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Everything posted by FakeBungo

  1. see a guy go 14-2 in fightclub that ive never heard of. look him up on bans, oh look he got banned in 2016 for cheating. LO literally just gave hackers a free account to cheat on all over again.
  2. put me vs 5 silvers and it will be EZ mode but only if you let me play without lag, freezes, rubberbanding, poor hitreg, fps drops, and maybe in 2030 i can play with 1ms ping if they ever expand the server locations.
  3. FAR was seemingly a garbage gun to begin with, did they try to buff it? its one of those stupid guns you can only get on Armas so not many people bother to try it.
  4. basically their only advice for balancing comes from A. nooby SPCT (some are even silvers), B. SPCT's cronies, who are probably just their cheater friends, C. LO themselves, who don't even play APB. when changes so horrible like HVR and shotgun rework are able to pass as remotely good changes, when they are objectively awful, it shows basically nobody who knows the game in and out, and, isn't capable of actually working with APB's weapon statistics to make guns that make sense is anybody at LO/SPCT. Merged. reasons apb pop is shit 1. cheaters, unbanning known blatant cheaters, letting cheaters stream on twitch and upload hack montages and remain unbanned, no anticheat and basically zero in-game moderation, refusal to look at player reports ~"video evidence isn't sufficient" 2. spct, no1 wants player moderator teams because it can easily breed toxicity and looks like favorship. should be anonymous if players are working with LO, or just, you know, do the logical thing, and hire them instead of exploiting peoples' free time and calling it "volunteering" 3. no updates to basically anything that is interesting enough, apart from some JT changes that still require farming a metric ton of JT to buy anything useful. 10k JT for one item/car, bruh. and alot of bad updates like weapon balance, and ruining blowtorch for whatever reason... it was fine, it meant you didn't have resupply... pls revert all your god forsaken "balance" changes. 4. game/server performance incredibly bad. game is freezing every 10-15 minutes for like no reason. packet loss, higher than usual latency/ping, poor hitreg (missing shots for no reason, and shots hitting but not showing hitmarkers), rubberbanding. (and no, its not "my connection" or "my pc". i have almost 1gb/sec download and upload speeds, pc to play at decent fps. the issue is definitely ur server or ur updates that broke something.) 4b. making configs that fix your game illegal. not being able to see grenade smoke is hardly an advantage half the time, its done to fix our FPS not to cheat. if people want to cheat they download aimbot and wallhacks, not hide grenade smoke lmao. half the people using these tryhard configs are cheaters anyway. all your punishing is our FPS. you should make APB advanced launcher settings inside the core game, so noobs don't immediately uninstall when they realise their performance is shit and have no idea why. but make sure they don't buy into non-sense that playing in potato graphics or a stupid resolution will automatically make them pro. cheaters use those super low res settings so their cheat works better, because cheats make the game lag. just booted up the game and it froze in just a few minutes...
  5. dang i guess it was G1's last ditch effort to say Fuck you to APB before they went I guess
  6. you are exactly right. the game needs to encourage more 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, 6v6, 7v7, 8v8. occasional 9v9, 10v10, and very rarely anything larger. of course there should be the odd uneven match-up too. like 5 silvers vs 3 golds. or 5 bronzes vs 3 silvers. and there definitely needs to be something to encourage larger fights if the enemy is in a pre-made group. because 4 randoms vs 4 organised is an obvious loss. it should automatically increase the match size to atleast 5v5, 6v6 or greater if its putting randoms against an actual group or several smaller groups. then more complicated thing, or could be done instead of the above things, to add would be having the backup available even if the fight is 'equal' in numbers. but first to fix matchmaking, LO need to actually ban cheaters. otherwise everything is a waste of time to develop further if its abused by aimbotters, wallers, macroers, etc.
  7. the balance changes are so depressing i don't even care to look at them. but LO have already ruined the nfas and stabba pig from what ive played with in game (do SPCT actually think LTL is OP? lmao). their hvr change was so stupid too. riot was a hilarious attempt to make a fortnite battle royale. and in all their changes they have never actually fixed anything. the one time they nerfed the Yukon, wasn't the Yukon created by LO in the first place?
  8. SPCT are too busy defending cheaters to care
