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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. The way i see it, they made the unbalanced mess you called fun into a balanced mess with weapon niches. SMGS are usefull at SMG range but not rifle now etc. Can it be a pain? Sure, if you're new. Otherwise it's fine. I started before all the weapon nerfs and remember them. I'm glad they gave weapons defined niches. Vehicles are preferably only destroyed either by concs/grenades now or via anti-vehicle weapons. Which is fine because having it any other way negates the need for AV weapons unless you just want to blow up a vehicle extra fast. It's made car fights longer, and given newbies and others a better chance of driving past some enemies before getting blown to bits and face melted. I always have to roll my eyes at people who bother to shoot at driving vehicles. You're wasting your ammo and time, thanks for giving me another 3-15 seconds to get to the objective and complete it while you scramble for a car after wasting your time.
  2. looking good, though "Strife - The Strife currently suffers from an insanely high TTK, not just by CQC standards, but by weapon standards overall. This is the only shotgun to remain a 2 STK, but the damage has been reduced with the fragile modification in mind, removing the ability to kill users of that mod with one shot. The fire interval has also been greatly decreased to 0.9 seconds, though this may be subject to further change if deemed necessary." makes me sad, I really enjoyed my 1 shot fragile hits
  3. The only thing that needs fixed with act 44 is its horrible accuracy even with an enemy in the reticule... the gold plated one suffers the same issue. Fire at someone and have it do nothing at all half the time... snub could be make 3 hit kill and still be balanced imo, and the RSA could do a touchup maybe 75m range and better drop off with slightly better accuracy? A tad lower equip time? maybe 1.6s, though we dont want it competing with the HVR or snipers too much...
  4. People want to blame cheaters, while they did have an impact, the impact the community itself has had on the game is what made it crumble (at least for joker/jericho). Face off in silver district as a new player against half the gold pop and you will see why noone continues to plays this game. You don't get a chance, they don't bother to teach, train, or help you. They won't even take it easy on you. You just sit there and die all day until you leave.
  5. I suggested to add the car that G1 promised but never released. I responded to someone mentioning a broken mod suggestion (Allowing 2 mods of the same color at the same time), and then Uht replied and i commented back. No need to pout.
  6. Don't get me wrong, i own an ntec and do use it on occasion, but i try not to because consistently going 20+ kills a mission can get boring. It's always been a poorly designed weapon that is far too easy to use. Going against 3-4 ntecs on a team is boring, not that it's hard to go against, only that it's consistently cringe worthy. But alas, I will continue to complain about the ntec until it is properly reduced in effectiveness to match the rest of the AR category's effectiveness and "ease" of use. I can complain if i want I can complain if I wish If something is too strong Then complain I will do
  7. 3 slot NTEC you can get from ingame contact at rank ~ 195+, 3 slot guns are also attained via ingame from Role 15 in a weapon catageory. NTEC isnt PTW and honestly i've been stomped while using 3 slotted ntecs against stock.... It's pay to access a weapon earlier, not pay to win. Sadly with the death of fightclub, it has become difficult to level weapon roles.
  8. true, but im more of a mobile player, that accuracy damage nerf hit me reaaaally hard. I'm better off using oblivion (gains accuracy when moving), scout, or dmr over hvr now.
  9. Blood and hitmarkers both times i hit the guy. But appearently it does below like 550 damage a shot per shot while reticule is open. So yes, it sucks. I prefer to play with DMR or Oblivion now X)
  10. I 2 shot someone with it in cqc and didn't kill them because of the new mechanic with it. Yes, it sucks
  11. Honestly though, there's no reason why the Vegas should tank an osmaw shot. Nerf its hp to like 990 and i'd call it fine.
  12. I bought shredder before it got buffed to broken mode, and still use it even after. Maybe if you didn't buy weapons based on how broke and overpowered and needing a nerf they are, you'd be happy. I bought the C2 and ATAC knowing they'd be nerfed despite them not being nerfed for a few months after I bought em. I'm not upset because I knew they needed it. You bought an ingame gun whos stats are subject to change at any time. I bought the shredder, I do feel like it should be buffed slightly a touch after the nerf. But that's because it's taking 5-7 hits to do what it should be doing in 3-4. It feels like it did pre-buff, which wasn't great. But I still use it so /shrug
  13. The server has almost noone on it, and the lag is bad. It doesnt feel like a DDOS, but its definitely server side lag.
  14. We had weapon drops before and it was fine. They removed it cause after a team wipe your team could have the same setup as enemies without ever resupping and having to switch. It let people who had no snipers get a sniper with little effort. Imo it's fine to do so, but could be aggravating at times when that sniper runs in with a picked up oca, gets a few kills and tags, then Snipes em from a corner.
  15. i get it all the time, had it yesterday with an oca cause i burst fired it xD
  16. remember macro qsing? I've had a ton of ghostshots by legit clicking, even with full auto weapons. The problem was it was like, clicking within ~50ms -75ms? or something. Which means that if you clicked at a guns normal firerate without even macroing, or you tapfired ntec or something you'd ghostshot.
  17. someone found a bug recently which found that if you fired within a certain timeframe you'd ghostshot more than normal. It's probably why lol.
  18. I can understand it being harder to ban both. - Though both are against TOS Random spray patterns are nice with whats in APB, however you can still set it to decrease vertical recoil. So no recoil on snipers for example, but it would matter more for guns like the tommy gun or SBRS (doubles recoil amount per shot) over normal guns. I simply find them annoying to face, it's not too hard to handle ROF macros unless they also know how to play the game and don't lack in situational awareness and aiming skills, then it can become a massive headache.. Merged. Uh, i have macros on my mouse, i've used em before (mostly for testing to see if i'd get kicked from the game for it), imagine that, and i have a multi button mouse to set a different macro to different buttons. I've used semi auto guns a lot, though i've shy'd away from using the fbw and used the fr0g or .45 a lot more. Part of using a macro is knowing when to full auto it and when to tap fire it. Buuut you know "yer just bad huuuur". Also, got R15 for every gun including rifles (which means semi autos), so i don't know wtf you're talking about with "don't have real practice with semi auto weapons". (good try to fake quote me btw)
  19. They are against ToS. Regardless of not being important, they are still "cheating" ingame. A full auto fbw is annoying af to deal with, regardless of whether they help a lot or not. True in some situations, but a macrod .45, fbw, or fr0g will almost always outfire the legit player using it. Macroing an NTEC is ironically better than learning to tap fire it yourself, just have to handle the recoil then rather than recoil and tapfire. I'm almost positive LO had stated before that they were planning on introducing a kick feature for macros with BE or something, but i have never seen it work ingame. It's why i'm asking if they will with the new anti-cheat because clearly they haven't yet. here, let me macro my Fr0g and ntec for max ROF and accuracy. ROF macros help in a lot of situations, especially when the enemy is out in the open out of cover when it matters most. ------------------- Regardless of opinion of macros its still against ToS to use hardware and software autofire scripts. They should still attempt to curb their usage in-game to provide a fair playing field in-game.
  20. Considering Macros is against TOS and its almost daily I run into people using them, will it autokick macro users? (I dont want em banned just unable to use it without getting kicked) Cheaters aren't much of an issue anymore, but macros is seemingly constant.
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