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  1. EVENT ENDED Event powered by Wave Lounge ! A new type of clan made to preserve citadel's community, and unite them ! learn more here. Hey, Ketog from Wave Lounge here, (yep we still exist), it's been a little while since we had some activity, and with the start of the new year i thought i'd add some spice to it myself but with a fun little twist, a contest, but for nerds, what do i mean by that ? Well you're the judge: The Hypermetrics Contest This event is pretty simple and straight forward, it's how we do it at Wave Lounge, the goal you might ask ? right, get the highest possible FPS in APB, that's it, that's the event, yup. All you have to do to win is reach the highest possible FPS in APB with a few rules: 1) You must provide a complete screenshot of your game with performance metrics (any overlay of your choice) 2) You must be in an online district (yes social and fightclub are districts), that means no login screen trickery The rules are subject to change if some player finds a loophole, so we take the right to change the contest's rules to keep it fair, and give the win to the player that actually deserves it. The event will run from the date of which this post is published, up to the 8th January 2024 What can i win and how do i participate ? This event is happening on Citadel, however feel free to participate if you are not on citadel, i just won't be able to provide a prize for you to win. The winner with the highest FPS score will get the following: 1) 1 000 069 APB$ 2) Showstopper 'Thunder' 3) box of Exfluencis© 4) a special Legendary Donut The prize might increase as we get sponsors from other clans and/or donations from players, If you wish to donate to the cash prize, please message me on this forum or on discord @Liarus If you wish to participate, you will have to either join our discord and submit your screenshot in the submissions channel or DM me said submission (@Liarus), for me to take it into account, your submission will then appear on the leaderboard, in case you win, but do not want the prize, you can decide to give it to the best score after you, and if that player also doesn't want it, it goes on until we find a player that wants it. As an extra little note, I'm planning on running this little contest every end of the year, it would be quite a fun way to gather performance metrics related to APB over time. Have fun tweaking, breaking, experimenting with APB, there is no other rules other than what's currently listed, however stay up to date with this post for the latest news!
  2. So someone committing crimes punishable by prison takes their time to see what games you play because maybe there’s something in the games he can sell for real $ and then they played APB enough to learn that there actually are things you can sell? Exceptionally unlucky. By the way, what questions couldn’t you answer as far as proving account ownership?
  3. Hi all, about two months ago a hacker broke into one of my email addresses and was able to steal an enormous amounts of personal data out of that, even going as far as being able to buy stuff with my money. I won't go over how horrendous on an experience it has been for me, it wouldn't accomplish anything. Long story short, a few weeks after that I log into APB because I wanted to see the new features. The moment I log into my character I realize sometthing is wrong: no weapons on my hands, no legendaries in my locket, no mods, no cars, no money. Anything I had that could be traded is no longer there. It's obvious the hacker sold my account's access information to someone who used it to trade a lot of my stuff to themselves. At that point I'm feeling more desperate than ever. I've been playing since around 2015/2016 and all the stuff I had grinded for all these years was gone. I decide to open a ticket to at least see if LO had a log of trades done on my account, and maybe it was possible in some way to at the very least get my legendaries back (and the pleasant fellow banned). I am answered with the endless routine questions (your characters' names, email adress, ...) to which I answer as accurately and exhaustingly as I can. The answer? We're sorry but we couldn't determine that's you. I try asking what went wrong, the ticket gets closed. Man, what a fucking pleasant fellow. After this experience I'll (obviously) not ever touch the game again and hope it takes them all under bankruptcy. I fthis is the service you provide to your users I really think you don't deserve running a gaming company lmao.
