option and let us harass the civilians for money by handing out fake tickets, pulling over vehicles, and raiding hideouts. That's the hard way. The easy way would be just to let us do the same thing as the Crims, but change the names around to make it more fluffy. Instead of Mug, it's Extort. Instead of Ram Raid, it's Collect "Evidence", instead of Steal Car it's Reposes?
  15. What about Customisation/"Broken" Theme reports?
  16. I would love another 15JT daily those are my bread and butter bae. I knew I saw them from somewhere - they're in the character selection screen scenes! Finally a name to the faces for a lore-poor noob like me. I'm glad LO did they're homework and slotted them in at tier 3. I'm not going to lie I hate agreeing with you - but here we are being all agreed with.
  17. I don't feel like this is a new thing. Players asking for Legendaries after seeing you play with them has to be a solid 3rd in level of responses behind "P2W noob" and "hacker noob". tbh it's part the reason why I stick to rented guns these days some players just go loopy when they see those golden guns.
  18. As someone whose experience with APB Lore is deleting those fluff emails you get from time-to-time. Are Lucas Van Rooyen and Lynette Casey finally being brought forward after laying dormant in the game's files for years, or are they new creations? But most importantly: What will their Joker Daily Tasks be? Also, I'm guessing Red Hill is a Japanese corp. by the look of all these skins.
  19. Haters gon hate. I think this is the perfect Crim balance to Enfos having lights and sirens. In fact why the hell this wasn't already in the game is beyond my understanding. And can we change our horns already? Some vehicles have 20-something "sound system" mods but only a single horn that sounds like a muppet is trapped under the hood. And seriously if you're not going to give custom horns get rid of the farking "test horn" mouse-over button in the Vehicle Editor. Why is it even there? All vehicles have 1 horn! Hear it once and that's it's, no need for this stupid test feature. FFS the amount of times I've just wanted to change viewing angles on a car and get a "BLARP!" in my ears because I accidentally moused over that f-ing square on the way back for the 800th time.
  20. SPCT with the big ideas. It is sad LO should at the very least bring back the single player no-OP missions so Enfos can grind measly morsels of contact XP while we wait for WF Wednesdays to become real.
  21. I support WF Wednesdays - LO plz ban FN on Wed kthx. I like WF for just being different. But I agree that we need to make Contacts (and JT dailies) available in any District. But I think LO is looking to solve the WF problem with the cross-district queuing thing - it won't help players who simply hate the place but will help those that need it to progress but just like me wanting every gun on every available platform - contacts and dailies should be the same - catering to every player and style. Want to progress 1-255 and max every Contact in FC only? Why not? If you love FC why should you be forced to leave and go somewhere you're not going to enjoy? What is this IRL?
  22. First the cookie crumbles over Golds noob-stomping in Bronze District. Now it's finding out that cheaters exist. I must say that I'm enjoying these cookie chronicles - finding out there is a whole game outside of the Social District!
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