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  1. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2020/6/22/legendary-beta http://apb.patch.beta.gamersfirst.com/APB_Beta_Installerprogram
  2. Hi everyone, Today I had to make a tough call. Both yesterday and today, our internal network had massive problems causing long outages at a time which prevent staff from making a lot of progress on their work. This includes Customer Support, Quality Assurance, and Development. We had a number of last minute bugs we wanted to address that might have made tomorrow a bit smoother, but only one of them got addressed. The Open Beta final build has been released. Everyone should try to patch now. Against my better judgment, I'm sticking withtomorrow's test as planned, because I said we'd do it. So we're doing it. Details here: http://gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2020/6/22/legendary-beta I don't recommend anyone stream this build. There are bound to be lots of problems. It just isn't the build I had hoped for. Please also check the Known Issues here: Lastly, we will be doing more of these as regularly as we can. Sorry, Matt Edited to clear up questions.
  3. You have to go to their HP-games-apb-news https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2020/6/22/legendary-beta
  4. To the OP: Okay. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2020/6/22/legendary-beta
  5. San paro. 10 years ago, a little girl named Ryoko lived in a friendly family. She was the only and most beloved child. But Ryoko's entire fairy tale life was destroyed by one gang of bastards, who for a couple of gold rings, chains, and a couple of bundles of dollars killed the parents of a poor little girl. But she was not ignored by the murderers. One of the gang tried to no a young girl (since childhood, she was very beautiful and attractive), but he was stopped by a passing police officer car with the siren turned on, which gave the girl a chance to escape from the scumbag's clutches. After this sad story, she was left with a mental trauma. Now this girl is 22 years old. She has no family. Ryoko didn't take the past grudges and became angry, vindictive and cruel. Now she specially dresses very depraved and defiant, and on dark evenings walks in sparsely populated places, to attract the attention of maniacs and perverts. And as soon as one is found and makes an attack on Ryoko, it easily repels the attack and turns from a victim into a real nocturnal predator. Not for nothing on her chest flaunts an owl. In this way, it takes money and valuables only from bad people, every time it does so, she doesn't just Rob perverts, she lets them know that it would be better for them to correct themselves, otherwise they might lose their lives next time. Another hunt for perverts occurred in front of Darrell, who is an employee the Joker Corporation. He was impressed by her fighting qualities. Immediately realizing that the Joker Corporation needs such shots, he smiled and raised his hands, I approached her to offer her a job. Although Ryoko seems like a crazy, reckless predator,deep down, she still remains a kind child looking for true love, a person who will be able to give her care and love, because she missed it so much after that incident from my childhood. ------------------------- Сан-паро. 10 лет назад маленькая девочка по имени Риоко жила в дружной семье. Она была единственным и самым любимым ребенком. Но всю сказочную жизнь Риоко разрушила одна банда ублюдков, которые ради пару золотых колец, цепочек и пару пачек баксов убили родителей бедной малышки.Но и она не осталась без внимания убийц. Один из шайки попытался изнасиловать малолетнюю девочку (еще с детства она была очень красива и привлекательна), но его остановила случайно проезжавшая полицейская машина со включенной сиреной,которая дала шанс девчонке сбежать из лап отморозка. После этой печальной истории у нее осталась психическая травма. Теперь этой девушке 22 года. У нее нет семьи. Риоко не за была обиды прошлого и стала обозленной, мстительной и жестокой. Теперь она специально одевается очень развратно и вызывающе, и темными вечерами гуляет в немноголюдных местах, чтобы привлечь к себе внимание маньяков и извращенцев. И как только таковой находится и совершает нападение на Риоко, она с легкостью отражает атаку и превращается из жертвы в настоящего ночного хищника. Не даром на ее груди красуется сова. Таким образом она отбирает деньги и ценности только у плохих людей, каждый раз делая это, она не просто грабит извращенцев, но и дает им понять, что лучше бы им исправиться, иначе в следующий раз они могут лешиться жизни. Очередная охота на извращенцев произошла на глазах Даррелла, являющегося сотрудником корпорации "Джокер" .Он был поражен ее бойцовскими качествами. Сразу поняв, что корпорация "Джокер" нуждается в таких кадрах, он улыбнувшись, и подняв руки, подошел к ней, чтобы предложить работу. Хоть Риоко и кажется сдвинутой, безбашенной хищницей,глубоко в душе она так и осталась добрым ребенком, ищущим настоящей любви, человека который сможет подарить ей заботу и любовь, ведь ей так не хватало этого после того случая из детства.
  6. Name: Sarah Cruz. AKA "Slingshot" Native city: San Paro Age: 21 Still counting few years missing to return to the street, it seems that the months were decades instead of thirty days raising hopes. She was 19 years old and she went to prison, 22 her friend the day he passed away. They didn't have to look for her, she just gave herself up, she said he deserved it for being a traitor. They were friends, the facts had won respect and love, for his birthday she went to give him a .32 but he found him making deals with the prentiss tigers. leaving her with no choice. She ruthlessly killed him, and after the last bullet she hugged him herself, "Brother, I couldn't, I hope God forgives you" only in seconds the ship sank. Life does not give you to choose the situation. "Your sentence will be lowered if you join the enforcers" but she prefer drugs to heal her heart. And then there she will be complete and satisfied, outside her people are waiting for her, "you just have to be patient take advantage". Some contacts of her talked with the Joker distribution to help, but they answered "If you want it, earn it"
  7. Story by a friend Maye Fahmi You never appreciate it when you've got it all. Maye Fahmi was unlucky to learn this bitter lesson through her own experience. A former model and a rising movie star from Egypt, beautiful, popular, and wealthy, she lost everything when at the age of 22 she caught a rare disease that made her skin gradually change pigmentation and eventually turn silver. While some thought this made her even more spicy, the majority turned their backs to the wannabe Marilyn Monroe. She stopped getting casting calls, disappeared from tabloids, her friends abandoned her. Even her family were not happy having her around anymore. Indeed, it could understood, she looked evil. Not only her skin, her eyes changed dramatically. The pupils, iris and cornea all turned silver of almost identical tint, so that her eyes looked hollow even close-up. She tried every possible medication but nothing helped and she lost hope to recover. The only thing she hasn’t lost yet was her money and she decided to fill the rest of her life with all the joy she could buy for what she had left. She started travelling and visited many countries, always in eyeglasses and a mask, and always in the pursue of the dirtiest aspects of life. Night clubs, drugs, orgies... she tried them all. And they entertained her a lot, but only for a while. After about a year of living this epicurean life she noticed that every next country she visited and every next city she stayed in started giving her less joy. Boredom and loneliness became her frequent company. She still had money to drive her careless life to its obvious end but she just had no more fuel in the tank. It is in this foggy state of mind that she arrived to San Paro. The city was unlike any other she visited. Unstoppable fighting at streets, raids, pain, and trouble, this seemed like one of the movies she starred in years ago came to life. That was exciting. But it didn't last long. Very soon she dived into the deep of boredom again and started to booze. It is just this honorable occupation she was dedicating herself at Rimbaud when she got noticed by Gumball. "Hey, honey, I'm Gumball. What is your name? Show me your pretty face." Maye didn't feel like dating. "Fuck off shit ball." Gumball liked the answer. He sat down next to her and took the eyeglasses off her face. "Omg, girl, what happened to your eyes? And skin?" "Fuck off!" Gumball had a taste for special girls. And Maye was exceptional. "Come with me. I'll show you something." "What is it?" "A heist. You'll be part of it." That sounded interesting. After all, even if he just wanted to no her, she didn't care for herself anymore. "Ok" -- this word changed her life. It was a real heist, of a large bank. Nicely planned and smoothly performed. They were four heroes, and they defeated it all: sophisticated video surveillance, face and eye identification, coded locks, sneaky security guards. Seven million gain, not a drop of blood lost. This night Maye Fahmi died and Tatt0o was born. Tatt0o became Gumball's secret right hand and woman. "My little alien" as he calls her, but on heist she is more like a robot: precise, fearless, unstoppable. One day she also became his ears. "I need someone in the Joker Store to sniff stuff. They are looking for a sales rep. Wanna try?" Of course she did. After all, she is an actress and that was a completely new role she got offered. So, either you are a cop or criminal, beware when talking shit near this girl when you are in the Joker.
