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how to identify a cheater as a player?

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its easy to identify them if they are blatantly speed hacking across the map but what about the other type of cheating such as macros,walling, aimbot and other shit?


edit - in no way im i saying that apb is full of hackers or anything. i love apb its the only game where i win without paying,i have 2k hours of gameplay and i love being here!

Edited by foscor77

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3 minutes ago, TheJellyGoo said:


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Edited by foscor77

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15 minutes ago, foscor77 said:

its easy to identify them if they are blatantly speed hacking across the map but what about the other type of cheating such as macros and walling and other shit?

Macros are impossible to tell at this point because people have the cyclic rates of these guns down at this point, and none of the guns are hard to shoot at full speed. To add onto that, the mousewheel shooting method still exists, so some people use that.


Wallhacks are also difficult to tell, because of this game's third person camera system. You can't always see the people who see you, and you also can't always be seen by people you see. Either way, the only real way to tell is playing the game for a while and getting a feel for the limits of the game. 


Also, I've been playing this game for many years at this point and I can honestly say that while people may feel sketchy to you after you die, you can usually figure out what happened after you have a second or two to cool down.

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when it always sprints, gets in cars fast and when it tbags fasts it's a cheater. always.

Edited by Clandestine

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Most of what people will say is just guess work or coming form an inflated ego.

If you ask me folk should stop getting mad about the cheetos out there, better for your sanity and if you do think there is a cheeto in the game just report it without making a big fuzz. 

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i usually reckognise a cheater by how he reacts and plays


as an exemple , aimbotters usually do not watch around them , play very agressive and have a very poor figting technique


Triggerbotters usually walk around and fire accidental shots at random things , or they accidentally shot at you when they don't want to (when you take them by surprise , and they shoot before even realising you're there )


but all of this is very rare nowdays and each time i see someone hackusating it's just an inflated ego .

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The best way to be sure is if they livestream.

Watch their playstyle from their point of view and you will know if they wallhacking or triggerbotting.

It will be obvious as for wallhacking, they will know exactly where to go and for triggerbotting, they won't have any missed shots.



Edited by Saxtus

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will people still make posts about cheaters when the playerbase will go down to 100? i wonder when you'll start to realise there are players with 10k hours that know this game as well as they know where to find the bathroom inside their own house

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2 hours ago, foscor77 said:

its easy to identify them if they are blatantly speed hacking across the map but what about the other type of cheating such as macros and walling and other shit?

its not that hard to detect some ppl are suspicious (propably cheats)

i will give some points on which you should look to detect this behaviours (but after i post it it will be even harder to detect them because they will hardly try to not do such things)

1. Lowrank player with no movement skills (he dont know how to cover how to jump like monkey etc.) BUT he has godly accuracy in like 90%+
2. wallhacking its almost impossible to detect in play but in review your gameplay u can see more things like:

  • you not shoot even once and enemy have no sight on you so he cant see you but he snaps and shoots at you or he knows where u are without seeing you(its hard and require long time of playing and knowing almost all technics of gameplay to avoid being spotted easly)
  • always check radar (can be seen as wallhack because you shoot once from your weapon and enemy see where u are and he will know from what direction you will come
  • respawns are totally predictible (depends on last enemy standing (at 80% respawns on team mate backs)

3. macro players - detecting by checking if player have some delayed shoots between full auto from rifles (click weapons) (ps. wrong configured macro)
most players uses 1ms delay in macro to 30ms delays (sometimes longer delays to make ~100% accurate cr5 at 100m [by draging weapon down and shooting in perfect delays] - its waste of time to detect it ... if u have more than 80fps then u dont need macro to play with u can click almost same as macro
4. speed hacks are obvious to detect i dont know why i put it there...
5. lag switching - died by 3 shoots if weapon needs 5-6 (but it still can be server side issue)

6. max rank aimboting detection he gets almost 90% shoots landed all the time (in 3-5 missions) - best option is to record this gameplay and then review the video to check if this player is really 90%+ accurate or its just your thoughts

PS. there is no system about showing how much player plays on this account or this character only after inspecting which isnt that easy to check after mission

PS 2. if u see player with more than 30:00:00 time in district and more than 30k kills then hes propably legit / but it depends on his roles if u see he have assault role maxed aout and he plays ntec then hes ok if he plays shotgun with pointman on lvl 1 and hes 100% accurate then something is wrong

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43 minutes ago, Ketog said:

i usually reckognise a cheater by how he reacts and plays


as an exemple , aimbotters usually do not watch around them , play very agressive and have a very poor figting technique


Triggerbotters usually walk around and fire accidental shots at random things , or they accidentally shot at you when they don't want to (when you take them by surprise , and they shoot before even realising you're there )



These more and less.. add also the fact that "suspect cheater" Alone  kill 3 or + opponents in a short time and a lot times times in the match up( of course supposing the opponents aren't novice players)


Then if you have already some doubts, record your match and check it in slow motion, if u see him/them for example using a ntec  and kill u/your teamates every time with a ntec with 6/7 shots , probabily without change mag...

Edited by PingOVER9000

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1 hour ago, Ketog said:

Triggerbotters usually walk around and fire accidental shots at random things , or they accidentally shot at you when they don't want to (when you take them by surprise , and they shoot before even realising you're there )

I have seen some of those guys that shoot you before they can even realize you're there, it's so damn annoying.
Or while fighting on a point with 5 doors, the whole team is hunting you no matter which door you coming from, I mean, they're not defending every entrance, only the one you are in.

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wallhacks are easy to spot, because many wallhackers lose the "natural" feeling of how APB plays. And while in many situations you can predict the possible ways where one can come from, there are people that always are perfectly situated, never suprised, never even look at the wrong direction. And even if the chance is like 1/3rd that he checks the right corner, he always knows it perfectly. It often takes a few missiosn against the same guy to identify his inhuman accuracy of prediction. And another one is if they leave the objective so far away and come farming you, while this would be way too risky. But they know it's not risky because they perfectly know where you are and that the objective will be safe if they leave it. If you had just spawn the other direction they would have just lost the objective, but how do some make these decisons so accurate all the time? Those are the wallhackers, or at least one in their team.

Edited by LilyV3
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Well why dont we just blame it on egos then seeing that apb has no hacker base battleye prevents hacking

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Try to not think about it.

All you gonna do is enrage yourself.

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why even bother?

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2 hours ago, TheSxW said:

5. lag switching - died by 3 shoots if weapon needs 5-6 (but it still can be server side issue)

That's APB's poor netcode. It has always been like this for everyone. It's just the server sending information of multiple packets in one.

Weapons with high RoF suffer under this especially (shooting audio and FX while reloading, RoF sounding and looking faster than is possible, etc).

It's not a cheat.

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You can never 100% determine if someone is cheating without actually being the person.

3 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

Step 1: have no ego

Step 2:  I dunno no one's ever gotten this far

Fuck I love boosting my ego.

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Step 1. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they aren't and are just having a good day. I think if so many people would just stop obsessing over hacks and hackers then theyd enjoy the game a lil more (also macros are an unfair advantage and not a 'hack')

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11 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

You can never 100% determine if someone is cheating without actually being the person.


By all caution, that is just wrong!

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1 minute ago, TheJellyGoo said:

By all caution, that is just wrong!

Okay, sorry. Not even 100% cause if you are that person and have a mental illness that deceives your perception of reality you may not know either.

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considering only a small number of players on apb, you'll notice the blatant hackers if you play regularly.

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