  4. I believe you, and although I say some crazy things, I don't want to blindly hacusate any gold or other players not using combat hacks. I'm trying to make a point. We asked for an Anticheat to stop aimbotters/smooth aim, teleporting ect during combat. Not a program that banned for artists n layering programs, not for peps using a vpn to limit latency. It appears from speculative postings that this person may have been banned for being out of bounds. But we don't know, nor does the player in question. Now if thats what happened then i can see some punishment but not a perm ban for a first offense. If you're out of bounds then the game made it possible for you to be there and is then a game programming's fault. Not the player exploiting a spot, unless its done multiple times. You should just be kicked from the server or match. In any case EAC still doesn't seem to effect those with perfect aim. So You can see where I'm coming from here, everything else is on a learning curve, But fighting those with aimbot or smooth aim is not, there is no 'Getting Gud', no learning from a mistake. This is why the Game is no longer tolerable to some, there is no way to win against an aimbotter. You can surprize him, trick him, out maneuver him. But when it comes to the gun fight he will always get you. When word gets out that a particular game is hacked out, new people don't come, old people go away, financial backing and profit go out the window. What is left is the handful of hax complaining the game sucks and the pop is so low, after they hacked it out n ruined it for so many. As I've always said, You Reap What You Sow.
  5. Nope, Thats what They did, they banned kerry one of two legits in all NA, I'm the other one. Still Golds in Bronze district so EAC don't ban actual hackers. So beings LO never listens to legits and only hax that wanted bronze unlocked. We don't address LO, We simply don't pay funds to any game using EAC. They give back Kerry's account n I'll consider paying again, if the game in question has anything worth purchasing. This also means that any game using EAC is full of hax, based on what I know from this game. They like Why are you always calling everyone hackers in my other game, n i'm like Well isn't it obvious, they use EAC so ya know most players have bypassed it and are hacking.
  6. I wanted Mirage for Dodge Charger look. Well... I dunno if I want it anymore, the more I hear about it... Broken customization (because not being able to install even police light is in my opinion criminal), it looks KINDA like Dodge Charger and not really at the same time (hell even GTA V did this better with their copy of that car), it's got the worst of two traits of both Moirai and Vegas aka. bad grip - it corners like patootie and is unpredictable at that... most of time you drift into corners even if you don't really want to (It's supposed to be AWD? Where?) and to add cherry on top it's exclusive to ARMAs so I couldn't even try out it for free (used my side account for that because I still wasn't sure if I will use that car at all on my main). They basically let out WIP of car into game and charge full price for it. Coywolf is 10x better alternative than it.
  7. EAC DETECTS RTW SHADER FILES AS "CHEATING" Ya EAC doesn't detect aimbots, smooth aim or teleports. But targets Legit players for things that nobody ever thought was cheating or hacking. So I don't pay any game that uses EAC, not to mention that any two bit hacker can bypass EAC. GIVE BACK KERRY'S ACCOUNT U BUMS. and Merry Christmas to All.
  8. no account bound option makes you look scummy af also why is this vehicle listed under emotes lmao, literally no part of this release is bug free mind boggling fumble at the 1 yard line, if you'd just kept the car under wraps instead of trying (and failing) to distract the community from the stagnant roadmap you could have released a decent piece of content on your own time
  9. Old APB had a wanted system that wasn't neutered and the aggressive out of bounds system didn't exist. Those 2 things alone are pretty substantial changes from the current game.
  10. I used to have some account like 10 years ago too. 2 weeks ago I posted support ticket and yeah they asked me bunch of questions that I can't remember answers to (of course I can't even remember when I was signed in that acc, all I can remember it was before 2015). They dont't even care about the fact that I still know password for that account. I just ate the loss.
  11. We got the G24 firehawk for both factions, but not a cross-faction, or account-wide unlock option? When will we get this? -- and maybe a nice loyalty perk option to upgrade current G24 firehawk owners to pay the difference to upgrade their current purchase to get account-wide since it wasn't available at the beginning. You guys already nickel and dime us to buy cars for each character with very few account-wide or cross-faction bundles to benefit all characters with our favorite vehicles, would be nice if there's more bundles to accommodate this issue, as I don't want to buy a new car for each character.
