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Everything posted by FakeBungo

  1. these servers are piss poor and its not even worth playing
  2. this is definitely the biggest issue in apb i couldnt think of anything more important
  3. FakeBungo

    game crash

    joining a Riot district that is starting the round causes you to crash. idk what else
  4. jericho is laggy as f*, and has been lagging for over 1 year. due to the server/game NOT our internet/pc.
  5. blame LO for splitting the playerbase in half with bronze and silver districts
  6. they should fix the servers first, lagging for over 1 year
  7. why is it locked my character is not low level or new?? trying to buy mods here..
  8. I predicted it, do i get a medal
  9. FakeBungo

    NA servers

    its been lagging for over a year actually
  10. this is a non sequitur because you are implying that no one will be incentivised to unlock new weapons if they can pick them up yet in order to pick up guns they must be unlocked
  11. its very poor registration etc
  12. FakeBungo

    Keep weapon drops

    its more balanced because you dont have to own every gun etc
  13. FakeBungo

    RIOT bandolier

    guns with bandolier mod dont have more reserve ammo
  14. yea thats what i figured
  15. FakeBungo

    two riot bugs

    1. player dies in fog really quick - should be ~20 seconds but die in ~7 seconds 2. round ends suddenly while teams are still fighting - 4 minutes remaining, round ends 2. might not be a bug, is there a max bribe to finish the round? Merged. 3rd bug: when u join riot sometimes u cant do anything and theres no hud Merged. and have to restart game because no windows open Merged. it keeps happening... on jericho
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