  8. Name: Arthur (or Matt's choice) Backstory: Arthur was born in 22/10/1928 in Mexico. He was the brightest student of his time. At the age of 10, Arthur was fluent in other three languages: French, English, Urdu and was learning Japanese.His mother later on caught an unknown lung disease that she told no one about On 1939, his mother gave birth to his younger sister, Lucy. Arthur was extremely caring and protective of his little sister. But it was later revealed that his mother was sick with an unknown disease and that his sister inherited that unknown lung disease from her mother And He then became genius doctor who wanted nothing more in the world than to save his mother and younger sister from that unknown disease, but he was later betrayed by his business partner Karl who told him that he was the one who infected his mother with that lung disease and Arthur turned into a cold-hearted assassin to assassinate his partner Karl, and he succeeded in 1945. After that he remained a assassin for the rest of his life and earned millions by killing. My English is bad and my brain is now exhausted. Probably hardly even a 0.001% chance of winning though lol, but i love my outfits especially the first one no matter what yall think.
  9. Matthew Roykurk 00-02/ "18-20 Begins his adult life from Phoenix AZ, working at a gun shop as well as being a living aid for his father who suffers from Alzheimer's” 03 “21 Leaves his last place of record as his father dies in a hit and run on a walk from a fireworks festival they just finished attending. This leaves Matthew uncertain of what he wants to pursue so after some long thought, he considers his sister's invitation to move to San Paro with her husband and 4 year old daughter, Sunny . In time he sees how distraught the public still is after a decade from the last mayors murder, Matthew takes on the challenge of attending the local Police Academy in mind to lend a hand to the city because of his negative experiences since living in San Paro added to this weight on his mind. ” 04 “22 Finishes Police Academy and serves in the SPPD where in passing he starts his own self defense club for citizens looking to protect themselves from the evildoers of the city, utilizing anything from blunt/sharp weapons, firearms and martial arts. During this time, his brother in law is murdered in a robbery at a local pizzeria he was visiting for the families monthly pizza night, Matthew fills in as the father role during his nieces child development ” 07 “25 Leaves SPPD after handling many loses of partners, witnessing more than enough random/pointless murders and , joins the Peace Corps to help serve in Ukraine. His club at the time being is being handled by close friends of his during the lack of Matthews presence. This time onwards, helps with ensuring the education and growth of the locals youth in Ukraine as well as taking in some ‘specialized’ lessons from the local Militia ” 11 “29 Returns to San Paro in regards to his sister dying in a bombing during a premier at an art gallery , leaving their daughter behind. Matthew takes it as his responsibility to return to his last place considered home and take care of his niece. He then spends the rest of his time, serving as an Enforcer under the C.S.A. and helping spread firearms and self defence education through his “San Paro Self Defense Club” for the safety and wellness of the local citizens. That's a Coywolf by the way, not some riced out Veo, the city "gave" it to me after lowering the crime average in the area I was assigned. This as well is Matthew's shops patch/logo for more lore fun. Also, Matty my man, please add this weapon skin as a prize, like I said earlier, I'd enjoy seeing others have it. I've waited a long time again to see more events like this and hope to see more from now. Disclaimer:I had this story and name already set aside incase this happened, I'm talking before Little Orbit so I was kind of surprised the CEO's first name was the same as my characters.
  10. Vegas 4x4 has a slower max speed than the g20 honestly. Most vehicles have a max speed of 18-20. Except the vegas series which is 23/22 for both the g20 and 4x4. Hell, the growl has a max speed of 22.7 (i just looked that up, and am surprised) but noone talks about that one as being too good because it's almost a glass cannon.
