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Everything posted by FakeBungo

  1. matt scott can make me into super GM and i will ban all the cheaters
  3. APB 2 engine upgrade will be dead on release if they keep awful changes like 3 second grenade resupply. obviously changes made by a noob player or someone who doesn't even play the game. they should just rebalance all the useless guns to be somewhat useful. fix servers. ban hackers.
  4. please don't use IRL to compare to video game, ty please LO revert all balance changes you have ever made, ty
  5. 3 second grenade resupply is worst change since LO's decision to unban and support hackers
  6. servers were fine before LO came and downgraded them
  7. Yeah increasing supply time from 1 second to 3 seconds for grenades is incredibly stupid.
  8. still does just requries a CEO who doesn't openly defend cheaters and who doesn't ignore connection issues for years https://streamable.com/7ojgi
  9. First we go log into apb to play this $100m master piece of a game for the first time in some time. Of course we must select the NA East server and so we have shit connection. On top of this we experience constant frame drops and ping occasionally goes up to 500ms. On our second match we have a r255 silver dethreater who continuously teamkills me to end the Elimination stage faster and we lose. Then we proceed to uninstall the game. I rate 10/10 this game is really good and if you were considering playing again then you should definitely blow about $1000 on the armas marketplace.
  10. LO has done nothing except for downgrade the servers cos they are cheapskates
  11. matt wrote in his anti cheat post in 2018 that he doesn't support player reports, let me reiterate that: LO policy is to disregard any and all player reports, and to rely solely on anticheat detections through statistics or otherwise
  12. LO has always supported hackers in APB they even made some of them into SPCT and put them in their competition mode. The game will always be dying as long as its owned by LO. Give it another 10 years so somebody else picks up the game and we can actually have fun skirmishes instead of vsing cheaters every 2nd match.
  13. sad that you put known cheaters into a "tournament" for a dying game instead of rallying the community to do something useful
  14. make the people who want to play the game into moderators, not the people who want to moderate people (ie people with furry avatars)
  15. all useless changes and shows the developers dont play the game, the issue with hvr isnt quickswitching its the fact it puts you out of combat for 20 seconds just for showing 1 pixel of your hitbox Merged. This is obviously a PAY 2 WIN change and confirms any suspicions that APB 2 will be worse than the original game. Also it doesn't even make any sense, what on earth is effective range in contrast to dropoff range? Who knows, also it doesn't matter what matters is that this is a pay2win change which makes the whisper better in everyway by a massive margin.
  16. you can literally stand still and it does full damage the change doesnt affect cqb whatsoever unless your testers are bronze threat players which they are
  17. this post is misleading because the game will still be unplayable if you dont use razer...
  18. spct in a nutshell: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=concern troll
  19. thats more or less what he said in the first kemp Q&A
  20. A closet isn't somebody we don't know is cheating... a closet is someone who pretends they aren't. But we know basically every closet in APB, Matt has literally stated they don't want to ban people because apparently thats toxic somehow...
  21. "APB has rarely ever had an issue with blatant cheating" LMAOOOOOO is SPCT job to just lie on LO's behalf? i am #1 Merged. actually it takes about 5 seconds to work out if somebody is cheating 1. are they low IQ 2. do they have low IQ but also aim really well 3. they are cheating
  22. ok definitely don't rely on apb playerbase to do polls. they are very dumb
  23. car spawner has already been nerfed by the recent changes to pioneer, 4x4, espacio health. the problem was the cars wouldnt die easily and required several concs to clear a team's car spawners
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