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Everything posted by FakeBungo

  1. pretty sure its not because i just lagged so badly i quit out of the game
  2. the new ddos measures didnt change much, i shoot players and they take no damage. there is still random teleporting, although some hackers are taking advantage of this and using teleport hacks.
  3. FakeBungo

    OPGL Bug

    i believe it only happens at ground level so should be an easy fix for developers to prevent grenades going under the map
  4. those poor big owners have some competition from other cheaters now Merged. its pretty epic that the top (highest viewcount) apb stream at any given time is a blatant cheater for a significant portion of the time, also more epic is the amount of genius brains who defend these people after we true apb 2legit2quit gamers have clipped them snapping across the screen so quickly youd need several mousepads. or maybe we are just all silvers hackusating the pro apbers who for some reason cant throw a grenade for the life of them, yet FLAWlessly track and lock onto enemies in all situations.
  5. the cheaters in this thread complaining about other cheaters, >60 iq for sure
  6. LO doesnt even play apb how could they possibly balance anything?
  7. jericho is laggy since 1 year ago+ and LO has introduced new bugs with recent updates, for example mission HUD disappears
  8. only one spct is a blatant cheater, i havent checked to see what other spct members there are (only seen a few from forum threads). however i have also found there are several spct members who are affiliated with cheaters, although dont cheat themselves. these spct are willfully ignorant and definitely incompetent.
  9. any update on the laggy unplayable servers or the rampant cheaters which make the game even more unplayable?
  10. over 1 year, no fixes from LO. great.
  11. add heaps of ramps to the map, put cars in (especially sports cars including rare 4x4 vegas's) then just add more stuff to the map and fix camping (really easily to hide on a roof or random corner to surprise ppl, whereas in mission district u can predict which roofs people will camp the objective) Merged. TLDR riot becomes racing district
  12. ok this is epic, deleting riot is most popular choice. #deleteriot
  13. they should do armas sale and then immediately after do a ban wave, ez cash
  14. the not hitting targets im aiming directly at and my game stuttering constantly is also a key element to succeeding in apb Merged. truth be told, the only way to win apb is to be R255 or R195 with lots of cash (premium) apb is pay2win unless your willing to play 12 hours a day, so yea its PAY 2 WIN
  15. yea it was bypassed already, and no1 has been banned yet. citadel seems far more cancerous than jericho. although jericho is dead due to server problems. jericho has hackers in FC everyday however.
  16. been >1 year of lag and you haven't fixed it at all? worse than g1.
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