  11. I remind we discussed quite a lot about it ages ago... if LO didnt change anything until now the fact you are male/female, shorter, taller, fatter or thinner, the head is a bald desert or longo banana costumized head /hat possible doesnt change the hit boxes, they are always the same. The fact is the High-Magnification scope as it's right now it's USELESS Bah, of course for reach a result, for anything, you have to work.. always. But at first glance it doesnt seem me a so big task, just a little matter of Elementary mathematic and change some value. Now I dont know how much is the total pixel or cm square of a APB hitboxes, as if I may know the head area... so we may try to calculate for percentual and making an analogy with a real characters, throwing some numbers, it can be something like that: 180 ( cm, the height in cm of a person) : 100 ( %, n.) = 45 ( cm, lenght of a head) : x ( %, the % of how much a head's lenght occupy respect to other parts of a body) So: X= (100 x 40) / 180 ≅ 22 % So, kinda grossly, 22% we may tell this is the area, starting from topside possible of the hitboxes, where we may suppose it's located the head starting from topside possible. Now, I dont know excatly which program the software developer of LO and APB are using, but if something similar to Inventor or Solid Works that I use for 3d Design, where you can make also simply task as extrusion, extension, change valour etc in %..., in analogy, it shall not a big problem to change some valour in Apb and set a damage multiplier in that area. Of course, this is a very grossly supposition of mine, then probabily there will be a the part of testing, changing value etc, but I guess I am not so far or half way for a clue for doing it. No, the damage multiplier we have already applied or seen in some mechanics/ weapons. DMR is a example, but it's apllied in range instead of hitbox area, it can kill in 2 instead of 3 after a target is over 88 m. About the fact how they have managed it in game for balancing the weapons, yep totally agree... lol I repeat again... all the weapon I elencated before, for my personal opinion, aren't meta or used cause the others one perform better in 1 vs 1 or team play, I dont get it what are your thoughts about it. What do u expect if u receive a bullet in head ? xD Joker aside, I didnt give any potential damage number because I was waiting someone to telling something and discussing about it. The damage I was thinking was the same about a HVR, 850 damage, it will perfom only if High-Magnification scope is on the weapon and an clear headshot. copy/paste from above It's not exactly a game suggestion, cause we have already discussed about give a damage multiplier for head /headshot for ages, also pre-LO, but maybe having this ability it may help to improve the balancing and give sense to some modsweapon and weapon for being bought/utilized in more competitive match ups. Ah ok, no my excuse I remind about that scene after u explained , I suspected and it was strange may come any type of insult from a person such as you. Sorry for the long post...Bye
  12. Hi everyone, I didn't quite make Monday, but this was a lot to organize. I probably wont be able to post this level of detail in the future. These stats are admittedly a little disappointing. I know many of the testers complained about latency issues on APB 2.1. We're looking to what happened there, but the stats also show that OTW2 didn't perform across the board like last time. It is also important to know that we ran the most complicated customizations that we could, and we still have hitches when new players are entering the district and their customizations are being baked. With so many players versus the 5/8 that could be affecting the stats as well. Regardless, here are the numbers: 5 testers performed lower on APB 2.1 than APB 1.20. And 6 testers from 5/8 weren't able to make it this time. I left their entries blank. We do have more lower spec machines this time, and everyone is running Maximum in APB 1.20 and Very High in APB 2.1. You can definitely see how much raw processing speed affects APB 1.20. The biggest gains for us in APB 2.1 are tied to having more cores. I might be missing some over clocking data for a few of these, which might explain some of the oddball discrepancies. Like I mentioned on Saturday, we had about 10 crashes. They all turned out to be related to the same thing, and we believe we have a fix for that now. We'll spend the next couple days chasing down the rest of the issues, continuing to multi thread new bits of the game, and fixing the hitch when baking customizations. We plan on running another test on Friday 5/22, and this time we'll try to make sure the APB 2.1 server is running better. UPDATE 5/19: I put a new listing up that had more details for overlocking by several testers. I think that helps put the numbers in better perspective. Thanks, Matt
  13. Hi everyone, This is going to be a shorter update with a follow up tomorrow or Monday. We spent the week fixing the bugs and crashes that plagued last week's play test. Yesterday did a new play test with ~30 players. Everyone started by getting on APB 1.20 and testing Asylum for about 30 minutes. Several of the players last week didn't have their logging setup correctly, so we re-ran that portion to establish a benchmark. With people jumping in and out it looks like we had a pretty solid average of ~22 players over the entire test. Next, they got back on APB 2.1 and tested Asylum for the same amount of time. Looks like we got ~22 players during this test too. There were a few crashes, so we have some things to fix this week, but overall the stability was way better. Unfortunately something was going on with the server. There was definitely a latency problem. There are a lot more logs to go through this time, and I had other obligations this weekend, so I haven't finished collating everything This process involves matching up CPU/GPUs to stats for both OTW1 and OTW2, and instead of 19 like last week, there are 29. However, here are the stats from the first player in my list. APB 1.20: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 - 102FPS with ~22 players Highest 1% FPS = 173FPS Lowest 1% FPS = 65FPS APB 2.1: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 - 125FPS with ~22 players Highest 1% FPS = 248FPS Lowest 1% FPS = 63FPS Thanks, Matt
  14. Hi everyone, I missed yesterday's post due to some hard core number crunching that needed to be done for this update. Sorry about that. My schedule has been extremely busy lately. That also means I'm several months behind responding to messages in my forum inbox. I plan on trying to squeeze some time in this week to catch up a little. With that out of the way, today marks the 2 year anniversary of Little Orbit taking over APB Reloaded in 2018. To be honest, I had hoped that the Engine Upgrade would be shipped by now. But once it was clear that many of the issues plaguing us were not going to be easily resolved, I decided to start this thread a little over 7 months ago. Here is a quick recap of where we are at this point. - We found a new way to multithread using an upgrade to an existing library in the game. We had avoided doing this previously, because the library was only supported on Windows. But the upgrade seems to support console now, so we took a shot. Our first test is focused on how we update lights in the game. The new system is far more efficient and has the capacity to manage more cores at higher utilization. This is still pretty experimental, but we're pretty excited about it. If this test holds up, then we'll likely implement this across the other multithreaded areas. - The team spent last week continuing work on UI optimizations to frame rate. As I said last week, there is still a significant difference in time spent rendering the UI between Live and the Beta. - We also found some clean up audio work that was causing an occasional crash. - And we are exploring a persistent crash popping up for the in-game browser. There has been light weight work going on there for the last couple weeks to get it sorted before we ship the Beta. That brought us to Friday and a rather quickly thrown together stress test to see how all the changes performed. This time we kept it private, because we knew were pushing the envelope. The plan was for each player to first spend some time on OTW playing the Live build of Asylum for a base line benchmark. We encouraged many of the players to load up their most complex customizations, and we tried to fill the district as much as possible. Then we did the same thing in our Beta environment. Each player submitted both logs to us, so we could process the results. At the same time, we had our devs in the Beta environment running around and capturing performance profiles to determine the functions that execute the most and require optimizations. In retrospect, I'm glad I kept things private, because the Beta portion of the playtest was a bit of a