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  1. For me, it's less the ticket inside as compared to the thousands of dollars in account bound content I have unlocked. Not really interested in just letting that slip away in favour of the same game "2.0", whatever the hell that means. Somewhat disingenuous. It cost a 100 million to mismanage. Efficiency is important and they were definitely not.
  2. Greetings LO, I would like to suggest adding more Account Bound Items, including: Explosive Weapons, such as OSMAW and OPGL. Weapons from JT Store, such as (STAR LCR, N-ISSR-B 'WISP', TAS '20, C9S EX-III), etc... Vehicles: Pioneer, Jericho, Charge Cisco 1804, Charge Mikro Mark IV, Han Coywolf 'Remus' RR4, Dolton Fresno D 300, etc... Clothes: Cyberpunk Clothing Pack, Street RX Outfit, Enforcer+Criminal Halloween Complete Bundle (Account-Lifetime), Enforcer+Criminal High Roller Bundle (Account-Lifetime). Dress To Kill Enforcer+Criminal Bundle (Account-Lifetime). G-Force Race 'N Rapid Pack (Account-Lifetime). Guerra Libero-Vigilum LE Bundle (Account-Lifetime), All Stars 'N Hard Hitters Bundle (Account-Lifetime). That's a huge amount of items! Thanks for reading. - Pawwww
  3. Hi everyone, I'm long overdue for a more comprehensive update on the Engine Upgrade, so here is a recap of the last couple of weeks. Back on September 6th, I outlined a list of things we were working on. Here is where we stand with those items. Progress with the Engine Upgrade: There is still a lot of thread safety work left to do, but this was a big source of the errors. This work has been completed. We *believe* we have re-architected the mulithreaded code so that all the previous errors have been eliminated. There is still one issue related to Occlusion Query multithreading on RTX cards that causes a bizarre slowdown, so we have that code disabled till we can fix it. We want to allow secondary render threads to use the cache and then track down the specific case where we are setting the per material/mesh state and making sure those invalidate the cache properly so everything gets updated. This work has also been completed. I'm pretty excited about how we fixed this, because after we started testing the new code, we found another issue where the game was destroying the shader cache multiple times per frame. That has also been addressed. We are investigating an issue where specific items are forced to update every frame when they shouldn't. This last item is fixed. We started test driving the new code this week, and while there is some improvement, we're still not seeing anywhere near the kind of performance gains we were expecting. SIDE NOTE: The team has affectionately adopted the phrase "As expected, APB code does the unexpected". For the later half of this week, the team went back and refreshed some older code that integrates with 3rd party tools that allow us to better analyze multithreaded performance. In the past, we have been relying on Visual Studio and 3rd party tools that were working when we took over. These existing tools measure where the most CPU time is being spent. Overall, that technique has been invaluable in finding brute force code doing large tasks in a single loop that could benefit from being multithreaded. However, these tools do not measure things on the GPU, the time spent waiting on a lock or when a process is blocked. On Friday, we finished integrating some new tools that enabled us to stage a full test, capture results, and generate more comprehensive reports. As suspected, we found a significantly larger problem related to how the engine renders Meshes overall. To give an example, our previous efforts to multithread code lower down in the pipeline only account for a fraction of the processing time. The higher level system for actually rendering everything that was processed accounts for the majority of processing time - but it's mostly spent waiting or being blocked which is why these areas never showed up in the previous analysis. The overall rendering is effectively drawing elements on only 1 or 2 threads. It's incredibly inefficient, and we already have a good idea on how to fix this. The team will be moving onto this new issue next week. Alongside these 3 areas listed above, the rest of the team has been fixing VOIP, desync, and other more minor areas. We need those out of the way so we can launch once the renderer is finished. As always, I'm providing these updates in real time with the best information I have at hand. I am (again) hopeful we'll see good progress this coming week, and that I can finally get some better mission district benchmarks. The plan is to spin up Open Beta #3 with mission districts as fast as we can after that. NOTE: After I posted this, I thought I would provide some nerdy details. Rendering in a 3D engine mostly happens in 3 stages. Stage 1 processes the scene. This involves lots of complex routines that gather up and process all the things we need to draw. Some of things we do in this stage are: Identify only the things that are in view of the player's camera. This happens in multiple ways: bounding checks on the field of view, eliminating things too far in the distance, testing to see if an object is occluded (covered) by another object, etc. We want to eliminate everything not in view to