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Everything posted by FakeBungo

  1. yeah they broke APB back in 2018 or something, it was fine before they broke it.
  2. yeah but it is actually their official logic, they said in the Q&A that banning will result in losing players so they don't like to ban people
  3. matt just called me says engine upgrade coming out next week im stoked
  4. yes bros just remove all JT and replace every with cash. no reason to create additional currencies. creating more and more currencies just annoys the player, its bad enough that we have G1C but its a free2play game so we can let that slide. but JT? nah that is cringe, delete JT and replace with cash money.
  5. nah dawg. repair torch is perfectly balanced, the issue with cars is (of the top of my head, i haven't played for months) 1. cars with stupidly high max hp in combination with steel plating 3 2. cars with stupidly large explosive radius in combination with explosives 3 and remote detonator 3. pioneer has same/similar top speed/acceleration as the jericho and the vegas cars (and for crims cars same problem) 4. you can glitch with exiting a car while its moving/drifting and you desync so that the enemy can't tell where you are 5. you can exit cars while moving at top speed and then instantly kill someone with your gun (also exiting the car is too fast, so people with high burn fuel can wait till their car is almost going to explode and then just hop out) 6. you can enter cars super fast so its very hard to kill people before they just hop in their car MAKE THOSE ANIMATIONS WAAAAY LONGER. NERF THOSE NOOB CARS. EZ, GAME FIXED. and the issue with grenades is 1. there is no issue with grenades specifically, the issue is with health regen. when you spam grenades the enemy's health regen is constantly cancelled so they just die eventually because they have no chance to regen health. so basically there should be a change with health regen and make it so grenades need to do ATLEAST 10% hp damage for it to cancel health regen, otherwise u just get brushed by the very very edge of a grenade explosion and ur health regen stops. health regen shouldn't stop just because you are tickled. or like make the edge of the explosion do less damage or whatever. THANK ME LATER, HOPE LITTLE O IMPLEMENTS ALL OF THESE CHANGES AND REVERTS THE OLD CHANGES! GAME WLL BE 9999x BETTER! NP, I DO IT ALL FOR FREE.
  6. i can always start playing APB again if you need to test if the anticheat bans legit players, after all i am the best apb player of all time but before i play APB again I would need the servers to work, preferably not lag like crazy and have reasonable ping also please make me GM so i can ban noob cheaters
  7. LO spends alot of time banning griefers but doesn't care at all about blatant hackers. very strange.
  8. imagine being offended by a japanese symbol. jesus christ you are snowflakes.
  9. DMR is 3 shot kill at close range... have you ever used the gun before? and wtf is non-sense about enforcer and crim players lmao. confused if people on forum even playing the same game as me sometimes. Merged. also the original post of this thread is so incredibly pointless and a joke. of course its made by someone who is a known ________ (REDACTED for ToS), so i'm not surprised that it makes zero sense. next they will be complaining that 319 g1c is triggering their OCD and will demand that every item in armas be rounded to the nearest 100 or else they will sue LO.
  10. are you seriously trying to say using the shield to crash cars is not fun? sounds like ur silver by the rest of your post, imagine not being able to counter grenade spam lmao. wait till you find out that the OPGL exists. wouldn't be surprised if all you do is sit in social and are a dethreater too.
  11. use apb advanced launcher and play on fullscreen windowed https://media.gamersfirst.com/gamersmedia/apb/Advanced_APB_Launcher.zip
  12. FakeBungo


    this is happening to others and we don't know how to fix it. if LO doesn't address it then we will be waiting until the engine upgrade which is probably 1-3 years away.
  13. its basically impossible that my PC or internet is at fault cos i have family in tech background who deal with that for me. i have around 1000mb/s upload and download. the issues with high latency are newish (didn't happen a couple/few years ago). the US East server (which is further than West for me) is extremely bad and i see people teleporting around often. west has decentish ping at 110-120 but it goes up randomly due to LO server provider having issues presumably, or are just simply not good enough quality servers to manage APB... the crashes/freezes people are reporting are happening to people with old and new rigs. i have the exact same PC that i have used for years to play APB and its getting these issues so its definitely not just new graphics cards at fault. basically your game randomly freezes, and if your unlucky it will crash or force you to close the game due to being frozen. there seems to be no way to fix this.
  14. doesn't work. one fix is to exit and re-enter. this bug never used to happen. https://www.twitch.tv/fakebungo/clip/LazyChillyManateeKAPOW-E4DCaOfXENcERxtm
  15. scout is not meant for 70m+ thats what scout means, did you even play APB before?
  16. they will make changes democratically either by the community as a whole, or whatever their SPCT say to do. which is the worst possible way to operate. it should be done systematically to create guns that serve a purpose, not meaningless ideas like "this gun got a lot of kills lately, lets reduce its accuracy by 5%". the best examples of LO's horrible weapon balance are probably the HVR change that meant damage = size of your reticle, and the shotgun change that meant 1st pellet to hit a target does more damage than the last pellet in the spread... two ideas that are not only bad ideas but also the solutions make zero sense at all and are entirely unintuitive.
  17. zero point to randomly changing variables that you don't understand. especially SPCT who are silver/cheaters or LO who don't even play the game.
  18. LO also needs to remove guns from the game, its too toxic and griefing me while im trying to roleplay as a civilian.
  19. they made the repair torch totally useless just because some people have been doing "car gameplay". the only issue with car gameplay has always been how stupidly tanky pioneer and similar cars are, while still having insane acceleration, top speed and awesome handling. those cars are the problem and not the repair torch. i really hate to see LO just whack the game with a hammer and call it "balance" because they have zero clue what they are doing to the core gameplay when they think they fix one problem it ruins alot of other things. blowtorch was perfectly fine because it meant you lost your resupply.
  20. so make taking cover entirely useless and encourage people to get killed because 1 pixel of their hitbox was showing to the enemy. no thanks, you should play the game more to understand the gun mechanics. for example: guns that aren't "perfectly accurate 100% of the time" require you to actually aim at the centre of the enemy, so that even if the shot spreads then it will hit them anyway. this is how apb works and its the alternative to having headshots, arm/leg shots, chest/torso shots. and in my view it works a million times better because games like csgo are super boring when you get sprayed on by a noob enemy and they get a lucky headshot by spraying and your dead super fast...
  21. jericho have zero gold players how can it be made worse?
  22. please revert changes made to weapons and repair torch because it ruined alot of unique setups and strats Merged. and revert grenade resupply nerf please
  23. i have looked at most configs available and mixed them together to make a decent quality but also 100 consistent fps config. all my lag now is just cos of the game or server. also seems like Jericho Financial West is way better connection than Jericho Waterfront West, or that might have just been a coincidence. and Asylum fightclub i think is generally decent connection too.
  24. yep literally just changing random weapon statistics. rip apb weapon balance.
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