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Everything posted by FakeBungo

  1. i already did one of those ages ago pretty sure it accomplishes nothing
  2. FakeBungo

    jericho is lagging

    yeah im a pro gamer, is that sufficient?
  3. FakeBungo

    jericho is lagging

    its not my internet at fault Merged. please fix the game i want to play shoot em up: reloaded !!!
  4. FakeBungo

    jericho is lagging

    teleport randomly (me and other players) fps drops packet loss will it be fixed by 2021? thx
  5. what is hard damage mod bring back apb db the new site looks ugly and is not accurate why show stat changes if most people have 5 iq and cant do maths and u didnt even show TTK
  6. im guessing we have to wait till apb 2.0 which will look like trash if it resembles anything like xbone apb the recent server changes have not fixed any lag whatsoever i played briefly and it was probably more laggier i shoot at enemy and then they teleport 5ft away from my crosshair 0/10 would get negative kdr again
  7. don't forget about the cheater defender
  8. u should fix the servers because they are laggy and ban cheaters because they are cheating
  9. if they have premium they won't get banned Merged. "don't hate the player, hate the game" - jordan peterson
  10. join game and theres like 3 people online play match versus 1 cheater and 1 silver cheater starts teamkilling the silver silver quits to desktop after being tked for no reason cheater calls backup another cheater joins his side one cheater is speedhacking or server is lagging win match anyway because no1 with half a brain still plays this game 0/10
  11. i miss winning games not because the playerbase is dead, but because i wasnt lagging
  12. i keep getting mexicans even though its american server, and they are no good teammates... they just dethreating everytime
  13. jsut go to twitch tv and u can watch cheaters everyday on apb... u can even see clips of them showing cheats blatantly. still not banned
  14. spct defending cheaters, big surprise
  15. if they made anyone useful a gm, all the cheaters wouldve gotten banned already. i could ban over half the cheaters in one sitting if i was gm
  16. along with making all of these mods available to players <r195 matt u should remove limited lease contact weapons, because its pay2win
  17. so my 5 shot kill JG will now be 7-8 shots to kill? epic 3 low yields are way better to spam at players and not having grenades means enemies will be infinitely more inclined to spam nades at you because ur defenceless concs are useless because high burn + kev3 cars + slow asf to throw + dont even hurt big cars + people can just exit cars in <1 seconds and shoot u while u hold the grenade like a smart and then tbag u Merged. 40m is the current dropoff and 1.05 TTK is the current TTK. matt wrote something wrong. rfp does WAY too much damage in 1 burst (399 damage) which is why its cancerous, its basically better than obir cos its lightweight
  18. will LO ban the 20 or 30 odd cheaters on twitch.tv apb section? emp is a gimmick to make kids grind new contacts and buy premium to do so
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