  12. i have created twicth account, i sure follow it, speaked english i have not very good, but i wil like to speak directly with matt since we know game was not working as expected and i wish to help all posible to make this game addictive as it was created. sincerely i think version on "cd" would work very good. It was a game with rewards in 2009. In my opinion problem was insane and not asked to comunity updates than nobody wanted. I just want ask matt if played version cd to compare actual version. i mean this https://www.amazon.es/Pqube-Fallen-Earth-PC-CD/dp/B004CYE4NE thanks in advance!! My questions: any approximate date for the remake of the game? (It is the star question that everyone asks) if the game is finally re-released, will it be this current version (giant) or are you planning to re-release it from an earlier point? Knowing that your Matt, have you experienced this game as a player, what did you think of the game itself? Did you try the previous and classic version of the game, to compare? In my opinion, Matt, I think you like the immersion of the player in the game, there is really nothing like this game on Steam or any other platform in my opinion, the fault in my opinion is the errors that the previous company left you, They never looked for the player in the updates, in fact you can look at the old forum and see their opinions. The game was very complete, addictive and easy to get to until it took the first turn with an update called gore, which the game could barely support, I tell you that there was a rifle from that expansion that did a single hit of 800 of damage (if you had a character build with maximum power among other things), from there they made modifications without stopping and continued expanding with more things that led the game to the disaster that it is now, a simpler, less addictive and less attractive game . Thanks for reading my opinion. Addding: Since it is a special occasion and Matt will read this, my suggestion is this: Since currently the problem of duplicates is not resolved, then put map 1 and perhaps map 2, both are works of art, they have their small pvp areas and it wouldn't really hurt the game in the future if the duplicate problem is not resolved, since the materials are worthless for high levels. In addition, the game with a map or two would only include people in a map and forces them to see each other (you see more people, which attracts more new players, the first impression is very important), in addition, this game is oriented towards manufacturing objects (weapons, clothing, medicine and so on) it would make it more fun for people to sell more in the audition by helping new players until they get the hang of the game, honestly when I played the game for the first time in 2011 I didn't even know how to make objects , I bought everything in audition and sold everything I got with the NPCs until I picked up the crafting thread, which is extremely addictive and fun. The game itself is about taking a mission, going to the point, doing the mission and collecting a reward, that is the basis. Then you realize, over time, that there are countless fun things like crafting, finding objects that fall on special enemies, missions that carry their story since some give new ones, hidden missions on the map and the most more, the pvp (here I talk about the areas on the map and bloodsports (the flag game was the most fun and the only one I played) playing gave special points to buy special equipment for pvp.) In summary, my opinion is that by putting one or two maps and a level cap of 20 or 35 depending on the case of one or two maps, surrounding them with lethal radiation or launching the game as it is on the CD (you will see, Matt, that there are even abilities that change from what there is now to the CD version and they did this in the past because the new thing they added destroyed the game and its playability). All this is a personal opinion, and I have to tell you that I did all the missions in the game, I did all the crafting, I found all the mysterious objects and I did PvP to a large extent, I was always involved in almost all the battles, making PvP active with my friends, who by the way I have met in the game. nothing more to say, thank you very much for reading this bible if you have read it and greetings from someone who really always loves the game and is always willing to help. Aroa Abrir en el Traductor de Google• Enviar comentarios American English | Traductor de inglés a español
  13. Can we unlock more character slots? there was 6 at my old account, 1 for each faction.
  14. Hello everyone, just a week ago I received a ban from the EAC, the fact is that I changed the DPI in my logitec mouse, in the logitec GHUB program, I wrote to support and they said that I should file an appeal, a lot of effort and money was invested in the account, the account is 6 years old, my appeal disappeared after 3 days, and they suggest that I file an appeal again, do I have a chance of being unbanned? I read the news and forums, there was some kind of wave of bans, what should I do at the moment? I am writing from a translator
  15. Holy shite, wtf.. For the last time, I don't hack. Never have. If my vegas flies out of bounds, that's not cheating, that's a design flaw. EAC banned me, so the problem is with them. The owners/designers of this game have no control over bans, legit or not. That is the problem. They can't even fix their own crappy game. Mack, get better dude. Not worth the time or effort to waste with these inept customer support, matt, whoever else. They are not addressing simple problems within the game, just giving a lot of empty promises.