avoid drawing far too many things. Recalculate lighting receivers on each object that we are going to render. Process objects for extra data that we need to pass into the next 2 stages. Stage 2 actually draws the big list of things to the scene, which also involves its own set of stages to properly sort objects back to front and render transparency correctly. Stage 3 handles post processing of the final frame buffer (effectively a composited image of the scene once the objects are drawn). This handles a variety of effects including shadow rendering, bloom, iris response, motion blur and more. Stage 3 requires a lot of extra information that was captured in Stages 1 and 2. TL;DR: The majority of our multithreaded work has been in Stage 1. Now we've identified big areas in Stage 2 that are affecting the overall speed of rendering a single frame. Thanks, Matt
  4. Hello everyone, A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 9/16/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well. OVERVIEW Our PC patch this week covers a number of important changes to the game. First, we are making clothing more accessible by fundamentally reimagining how bundles work and by bringing over 100 clothing items to the Joker Store. Second, we are beginning the process of balancing weapons in APB. Finally, third, we are making changes to Baylan missions based on community feedback. You can read all about these changes in the linked posts above! With regards to our weapon changes, is important to stress that these are the first step towards establishing a baseline "Meta" that we can build from in the future. Accordingly, this patch may not address weapons that are unused or underpowered at the moment. That doesn't mean they are forgotten. We aim to give every weapon some ability to compete, but to do so we will need your informed feedback. Please spend some time playing with the guns before letting us know how these changes work for you! PC CHANGES/FIXES Clothing Changes Bundles now apply discounts based on owned items. You can read all about this change here. Over 100 clothing items have been added to Ophelia in the Joker Store. Known Issue - Certain clothing items purchased from the Joker Ticket store can be refurbished but are not able to be traded. The items being untradeable is working as intended. The ability to refurbish them is broken and will be fixed in a subsequent patch. Known Issue - Attempting to purchase character bound clothing items with a full inventory will fail but will not produce an error message. This will be fixed in a subsequent patch. Weapon Balance We applied a first balance pass to bring weapon types in-line with each other. You can read all about specific changes and their reasoning here. Like the OBIR, the FFA was also balanced. Specifics didn't make it in to the above blog post, so we are providing them to you here: Bolt timer: false -> true (Nerf) Reserve ammo: 240 -> 144 (Nerf) Mission Balance One of the big takeaways from the community was that, while many of you preferred territory control, you also wanted Baylan missions to be shorter. We reduced the average Baylan mission length to about 10 minutes from 15 minutes by adjusting the amount of points required to win if one team is dominating. We also reduced the time it takes to do certain objectives in the game. We have reduced these objectives from 30 seconds to between 15 to 20 depending on the objective. We have adjusted most missions related to driving cars around. On average, these missions have been reduced from 10 minutes to 7 minutes. All VIP missions have been changed to 23 lives for the attacker and 8 lives for the VIP. Stages where attackers are defending objectives have had their time limits adjusted so that multiple objectives are taken into account. We have made various adjustments to missions that were missed in previous patches. This post is cross-referenced in Game Updates for your convenience. Sakebee
  5. Hello everyone, A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 9/16/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well. OVERVIEW Our PC patch this week covers a number of important changes to the game. First, we are making clothing more accessible by fundamentally reimagining how bundles work and by bringing over 100 clothing items to the Joker Store. Second, we are beginning the process of balancing weapons in APB. Finally, third, we are making changes to Baylan missions based on community feedback. You can read all about these changes in the linked posts above! With regards to our weapon changes, is important to stress that these are the first step towards establishing a baseline "Meta" that we can build from in the future. Accordingly, this patch may not address weapons that are unused or underpowered at the moment. That doesn't mean they are forgotten. We aim to give every weapon some ability to compete, but to do so we will need your informed feedback. Please spend some time playing with the guns before letting us know how these changes work for you! PC CHANGES/FIXES Clothing Changes Bundles now apply discounts based on owned items. You can read all about this change here. Over 100 clothing items have been added to Ophelia in the Joker Store. Known Issue - Certain clothing items purchased from the Joker Ticket