disaster. It appears that several of the "rare" or "occasional" crashes scaled up under more load and became "constant". I doubt anyone was able to play for more than 3-5 minutes without crashing and having to load back in. However, we did accomplish most of what we wanted. We got some usable comparisons from testers. We also captured many crash logs, and the devs got quite a number of good profiles that revealed some things we knew, some thing we suspected, and some things we didn't. Based on the logs we did get, here are the results. DISCLAIMER #1: This was a lot less scientific than I prefer, so please don't read too much into the results. Due to the consistent crashes, it was really hard to pull apples-to-apples comparisons, but I did my best by grabbing specific segments of time when things were more equal. At a minimum there might be some good data here for players on APB 1.20 looking to figure out how to improve their performance. DISCLAIMER #2: Our logs don't capture whether the machine is overclocked, so there may be performance discrepancies. I'll start with system configurations and their FPS stats for APB 1.20: AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti - 112 FPS average with unknown players (grapher bug processing log - but probably 3x as many as the 2.1 log) AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 - 112 FPS average with ~13 players AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 8-Core Processor + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 - 89 FPS average with ~14 players AMD Ryzen 7 1800X 8-Core Processor + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti - 65 FPS average with ~20 players AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER - 134 FPS average with ~8 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti - 184 FPS average with ~11 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti - 144 FPS average with ~13 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 - 92 FPS average with ~9 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz (OC to 5.0GHz) + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 - 151 FPS average with ~8 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz (OC to 4.60GHz) + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti - 117 FPS with ~13 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz + Radeon RX Vega - 117 FPS average with ~22 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (OC to 4.4GHz) + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 - 111 FPS average with ~11 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti - 127 FPS average with ~13 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - 61 FPS average with ~8 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 - 96 FPS average with ~13 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4820K CPU @ 3.70GHz + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 - 72 FPS average with ~14 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 - 65 FPS average with ~8 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti - 62 FPS average with ~8 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7500 CPU @ 3.40GHz + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 - 75 FPS average with unknown players (grapher bug processing log - but probably 3x as many as the 2.1 log) Next, here are their FPS stats for APB 2.1: AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti - 177 FPS average with unknown players (grapher bug processing log - player count likely 1/3 of the 1.20 log) AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 - 123 FPS average with ~11 players AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 8-Core Processor + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 - 132 FPS average with unknown players (grapher bug processing log - player count likely 1/2 of the 1.20 log) AMD Ryzen 7 1800X 8-Core Processor + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti - 117 FPS average with ~9 players AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER - 140 FPS average with ~5 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti - 197 FPS average with ~11 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 - 214 FPS average with ~11 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 - 130 FPS average with ~9 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz (OC to 5.0GHz) + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 - 194 FPS average with unknown players ( player count likely close to the 1.20 log) Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz (OC to 4.60GHz) + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti - 169 FPS average with ~8 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz + Radeon RX Vega - 147 FPS average with ~11 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (OC to 4.4GHz) + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 - 154 FPS average with ~7 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti - 134 FPS average with ~13 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - 59 FPS average with unknown players (grapher bug processing log - player count likely close to the 1.20 log) Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 - 113 FPS average with unknown players (grapher bug processing log - player count likely 1/2 of the 1.20 log) Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4820K CPU @ 3.70GHz + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 - 72 FPS average with ~13 players Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz + NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 - 164 FPS average with ~6 players (don't read into this.. no idea what was happening or not) Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti - 62 FPS average with unknown players (grapher bug processing log - player count likely close to the 1.20 log) Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7500 CPU @ 3.40GHz + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 - 112 FPS average with unknown players (grapher bug processing log - player count likely 1/3 of the 1.20 log) Whew! That is a relatively small amount of info, but took quite a while to compile. We are planning another play test this week, so I should have a better update on the 16th. Thanks, Matt
  15. Gonna try to keep this short... General Remove save checks from skills/mutations - It's an RNG system that hasn't been tuned in 7+ years, it should simply be abolished from a PVP standpoint. Which isn't many abilities thankfully. Weapons Remove passive 5m bonus range in system, this is across the board. Increase melee listed range to 3m in stats. Skills Kneecap (Dirty Tricks) needs dispel values checked to make sure preservation/suck it up cannot dispel it. Stanch Wounds cast time and cooldown increased by 1s. (Still think it should be self-only... but we'd have to add another heal) Remove passive 7% critical chance given to characters for free, instead split it between Weapon Skill and Precision. This would bring the total at "cap" investment for player level to 29% vs 22%. Weapon Skill would be 2.9% Precision would be 26.1% This increases the gap between pure power builds, power/precision, and most certainly pure precision builds. This does not mean critical chance caps at 29%, obviously like all passives it scales base on total boosted stat. (7.5095 vs 9.8989 per 1%) Diplomatic Immunity should remove all armor debuffs off of a friendly target (Not for self) This aura is one of the weaker lines and could use a boost. Fix Power's tooltip (6.3% at max for your level) and Weapon skill tooltips (.7% at max for your level) These are clientside actually, serverside should be 90/10 (%) of total investment checks (Was confirmed back before GORE by previous staff) Mutations Increase cooldown of high damage nukes (direct damage) by 50% (ThermalTK/Sonic would be 30s rather than 20s. It's a "free" hit, given it's potential to kill a target with enough players it should be planned rather than spammed. Increase cooldown of Benevolence by 1s A slight nerf to healing. Add "mutation/grenade/heavy weapon" protection of 5/5/10/10/15/15/20/20 (%) to Resilience under Enhancement Vital Omosis change HoT (or a mix of direct/hoT), most will probably agree this heal got a bit too strong. I'd prefer the old 20s cooldown zone, required positioning. Mutations requiring one to "stand still" should root the user while casting, but also increasing cast times of Benevolence/Endless Reserves/Vital Osmosis by .5s (If V.O. remains in it's current state) To allow punishment of healers in PVP, won't effect much in PVE as mobs do not currently switch agro from healing. Meditation 5 under Illumination fixed to require 123 illumnation NOT 121. ADD A BLOODY METHOD TO USE AN EQUIPPED MUTATION WITHOUT IT TAKING OVER SECONDARY FIRE (Assign it a key of it's own) Huge QoL change, would open up TK/Nano to Dual Wield users that were punished by not being able to time attacks fully. Would add more but not going crazy here.