  9. a certain someone on twitch literally admits to cheating, and yet hes playing on the same account that got banned (he admits he was NOT falsely banned).
  10. LO is the ones who unbanned cheaters and says they don't enjoy banning cheaters Merged. and they don't even consider video evidence as proof of cheaters. there are literally cheaters on youtube who post APB aimbot montages where they don't even care about any consequences for it. plus a bunch of apb streamers who are cheating on stream or are being carried by a cheater in their group. so cringey. Merged. obviously you are going to claim its false, you're SPCT. i wonder who put the idea in mattscott's head that its a bad idea to ban cheaters? wouldn't be surprised if its SPCT. i'm not sure how he could come up with something like that himself considering he doesn't play APB himself, as shown by his beacon stream he aims like a green threat.
  11. yes and add headshots and a stamina bar for sprinting, make players stagger when shot so they are slowed. make car windows shoot through-able. add fortnite royale and csgo bomb defuse missions.
  12. im the least racist, infact, i supported removing segregation from districts
  13. its prob also because waterfront is worse than financial and asylum, i think. but the freezing is definitely new. im not sure if the freezing could be the servers or one of the recent patches though.
  14. The best solution would be to remove JT from the game, just refund people with apb$, and everything should cost $APB. Make it all unlockable through either contact or weapon role progression. But weapon roles are ridiculously slow too, about 27000 kills required to get 3 slot unlocked for a single weapon category and then you have to pay $22k per 10 days per weapon on top of that. its really overkill.
  15. just make a new account its only pixels that you lost
  16. hows that gonna work? are you gonna increase jg to 3 shot kill or make it fire twice as slowly? "remove RNG" is a meaningless idea in of itself. shaw556 is a weapon that has random horizontal recoil and still can be controlled to an extent.
  17. i logged in to just see if the game/server performance has improved, and it hasn't. after 10 minutes i was already experiencing freezes again. and the ping is higher than usual. its hard to take the game seriously if i end up finding out the hit registration is totally wack or i freeze half way in a gun fight.
  18. go play csgo/valorant and stop suggesting APB should become another csgo or battle royale game. LO already tried this once and it was just as horrible as all their weapon and game balance decisions they have ever made.
  19. DMR AV does 67% more dmg to cars, AV stands for anti-vehicle Merged. Volcano should do less damage to players because you have to be really bad to miss both rockets, they could also consider making it have slightly slower projectile speed than the Osmaw for balance too, the reason being its harder to dodge 2 rockets than it is one. I wouldn't touch Osmaw's max range just to band-aid fix camping objectives from super far away. OPGL is pretty balanced, they just need to fix the tracer and grenade projectile so its actually easy to see and therefore dodge it, or know where the player who is using OPGL is.
  20. "-Mods shouldn't have downsides, they should be upgrades only." what an arbitrary and boring opinion
  21. The original design of the game was no threat segregation. But the issue is the game's matchmaking sucks and doesn't put good players against enough bad players in order to make it even, so alot of matches are super one sided. The game should definitely take level rating into consideration in matchmaking too. Those r255 silvers shouldn't have the same matchmaking as a brand new player.
  22. FakeBungo

    Weapon balance

    Those popular resolutions don't provide any advantage. In fact they make the game much harder to play since its harder to see things and its lower FOV. The optimal resolution is a wide/ultra-wide monitor (more than 2x wider than 1920x1080 isn't necessary) for maximum FOV. I have tested 3840x1080, thats basically the widest you ever want to go. A slightly lower res of 2560x1080 would work just as good. This would require having an actually ultra-wide monitor and not just messing with computer settings to work properly. And of course you have to play extremely high sensitivity to actually make use of ultra-wide, I think at my peak I played at around 10cm/360 which is 3x higher than CS:GO pro players. Unless you have an extremely bad PC you can just play on regular resolution, or use one of these if you have a very slow PC: "16:9 aspect ratio resolutions: 1280×720, 1366×768, 1600×900, 1920×1080(default)", since lower resolution can give some extra FPS. But much better to use custom config before lowering your resolution, and play with in-game settings too like anti-aliasing.
  23. Consumables being like $400 per use is just annoying.
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