store can be refurbished but are not able to be traded. The items being untradeable is working as intended. The ability to refurbish them is broken and will be fixed in a subsequent patch. Known Issue - Attempting to purchase character bound clothing items with a full inventory will fail but will not produce an error message. This will be fixed in a subsequent patch. Weapon Balance We applied a first balance pass to bring weapon types in-line with each other. You can read all about specific changes and their reasoning here. Like the OBIR, the FFA was also balanced. Specifics didn't make it in to the above blog post, so we are providing them to you here: Bolt timer: false -> true (Nerf) Reserve ammo: 240 -> 144 (Nerf) Mission Balance One of the big takeaways from the community was that, while many of you preferred territory control, you also wanted Baylan missions to be shorter. We reduced the average Baylan mission length to about 10 minutes from 15 minutes by adjusting the amount of points required to win if one team is dominating. We also reduced the time it takes to do certain objectives in the game. We have reduced these objectives from 30 seconds to between 15 to 20 depending on the objective. We have adjusted most missions related to driving cars around. On average, these missions have been reduced from 10 minutes to 7 minutes. All VIP missions have been changed to 23 lives for the attacker and 8 lives for the VIP. Stages where attackers are defending objectives have had their time limits adjusted so that multiple objectives are taken into account. We have made various adjustments to missions that were missed in previous patches. Sakebee
  6. Yea, but he's right at half. LO making a great (to say the least) job at improving the game for f2p players, but totally forgot about the ARMAS. I mean, come on, I have a lot of clothing too, but I also have more than one char, and why can't I have the opportunity to get more account bound clothing to try more styles? Also, armas seems to be broken a bit, want to mention Bishada Nici and Abra kits which is tricky to find, and some... forbidden weapon skin which still available Also yeah, I'm gonna moan about account bounded stuff till it happens, since not much people care about this. But I do. And yea, buff unpopular guns pls
  7. Interesting to see how much of G1's old philosophy around monetizing the game LO will dismantle. A few questions: Does the discount on Joker Store clothing apply if you bought the item on Armas? Will the Joker Store clothing items cost APB$ to buy from the clothing booth? Will this affect the clothing packs already in Armas? Any plans to make all of them account bound?
  8. Fantastic update. But what about ARMAS? Any change? More account-bounded clothing? Pleeeeaase T_T
  9. You guys are great advertisers Pls LO make more account bounded clothing...
  10. These are Baggy Jeans, which are currently only available from the Armas Marketplace. There are a few ways to obtain them: by purchasing the Street RX Outfit pack for 476 G1C (or 381 G1C with the Premium discount). This will give you the Baggy Jeans for the character you log into Armas with. (Pack contents will vary depending on the gender of your character.) by purchasing the Urban RX Bundle for 3,084 G1C (or 2,467 G1C with the Premium discount). Click this --> Enforcer Urban RX Bundle <-- to see the store page for Enforcer characters. Click this --> Criminal Urban RX Bundle <-- to see the store page for Criminal characters. This will give you the same clothing items as the previous option, but will also include a 4-slot Charge Mikro with cosmetic kits, and the ISSR-B "Wisp" sniper rifle, permanent for the character you buy the bundle for. (Pack contents will vary depending on the gender and the faction of your character.) by purchasing the Key to the World bundle for 15,999 G1C (or 12,799 G1C with the Premium discount). While this is hands down the most expensive option on the table, this bundle will give you exclusive 3D Glasses, three guns, two cars with cosmetic kits, two clothing packs (Street RX Outfit included), all Country Flag weapon skins and the Gold weapon skin — all of it account-bound; you will always have these items on every single character on your account, including the characters you haven't even created yet. If you only have one character and you only want the pants, I'd say the first option is the cheapest and the best.
  11. The pants are from this clothing pack on Armas (cash shop): (Street RX Outfit) https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&productId=3161 Currently costs 381 G1C as everyone has Premium active for free right now and Premium gives you a 20% discount on all Armas items. The lowest amount of G1C you can purchase is 500G1C for $6.00 so you'll have some leftovers too. This pack is character permanent and will not be available on any other characters you have or create in the future as it is character bound and not account bound. You could always repurchase again on other characters of course. Alternatively, you could wait for the weekly single-item sales that cycle every week on Armas where most items from all clothing packs get debundled and sold separately for prices as low as 49G1C a piece or sometimes 99G1C. These items are also character bound.