  16. Most likely not as this tweak is meant to help APB put some assets in RAM that would otherwise go into a HDD/SSD. APB has no choice as to use the HDD/SSD because it is limited to <4GB RAM due to being a 32 bit application. Most other games are either 64 bits already or don't have issues with the 4GB limit to begin with, if they are older games. For those asking whether this will eliminate every stutter, garbage collection stutters are (as has been said already) not affected by this, but unfortunately GC is only one of the multiple causes of stutters. I have collected some GC times to prove this. On all 4 runs, I logged into the same character, went to social and idled a bit in front of the clothes shop to cause the maximum possible disk load: Spinner/ HDD without ramdisk Line 6645: 13:43:38 - DevGarbage: 71.101600 ms for realtime GC Line 6914: 13:43:59 - DevGarbage: 57.993300 ms for realtime GC Line 9494: 13:45:02 - DevGarbage: 71.593300 ms for realtime GC Line 11535: 13:45:07 - DevGarbage: 61.530200 ms for realtime GC Line 11970: 13:45:07 - DevGarbage: 60.692800 ms for realtime GC Line 19820: 13:47:07 - DevGarbage: 68.735400 ms for realtime GC HDD plus ramdisk Line 6645: 14:15:57 - DevGarbage: 70.825400 ms for realtime GC Line 6914: 14:16:14 - DevGarbage: 58.260500 ms for realtime GC Line 9429: 14:17:16 - DevGarbage: 71.052600 ms for realtime GC Line 11313: 14:17:20 - DevGarbage: 60.997500 ms for realtime GC Line 11748: 14:17:20 - DevGarbage: 59.838800 ms for realtime GC Line 17087: 14:19:20 - DevGarbage: 64.772400 ms for realtime GC NVMe drive without ramdisk Line 6645: 13:54:22 - DevGarbage: 72.887600 ms for realtime GC Line 6905: 13:54:30 - DevGarbage: 59.166000 ms for realtime GC Line 9476: 13:55:38 - DevGarbage: 72.855800 ms for realtime GC Line 11541: 13:55:43 - DevGarbage: 61.931400 ms for realtime GC Line 11988: 13:55:43 - DevGarbage: 60.429500 ms for realtime GC Line 19900: 13:57:43 - DevGarbage: 67.482200 ms for realtime GC NVMe plus ramdisk Line 6645: 14:02:13 - DevGarbage: 70.539800 ms for realtime GC Line 6904: 14:02:19 - DevGarbage: 58.487600 ms for realtime GC Line 9232: 14:03:09 - DevGarbage: 70.705000 ms for realtime GC Line 11278: 14:03:11 - DevGarbage: 60.021700 ms for realtime GC Line 11713: 14:03:11 - DevGarbage: 59.999700 ms for realtime GC Line 18967: 14:05:12 - DevGarbage: 67.676100 ms for realtime GC Relevant specs: i9 9900k @ 4.9Ghz, 2x8GB DDR4 3800-CL16, Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500GB NVMe drive, a "desperately slow" 5400rpm Seagate 2TB HDD and Windows LTSC 2019 (version 1809). These values reflect that GC is done in RAM, so all configurations perform mostly the same within a small margin of error. Notably, GC times are not worsened by using the RAM disk despite the higher amount of reads/writes to RAM. As for HDD/SSD access, the game just crams everything into the AssetCache folder ("everything" being mostly other players' models and cars) until either: - The game is closed and contents of AssetCache are cleared. - Disk space runs out, causing the game to crash. That means that there is no GC being done periodically, unlike with main RAM, as the game simply assumes that storage space won't run out. GC times aside, even though I did not measure framerates, the "HDD without ramdisk" setup created some very noticeable irregular stutters whenever characters loaded in, plus it also took longer for characters to load. Using a RAM disk greatly improved framerate stability even when the game's install remained on the spinning HDD. The performance difference between a high-end SSD and a RAM drive is minimal to nonexistent, but using a RAM disk will also reduce wear on SSDs and prolong their usable life. So therefore I strongly recommend this tweak to anyone using a spinning HDD or a pre-2014 SSD who has enough RAM at their disposal. The RAM drive can be set as dynamically allocated so memory is freed up again once the game closes. Of course, this will not be necessary when the new engine arrives as it will be able to use as much RAM as it needs, being a 64 bit executable.
  17. Hello everyone, We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 4/22/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 2 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well. OVERVIEW In addition, we have added 420 symbols to ARMAS right now! Check them out! This post is cross-referenced under Game Updates for your convenience. Sakebee
  18. Hello everyone, We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 4/22/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 2 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well. OVERVIEW In addition, we have added 420 symbols to ARMAS right now! Check them out! Sakebee
  19. Back this Friday @yeedman will be giving an EOL away to the person with the most wins after 5 rounds. As well as the usual $100k prize per round. Citadel Waterfront Gold 22:45 BST thats 21:45 GMT. Wait by 'Griefer Station'. Watch any of the Waterfront based videos in this thread to find out where that is. See you there!
  20. I m going to post all names of clan members we have atm. its a way to recognize who is in our clan and who left. just a keep track off. Havalynd 3K3 clan - 1 corvi ( online daily) - 2 ewxan ( online daily) - 3 AkitoTanaka (last log in 1 week ago) - 4 MeniposTM - 5 clowneda (last log in 4 days ago) - 6 Dontaz ( online daily) - 7 gyulavokcs ( issues with computer) - 8 ILOVEcream ( online daily) - 9 KeyLimes ( online daily) - 10 Mareike01 ( last online 2 weeks ago) - 11 Nemo209 ( online daily) - 12 o7x ( online daily) - 13 scorpionpoisen ( online daily) - 14 SWEETbutPSYCO ( online daily) - 15 nterix - 16 TheHeroic - 17 Updog (last online 1 week ago) - 18 valentinaeleonor ( online daily) - 19 Masterdjslay - 20 xXxJOANAxXx ( last online 1 week ago) - 21 ArsalanRockStar (last login 3 days ago) - 22 pipolabolu Rankers - 1 TZickyT (daily online) - 2 Lollyrot (daily online) - 3 Bombflan - 4 YukiYagami (last online 5 weeks ago) - 5 AdzataJB ( daily online) - 6 ArsiRockStar ( daily online) - 7 CJPENCILBAGGE - 8 Catsu ( last online 1 week ago) - 9 Chuangwhuang ( last online 1 week ago) - 10 daija ( Every 2 days online) - 11 GooeyLewy ( daily online) - 12 H4rl3KiN ( daily online) - 13 HatifGV ( daily online) - 14 HeaDHuntR1 ( daily online) - 15 Honnybunn (last online 4 days ago) - 16 Illeatyourfood ( last online 1 week ago) - 17 KatieUwU ( daily online) - 18 Katzuhiko ( last online 5 days ago) - 19 Kiranote ( last online 2 weeks ago) - 20 Kristdesigns ( last online 5 days ago) - 21 Meaven - 22 megnyuvasztusz1 ( daily online) - 23 Michelbaws ( daily online) - 24 NA2KASIN ( daily online) - 25 Pyrodramatic ( last online 3 days ago) - 26 Winithedog - 27 ScorpionWaltzi ( daily online) - 28 SexyAlipouditsa ( daily online) - 29 Throna ( daily online) - 30 Tr3b (last online 6 days ago) - 31 UgotMail ( daily online) - 32 Ulexus (last onlien 5 days ago) - 33 Vexees ( daily online) - 34 LorisLo98 ( daily online) - 35 DandisGR - 36 NotMagic - 37 OldMoon ( daily online)
  21. My dearest friends, This year of living has gone by so fast, it seems the older I get the faster the years go by. I know I will have little issue continuing at this pace, as it is forced upon me. I feel like I have grown a significant amount this past year. In just about three weeks (22 days) time I will turn 6 years old. I have lots to prepare, and everyone is invited to come to my party. ^~^ There will be cake, and balloons! Love, Eisena
  22. #bringbackgoldrush I don't think there will ever be an easy solution to threat and matchmaking but it won't stop me trying. I think most other games simply brute-force it with sheer population numbers so they don't have to resort to the "widen threat level gap" in order to get players into actual missions. I remember the days before the extreme widening happened - it really was during off-peak periods up to a 30 minute wait for matches. AND I'm all for that returning IF WE HAD SOMETHING TO DO DURING THAT WAIT. But that aside I think the other option - if they can't stop the widening, is to increase the rewards for fighting in "unfair" missions. Maybe a lesser version of the "gold rush" event - but this time permanent and not G1C (or maybe a little G1C pls?) - I know this could no doubt be exploited to all hecking full but let's pretend we're not all exploiting assholes and increase the rewards or adding in a little something special if the Threat Gap is beyond a certain level for a mission? Make all the pain and suffering of going 0-22 in a mission slightly worth it by giving an extra big pat on the back to the little guys. Using some coding wizardry to define exact % values for % extra rewards on threat gap would be nice. IDK how you'd fix people dethreating to themselves in order to gain higher rewards but why are we talking like dethreating isn't already an issue that happens anyway? My only guess on how to deal with that is to just give the extra rewards in the form of existing rewards i.e. Contact Progression and $APB (and JTs?) but idk if that's enough to make it worth.