  16. It’s also against the rules to buy/sell accounts.
  17. Hi, My account has been banned last night for no reason. I have been playing this game for approximately 6-7 years. I do not use any mouse macro programs or manipulation. If you can check my account carefully you can see it yourself. I made up a ticket on apb game support. But I did not receive any answer for 16 hours. I cannot make a new ticket because the first one has not been answered from your side. I checked it a few minutes ago. My ticket is already opened. All these years i spend a lot of money and my time to play this game. I am aggrieved and I need an urgent help. Please research my account carefully and see it yourself. Regards Astrophilia
  18. First off, Your Time isn't worth a chickens cluck. You chose to waste your worthless time just by coming to this forum. Second off, the only peps who play that stupid event are rerolls or low ranks that haven't gotten the awards yet, and I do not see any proof to support your accusation. They have nothing worth exploiting for, and Kerry's been around a long time so he wouldn't need to exploit for some halloween hat or gun skin. Furthermore, He is Not a Hacker, He is Not an Exploiter, Period. APB will not see a Dime from Me nor a microgram of respect until Kerry's account is restored, nor will any firm using EAC get a dime from me. As far as I'm concerned EAC is Malware designed to accept and over look people with aimbots and teleports, and only targets Legit players who refuse to buy such hacks. Kerry was the only 'Other Legit' in Apb next to me, n U Dirty Crooks Banned Him. @MattScott Not a Dime not a penny until this mans account is restored. As far as I'm concerned its EAC Eazy Active Cheat. I will Boycott any Firm using EAC ie Warthunder or any other Firm.
  19. So i press on the steam login and this error code pops up where it says quote on quote- Error / Login Failed PASSWORD EXPIRED!! Your password has expired, you will need to choose a new password before logging in. Please log in the Gamersfirst website at www.gamersfirst.com to change your password. (error code 11002). And idk what i should do i tried making a ticket but it wouldnt let me submit it and i played the game years ago i just thought back at it and wanted to get back into it but i cant seem to get into my old account where i have my weapons money cars cosmetics and what not.. So i hope one of you can help me figure out getting my old account back..
  20. Get better Mack.. Got another useless email saying the same dumb shite. Fix my account, or just transfer my stuff to another account.
  21. Don't worry you'll get your account back when they upgrade to Commandor64......
  22. @MattScott So do to this person being false banned, and seeing known blatants still playing on my last visit to apb, I will not only not pay apb for anything, I will also not pay any game that uses EAC, including War Thunder. Regardless of If You do the Right thing and give Kerry his account back. Any Firm associating or consorting with EAC will not get a dime from me.
  23. Indeed a bruh moment Mfs can just simply make a new account Now excuse me as I go find THE HAND THE FEEEEDS
  24. There is no place on the EAC website for them to answer APB related bans. The game is not on their list of games supported. So there is no way for EAC to unban. No way for APB support to unban. Every EAC ban is designated by them and can't be undone. Just add in a function of your own to override EAC. By the time anyone looks at these unfair bans, the player is going to be gone. Every cheat is adding in macros, whatever to adjust the game. For someone that is running widely used antivirus software (avg), and no macros, etc., there should be some way to get rid of these false bans. In the webcast, secrets was saying there was some communication with EAC. There should be communication about their false bans and have them show the proof of third party tools. Quoting Matt - 90% of the bans were from other people playing other accounts. Is the other 10% false bans then? Why is there no help for a false ban?? Please follow up with EAC. My account was banned because of their mistake. I don't have any third party tool and I'm still waiting for my account to be fixed.
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