  12. I know I'm being completely antedoctal - but sometimes I barely get to spend an hour or two in most events, mixed with a good dose of bad skills, poor timezone, and latency issues, translates to only 1 character getting the goods and the rest getting nothing. If I wasn't so cheap I'd get those event items too as well as Account Bound items but yeah I have no idea what happened to them, they used to pop up every time I opened up the ARMAS store luring me to just pay a few hundred more to get Account versions of all my Character bound crap, but now those offers have disappeared, or at least haven't been to aggressive in their advertisement, maybe they're still around, but so is my cheapness, so lose-lose for knifu's alts.
  13. Eh, I suppose. I've had 4 R255's (2 Enf, 2 Crim), but I deleted one. It's really not that bad if you have only like, 2 characters. Was nice of LO to let us just purchase the event stuff, cause I didn't have time to play during the events. I might be full of crap, but I thought you could upgrade a purchase to account bound? I know the Clothes + Car type packs are character bound though...
  14. Maybe u guys rework armas as well? More account bound packs pls
  15. Warning: This is what I got so don't take it all as canon since there were different packs-rewards, just sharing my experience. I got a account bound Mako-Kissaki kit bundle that included the 4 slot car on for both factions and got this for two accounts. But considering I didn't had a enforcer on neither of them I was limited to the Mako kit alone which worked for me since I could dupe it and sell my creations because I had a Bishada unlocked on those crim characters. One pack was limited for 3 months (this was a direct gameplay event randomly rewarded, no clue what event it was, it was long time ago circa 2015), the other one limited for 6 months (this was also a reward but opened through a Joker Box). So I used the 3M first then when that expired I activated the other one. On both accounts the 4 slot car expired alongside the kits. You couldn't use them, they remained in your inventory but were greyed out -blocked. Same example as when you try a car (or weapon) from Armas and it remains in your inventory after it expires but you cannot use it anymore. Luckily I kept the cars and now they are unlocked and available for use. Now I do believe this is something LO enabled upon someone's request because I am pretty sure those cars were unusable for years up until LO took over. And I am glad to have those cars again so thank you. The car cannot be sold but can be duplicated so you can make other personal versions of it and it costs 1,500 in-game $. The parts cannot be altered just the livery and color options. Provided a picture of it. And yes some information could be more clear, specific and refined in some cases but equally it can be just as easily ignored in a wall of text that the user might skip or miss out or even forget it and cannot be re-read because some information is only available once during the read. So it's a win-lose situation in both...and need to be addressed somehow to appeal more the user with notifications that can separate themselves and be more clear to read and see but not be over the top so the user ignores it. So in conclusion if you (OP) have the same package you probably got a car with it and can make at least your personal vehicles that you can keep and use later on even after the pack expires, and these cannot be sold or shared. So choose and create wisely.