  23. As stated here: https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2020/1/20/hitting-the-road-map There will be balance passes in the future for vehicles. Here's a few suggestions that I'd personally like to see. Not all are necessarily "balance" suggestions, some are just to make them more fun to drive, or in one case to make the vehicle itself actually make sense. Sungnyemun Moirai Give it AWD like it originally had. Years ago G1 decided it was alright to remove the front drivetrain without taking into consideration that it would nearly cripple the reverse gear. Dolton Montane Make this one RWD. It makes absolutely no sense that a long bed pickup would be FWD. Don't get me wrong, they do exist, but they're very few and far between for a reason. Nulander Pioneer Give this one its old suspension back. Now it sits lower than intended and the front wheels clip through the fenders when you steer. Packer Vaquero The old handling was insane, but it was a lot more fun to drive. Currently it handles more like a lifted Mikro. Revert to original handling. Patriot Vegas It originally had suspension, now it just drives like it's on a solid axle. Give it some half decent, somewhat hard suspension. Revert the engine sound. Patriot Vegas 4x4 Don't touch the handling, speed or torque. These are what make it actually fun to drive. Reduce health a little bit to make it less tanky. Revert the engine sound. Balkan Ravan, Macchina Cosenza, Han Cellante Make their performance unique from each other. Currently they all handle pretty much the same and don't have any redeeming qualities. Also make the Han Cellante purchasable. You can't currently obtain it in any way and it was the original starter car pre-G1 Varzuga Rally Make a customizable & tradeable version available (possibly through the new contacts? 2-slot version from contacts and 3-slot from Armas?) "Faction Locked" Vehicles They're no longer locked behind a faction wall at this point so I see no reason that they need to be the same (I'm aware the Pioneer and Espacio are different) but the Vaquero and Mikro are pretty much the same, one is just bouncier, and the Jericho and Rapier perform pretty much exactly the same. The Jericho just has a little more grip when accelerating. I don't really have any suggestions for these four (other than reverting the Vaquero) but I feel like they should be tweaked to feel a little more different. Just a thought. Io Growl Raise the collision boxes on the bottom of the car slightly to make it a little more forgiving with curbs/small ledges so it doesn't get hung up so easily. Dolton Fresno This car seems good as is to be honest, maybe just reduce the repair time by a little bit. It's a big heavy road boat made for bullying other cars. It fits its niche. Balkan Kolva Return to its original stats. Way back when, they had suspension, weighed less, accelerated faster, and were able to be knocked over if you give them a good T bone with a Fresno or T-25. Sure it was easier to get speed to greif players, but they could also be put out of commission very easily. Currently if someone is griefing the only way to deal with them is to either box them in with another Kolva, or wedge a Mikro under it to flip it over which can be really hard to do. Back then you just had to hit them in the side with another somewhat heavy vehicle with a good amount of torque. Benkz Mhuller (I don't remember how to spell it lol) The Armored Van Fix wheel alignment. Currently it always pulls to the left. Increase Weight & Torque. When I look at these things with their bullbars and heavily armored exterior, I think "Hey that thing could plow through an intersection without any problems!". It could if it was just an intersection of Ciscos. Medium-Heavy vehicles stop this thing in its tracks. It doesn't have enough pushing power for what it is and is just over all very underwhelming to drive. I feel like it should be able to bully a Pioneer but that might be taking it a little far. Possibly Allow Passengers in rear (There are animations for it, feature just not implemented, was at one point but removed) Probably unbalanced. Charge Cisco (AKA "Hockey Puck") This thing gets bullied around way too easily and is pretty boring to drive. Add Weight Increase Torque to compensate and maintain its current acceleration speed. Increase tire grip. Despite being in the "top tier" of vehicles with the Vegas, The Cisco is very bland when it comes to handling. It's almost too stable and seems like it just kinda hovers. Suggested by M72_LAW: Move the Cisco's center of mass more towards the front of the vehicle. Charge Sentinel A car that nobody uses. Slower than the Kurai, but does handle a lot differently so matching the Kurai's speed wouldn't make it feel too samey. Increase Speed to 21.8 m/s Packer Ceresco Increase Speed to 20.5 m/s Make rear passengers able to move to rear doors (There are animations for it, feature just is not implemented) When in the back of the van Pressing A or D could make you lean out of the side, but pressing S could make you open the rear doors to shoot from. Seiyo Espacio Convert to AWD, tweak stats as needed afterwards. Might be overkill at first but it should be AWD regardless and should be rebalanced around that to properly compete with the Pioneer. Nulander Kurai Seems decent as is but could be a little better. Tighten the turning radius a little bit. Dolton Broadwing Increase Torque a little bit. Han Veo Increase top speed to 22 m/s Slightly increase weight and torque to compensate the weight gain Ambulance I don't have the stats to go off of with this thing, but I can tell from driving it that it feels way too light and airy. It's also FWD I believe, which just sucks in general. Convert to AWD Increase Weight and Torque Any car that I haven't mentioned I either forgot about or I think it's fine as is. All Vehicles Bring back the camera sway that G1 broke years ago without even knowing it existed *As an option that can be toggled for people who are prone to motion sickness* This feature gave an extra sense of speed that the current game is lacking and made APB feel more... alive? The camera used to bank to the sides as the vehicle turns, starts to shake very slightly and the FOV widens a little at higher speeds, and just in general hovers around a little bit while moving. APB is currently lacking a sense of speed which makes the driving look really slow and boring. G1 removed it by mistake and refused to acknowledge that it existed by saying that the videos provided were edited despite any video you watch from that time period having it. It's a subtle effect but it's there. Currently all that happens is the camera falls behind the car a little bit depending on speed. Other than that, it's completely static aside from being able to turn it. With the EMP grenades coming soon, that alone will be a big nerf to every vehicle, including the already useless ones, so I feel we need to come up with ways to make vehicles still fun to use. Prototype Districts for vehicles in Financial. Prototype District A with the above suggestions. And maybe a Prototype District B with all the original 2010 vehicle stats just for fun?