  16. Hi. While i agree with adding some new audio kits this isn't a priority and shouldn't be even looked at until they finish up all other things, and if im not remembering wrong, this was alredy suggested many times, i am more than sure they got that alredy written down on their notes for the future. Cisco is good but its handling is.. atrocious, is like driving on a frozen lake everytime you turn or brake. Gender Change.. and yes, shit, here we go again. Alright.. let me ask one question before going to explain why isn't possible. If you don't like the gender of your character, why you kept buying clothes and unlocking exclusive/unique items for it? I mean.. if i din't like something i just re do it from scratch without wasting more time. Is like you wanted to wasted on purpose. Here is a Little Explanation on why isn't possible to make a Gender Change on APB. From the beginning i wanna say.. it is possible to do that in a bunch of games, but they are singleplayer, and even if they are multiplayer you don't get many different customization options, if you got them, well, they're just bound Alredy to both genders, even if you didn't changed that yet (example > Assassin's Creed etc.) The problem in APB is basically items and how the game always worked. There are some items that are only made for male or female. You can't magically create thise items and have a Gender Change. You will lose 20/30% of all your clothes, if not more. Titles also would need to be changed because of the gender. You just said you don't wanna lose stuff you have bound to your current character but you are also ssying you "expect" and accept to lose every piece of guardrobe because of the change. Im not really understanding what you are meaning. Because IF you meant to say that you spent a lot of time taking care of your character just for guns, vehicles, objectives etc, well, you didn't really take care of it under the clothes section. No, isn't just biga baga buga boom done. You can't imagine how much time would require devs to make that possible, time they don't have now and they will not have until 2021/2022 at least as of now, because of the things that come before, and still i don't think this will be Ever possible. Totally wrong. First, the system Must be automatic, not manual, imagine one/two guys doing that by hands with a 900/1000 players peak. You would shoot yourself. Imagine with many more players, because ues games often use to have much more players than APB, sadly. Second, Gender Change would require only the change of the actual model with only clothes and titles change, not all of the stuff you said, isn't needed because isn't a different account or character, is just a swap. "Most of the items are tradable" - No, they aren't. Armas: none of them; Titles: none of them; Event rewards: none of them. So the guy who got banned for aimbotting, then his account got hacked and Then, someone stole the Volcano from him, right? Wtf hahahaha, that doesn't make any sense. "Even though it doesn't have a lot to offer in comparison to other games" - For you, it doesn't, for me, well it served very well for over 10 years. No one game offer that long period stuff. Stay safe, don't hate me, im just passing by. Next Armas 50% OFF sale is expected to be here in the Holiday, of the year 2039. 10-4. Leaving the area.
  17. Since I got absolutely destroyed for talking about changes for the game itself I'll just keep it to some Armas stuff I'd like to see this time: -Charge Cisco Audio Kit -Patriot Vegas Audio Kit I absolutely LOVE the Cisco, one of the best looking cars in my opinion. But it really lacks an audio kit. Same for the vegas. These are great cars used by a lot of people, Especially the 4x4 vegas. Would love to have audio kits for them. Nothing else to add here. -Cross Faction Mako/Kissaki Some kits make total sense why they're faction locked. The Jericho's Hot Pursuit for Enfs and Nightrider for Crims for example. Or the different styles between the Enf and Crim Waragi LAV. It fits the style of the faction. But I dont see why the Mako and Kissaki kit are faction locked. Why can't Crims drive a Lamborghini rip-off or why can't Enfs drive a circuit spec car? Same kind of goes for the Mikro Cheetah and Raptor kits. Just add or remove the police light bars respectively and you got great kits that can be used by both factions. I would just REALLY love to have the Kissaki Kit on my Crim. -Gender Change Aww shit here we go again. Listen, I just want to be able to change my characters gender. I'm tired of looking at this dude I'll be honest. Point is, I put a lot of time (and more importantly) money in this character. I'm not just gonna throw that all away just to play with a female character. I have quite some character bound stuff that I'm not gonna let rot for nothing. Last time I suggested this someone mentioned something about back-end not being able to support that due to differences in the model's build or something. Now I'm not a programmer but I don't see why this is not possible. All the clothing you have would become obsolete. You'd have to start over with your wardrobe. That's expected, and perfectly fine by me. That's just the loss you have to be willing to take. As your gender swaps, so does the unlocks from contacts. So you'll lose nothing in that regard. Most Armas clothing I own are for both male and female. And those purchases are logged and toggled as unlocks in the character customizer anyway. Sooo one should just be able to flick some switches and bada-bing-bada-boom enjoy your new character, right? EDIT: Turns out a lot of stuff that I worried about could potentially get lost is either account wide, tradable or not gender locked. Which in turn made me wonder even more why a gender change isn't possible. If all we have to worry about it clothes and titles. Again, clothes are unlocks which are logged and available to you in the customizer. Titles can be swapped for the female equivalent. All that aside, I do want to show some appreciation for the things LO has done so far. Getting rid of the joker boxes was a legendary move (pun intended) I love the new legendary system, since you can just get joker tickets by playing the game (alltough it does take quite some time of course) you can now just get them without spending a single dime ever. Realizing I had enough joker tickets to rent one weapon I decided to try my luck see if I could be blessed with a premanent unlock. Guess who now permanently owns a Volcano. Dont LMAOO at me for wanting a volcano, I loved that weapon, gave mine to a friend so he could try it out and the moron got banned for aimbotting, hacked afterwards and lost it. Haha rockets go boom. I'm also of course still eagerly awaiting the engine update. Yes I see it takes a lot of time. But I'm still hopeful for it. I still have decent hopes for this game to make the long awaited 180 turn and become somewhat popular again. Even though it doesn't have a lot to offer in comparison to other games, I still think it's great fun when you're just messing around with friends. Have a nice day and don't forget to stay hydrated, peace Edit: Y'all got any info on when the next Armas sale could be?