  24. In 2019, 134 police officers and K9's have died in the line of duty. I have provided a list of all the fallen officers and K9’s. May our hearts be with you and your families. Master Police Officer Joseph William Shinners Provo Police Department, UT EOW: Saturday, January 5, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer Dale James Woods Colerain Township Police Department, OH EOW: Monday, January 7, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Police Officer Clayton Joel Townsend Salt River Police Department, TR EOW: Tuesday, January 8, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Police Officer Natalie Becky Corona Davis Police Department, CA EOW: Thursday, January 10, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Trooper Christopher Lambert Illinois State Police, IL EOW: Saturday, January 12, 2019 Cause: Vehicular assault Sergeant WyTasha Lamar Carter Birmingham Police Department, AL EOW: Sunday, January 13, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Supervisory Deputy US Marshal Norman D. Merkel United States Department of Justice - United States Marshals Service, US EOW: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Deputy Sheriff Ray Elwin Horn, III Comal County Sheriff's Office, TX EOW: Thursday, January 17, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Police Officer Sean Paul Tuder Mobile Police Department, AL EOW: Sunday, January 20, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Lieutenant Robert "Bo" McCallister Susquehanna Township Police Department, PA EOW: Sunday, January 20, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Deputy Sheriff Joshua Bryan "LJ" Ryer, Jr. Glascock County Sheriff's Office, GA EOW: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Community Supervision Officer Russell Dean Salazar Kendall County Community Supervision and Corrections Department, TX EOW: Thursday, January 31, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Corporal Shane Michael Totty Baton Rouge Police Department, LA EOW: Friday, February 1, 2019 Cause: Motorcycle crash Detective William Lee Brewer Clermont County Sheriff's Office, OH EOW: Saturday, February 2, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Border Patrol Agent Donna Doss United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - United States Border Patrol, US EOW: Saturday, February 2, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Trooper Lucas Bartley Dowell Virginia State Police, VA EOW: Monday, February 4, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer Matthew J. Rittner Milwaukee Police Department, WI EOW: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Detective Brian P. Simonsen New York City Police Department, NY EOW: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 Cause: Gunfire (Inadvertent) Chief of Police David P. Hewitt Rising Sun Police Department, IN EOW: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Agent Alfred Sanyet-Pérez Puerto Rico Police Department, PR EOW: Friday, February 15, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Lieutenant Daniel Duane Hinton Florida Highway Patrol, FL EOW: Tuesday, February 19, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Undersheriff Monty Thomas Johnson Pawnee County Sheriff's Office, OK EOW: Thursday, February 21, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Police Officer Nicholas Scott Galinger Chattanooga Police Department, TN EOW: Sunday, February 24, 2019 Cause: Vehicular assault Sergeant Steve Hinkle Sullivan County Sheriff's Office, TN EOW: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer Nathan Hayden Heidelberg Midland Police Department, TX EOW: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Deputy Sheriff Jacob Howard Keltner McHenry County Sheriff's Office, IL EOW: Thursday, March 7, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Corporal Daniel H. Groves Colorado State Patrol, CO EOW: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Deputy Sheriff Ryan Shane Thompson Kittitas County Sheriff's Office, WA EOW: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer Paul Thomas Rutherford Phoenix Police Department, AZ EOW: Thursday, March 21, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Deputy Sheriff Peter Herrera El Paso County Sheriff's Office, TX EOW: Sunday, March 24, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Trooper Brooke Jones-Story Illinois State Police, IL EOW: Thursday, March 28, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Trooper Gerald Wayne Ellis Illinois State Police, IL EOW: Saturday, March 30, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Detective Benjamin J. Campbell Maine State Police, ME EOW: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 Cause: Accidental Deputy Sheriff II Spencer Allen Englett Forsyth County Sheriff's Office, GA EOW: Thursday, April 4, 2019 Cause: Duty related illness Sergeant Steven Lawrence Licon California Highway Patrol, CA EOW: Saturday, April 6, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Deputy Sheriff Justin Richard DeRosier Cowlitz County Sheriff's Office, WA EOW: Sunday, April 14, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer Kyle David Olinger Montgomery County Police Department, MD EOW: Thursday, April 18, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Conservation Officer Eugene Wynn, Jr. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - Enforcement Division, MN EOW: Friday, April 19, 2019 Cause: Drowned Special Agent in Charge Liquat A. "Leo" Khan United States Army Criminal Investigation Division, US EOW: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 Cause: Heart attack K9 Officer Jordan Harris Sheldon Mooresville Police Department, NC EOW: Saturday, May 4, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer Robert McKeithen Biloxi Police Department, MS EOW: Sunday, May 5, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer Anthony Neri Sanibel Police Department, FL EOW: Monday, May 6, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Trooper Matthew Elias Gatti Tennessee Highway Patrol, TN EOW: Monday, May 6, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Constable Willie Houston "Hoot" West Lowndes County Constable's Office, MS EOW: Thursday, May 9, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Sergeant Kelvin Ansari Savannah Police Department, GA EOW: Saturday, May 11, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer William Ray Buechner, Jr. Auburn Police Division, AL EOW: Sunday, May 19, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer Jesus Marrero-Martínez Manatí Municipal Police Department, PR EOW: Saturday, May 25, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Lieutenant Joseph P. Johnson Seminole Police Department, TR EOW: Thursday, May 30, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Lieutenant Steven Dewayne Whitstine East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office, LA EOW: Thursday, May 30, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Chief of Police Wayne Mark Neidenberg Lakeshire Police Department, MO EOW: Thursday, June 6, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Police Officer William James Leahy Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department, NY EOW: Thursday, June 6, 2019 Cause: 9/11 related illness Police Officer Albert Ramirez Castaneda, Jr. Grand Prairie Police Department, TX EOW: Friday, June 7, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Police Officer Esmeralda Ponce Ramirez Los Angeles Police Department, CA EOW: Sunday, June 9, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Sergeant David Jones Fitzpatrick The Colony Police Department, TX EOW: Monday, June 10, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Deputy Sheriff Julius Jamal "Jay" Dailey Monroe County Sheriff's Office, AL EOW: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Police Officer Steven James Brown Port St. Lucie Police Department, FL EOW: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Master Trooper William Moden Colorado State Patrol, CO EOW: Friday, June 14, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Lieutenant Robert Jones Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department, NY EOW: Saturday, June 15, 2019 Cause: Duty related illness Patrol Officer John David Hetland Racine Police Department, WI EOW: Monday, June 17, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer Tara Christina O'Sullivan Sacramento Police Department, CA EOW: Wednesday, June 19, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Trooper Jerry Louis Smith, Jr. Nebraska State Patrol, NE EOW: Thursday, June 20, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Corporal