  18. Few years ago I got Kissaki kit for one of my accounts in this case my enforcer character, as a reward (don't remember what was the occasion) but didn't activated it because I realized really quick that enforcers still don't have a Bishada as a unlockable car. So I asked back then G1 what is the deal with that and as in most cases back then I didn't got any answer or the answer was completely irrelevant or simply link to the armas shop which also is useless pretty much because this variation wasn't available in armas and far as I checked it still isn't. This is coming from the darkest age of APB where support pretty much didn't exist. So this is sitting on my account for years and now dug it out again and I wonder if I can do something with it or kiss it goodbye. Same question applies for other cars that are restricted and many people got these random kits but not sure about the cars. Some got the cars with it some didn't and if a enfo can't get a bishada or a crim cant get a V20 then what is the point getting the kits for the opposing faction. It would be great if we get a car that we can modify and then sell it or gift it. If it's locked character bound then in this case this is completely useless and I wish we got something else instead as rewards. Also was thinking for example if it's account bound then I can make a crim and maybe use this kissaki kit there anyways? So people what is your experience with this, did anyone remembers this, got one of these and did you manage to get this working somehow or should I just forget it.
  19. afaik they're included in the kttc pack which states buyers will have "all fonts, symbols, and decals unlocked", and its an account bound purchase available here: https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=65&subcatID=204&productId=3090
  20. It seems Page 16 (Potshot) and Page 15 (Conspiracy) symbols can be bought over Armas, although I'm not too sure if it's account bound since I've never bought them myself. However, Page 13, 14, 17, 18 seems to be unlock able through certain game events that run one time per year. The problem is some people don't have the time to go through all their characters if they choose to unlock every single page of symbols before the event ends. These pages don't seem to be purchasable through Armas either. Another issue would be that some symbols are made on different characters and can only be editable through that one character instead of the account itself. There should be a way to unlock these pages account wide since not everyone has the time to go through the events all year round.
  21. Ya sure? I'm pretty sure that half of playerbase have bought it account/char bounded already, the other half is just fine with contact's ones.
  22. Kekw. This shows how absolutely incompetent some of LO's employees at this point. Not gonna blame the whole company itself but damn.. Also, as I said few times and gonna say more, Armas needs Rework. Account bounded packs, more info, BETTER and ZOOMABLE item screenshots, less faction-exclusiveness, etc, etc.. By the way, it's 2020 and some clothing items really needs other items to be worn? Wtf,why i can't put glasses on forehead without that ugly hat? Also these shoulderpads, not LO's fault that clothing is in bad state rn, but I don't sure removing mentioned "requirements" is hard for them. Sry for bad English but I have to say this.
  23. Didn't know you could get armas guns via joker tickets. Go with G1c. Armas guns are sold by character and by account, the later is slightly higher priced but well worth it. All of the Armas guns i have are account bound. So all of my characters have the weapon/s. I have 4 Max ranks and a new reroll. I normally would say to invest in the open slots. But if you plan to reroll, grab a pre slotted version, so as a low rank you dont have to grind out cash to buy sites and other mods. Now if you want to go the joker route, get a Huntress rifle for your one character, This one shoots fast and is accurate, room for one mod, and the kill damage is almost as good as a sniper, and the mobility is high. you can run with it. VERY GOOD question. We know the 5% would goto the weapon you spend the jt's on. Where is that 1% applied?
  24. G1C is the best route, as you will get it account bound. Don't forget you also get JMBs as a reward for spending X amount of G1C too. You're better off specifically targeting a legendary you're actually interested in than leaving it to fate, as there are a fair number of legendaries which are not particularly interesting or fun to use.
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