Jose Luis "Speedy" Espericueta, Jr. Mission Police Department, TX EOW: Thursday, June 20, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer Michael Vincent Langsdorf North County Police Cooperative, MO EOW: Sunday, June 23, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Deputy Sheriff Troy P. Chisum Fulton County Sheriff's Office, IL EOW: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Detective Andrea Renee Jacqueline Rainer New York City Police Department, NY EOW: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 Cause: 9/11 related illness Detective Luis Alvarez New York City Police Department, NY EOW: Saturday, June 29, 2019 Cause: 9/11 related illness Deputy Sheriff Carlos A. Ramirez Kendall County Sheriff's Office, TX EOW: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Deputy Jailer Michaela Elizabeth Smith Murray County Sheriff's Office, GA EOW: Wednesday, July 3, 2019 Cause: Training accident Police Officer John Ralph Anderson, IV Metro Nashville Police Department, TN EOW: Thursday, July 4, 2019 Cause: Vehicular assault Deputy Sheriff Omar Diaz Harris County Sheriff's Office, TX EOW: Saturday, July 6, 2019 Cause: Duty related illness Conservation Officer Shannon Lee "Opie" Barron Red Lake Nation Conservation Department, TR EOW: Sunday, July 7, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Deputy Sheriff Nicolas Blane Dixon Hall County Sheriff's Office, GA EOW: Monday, July 8, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Sergeant Michael Stephen Stone County Sheriff's Office, AR EOW: Thursday, July 18, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Detective Christopher Cranston New York City Police Department, NY EOW: Saturday, July 20, 2019 Cause: 9/11 related illness Deputy Sheriff Benjamin Nimtz Broward County Sheriff's Office, FL EOW: Sunday, July 21, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Police Officer Juan Jose Diaz Los Angeles Police Department, CA EOW: Saturday, July 27, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Detective James J. Biello Atlanta Police Department, GA EOW: Sunday, July 28, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Correctional Officer Pedro J. Rodríguez-Mateo Puerto Rico Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, PR EOW: Thursday, August 1, 2019 Cause: Assault Police Officer Raymond Harris New York City Police Department, NY EOW: Sunday, August 4, 2019 Cause: 9/11 related illness Correctional Administrator Debra Johnson Tennessee Department of Correction, TN EOW: Wednesday, August 7, 2019 Cause: Assault Sergeant Jeffrey Cicora New York State Police, NY EOW: Saturday, August 10, 2019 Cause: 9/11 related illness Officer Andre Maurice Moye, Jr. California Highway Patrol, CA EOW: Monday, August 12, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Deputy Sheriff Stephanie Schreurs Lyon County Sheriff's Office, IA EOW: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Deputy Sheriff Carlos Cammon Orange County Sheriff's Department, CA EOW: Friday, August 23, 2019 Cause: Duty related illness Trooper Nicholas J. Hopkins Illinois State Police, IL EOW: Friday, August 23, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Deputy Sheriff Jose Luis Blancarte Kinney County Sheriff's Office, TX EOW: Friday, August 23, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Trooper Moises Sanchez Texas Department of Public Safety - Texas Highway Patrol, TX EOW: Saturday, August 24, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Deputy Sheriff Jeremy Voyles Chickasaw County Sheriff's Department, MS EOW: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Undersheriff Stephen B. McLoud Cayuga County Sheriff's Office, NY EOW: Thursday, August 29, 2019 Cause: 9/11 related illness Detective Joseph Paolillo New York City Police Department, NY EOW: Monday, September 9, 2019 Cause: 9/11 related illness Investigator Dornell Cousette Tuscaloosa Police Department, AL EOW: Monday, September 16, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer Derrick Bishop New York City Police Department, NY EOW: Thursday, September 19, 2019 Cause: 9/11 related illness Captain Vincent N. Liberto, Jr. Mandeville Police Department, LA EOW: Friday, September 20, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Deputy Sheriff Christopher Michael Hulsey Meade County Sheriff's Office, KY EOW: Saturday, September 21, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Sergeant Tracy L. Vickers Florida Highway Patrol, FL EOW: Friday, September 27, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Deputy Sheriff Sandeep Singh Dhaliwal Harris County Sheriff's Office, TX EOW: Friday, September 27, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Detective Brian Charles Mulkeen New York City Police Department, NY EOW: Sunday, September 29, 2019 Cause: Gunfire (Inadvertent) Border Patrol Agent Robert Hotten United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - United States Border Patrol, US EOW: Sunday, October 6, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Trooper Peter R. Stephan Indiana State Police, IN EOW: Friday, October 11, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Deputy Sheriff Matthew Ryan Jones Falls County Sheriff's Office, TX EOW: Friday, October 11, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Captain Albert E. Torres Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, CA EOW: Saturday, October 12, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Deputy Sheriff Jacob Otto Allmendinger Gallatin County Sheriff's Office, MT EOW: Saturday, October 19, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Deputy Sheriff Brian Ishmael El Dorado County Sheriff's Office, CA EOW: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Detention Officer Gene Lee Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, AZ EOW: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 Cause: Assault Sergeant Joseph Brian Montijo Chattanooga Police Department, TN EOW: Friday, November 1, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Police Officer Jonathan Diaz Lemoore Police Department, CA EOW: Saturday, November 2, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Interim Police Chief Michael Knapp Lynden Police Department, WA EOW: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Detective Jorge Rene DelRio Dayton Police Department, OH EOW: Thursday, November 7, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Deputy Sheriff Makeem Brooks Northampton County Sheriff's Office, NC EOW: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Deputy Sheriff Stephen Michael Reece Cheatham County Sheriff's Office, TN EOW: Friday, November 15, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Investigator Cecil Dwayne Ridley Richmond County Sheriff's Office, GA EOW: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Police Officer Rasheen P. McClain Detroit Police Department, MI EOW: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Sheriff John "Big John" Williams, Sr. Lowndes County Sheriff's Office, AL EOW: Saturday, November 23, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Detective Maureen M. O'Flaherty New York City Police Department, NY EOW: Thursday, November 28, 2019 Cause: 9/11 related illness Master-at-Arms Oscar J. Temores United States Navy Security Forces, US EOW: Saturday, November 30, 2019 Cause: Vehicular assault Sergeant Joshua Eli Voth Colorado Department of Corrections, CO EOW: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Cause: Explosion Agent Billy Fred Clardy, III Huntsville Police Department, AL EOW: Friday, December 6, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Deputy Chief Vincent A. DeMarino New York City Police Department, NY EOW: Friday, December 6, 2019 Cause: 9/11 related illness Police Officer Stephen Paul Carr Fayetteville Police Department, AR EOW: Saturday, December 7, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Sergeant Christopher Charles Lewis Brewster Houston Police Department, TX EOW: Saturday, December 7, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Detective Joseph Seals Jersey City Police Department, NJ EOW: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Cause: Gunfire Sergeant Kaila Marie Sullivan Nassau Bay Police Department, TX EOW: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Cause: Vehicular assault Constable Eula Ray "Raye" Hawkins Panola County Constable's Office, MS EOW: Thursday, December 12, 2019 Cause: Vehicle pursuit Chief Deputy Bobby Wayne Jacobs Knott County Sheriff's Office, KY EOW: Monday, December 16, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Private First Class Michael Shawn Latu Marion County Sheriff's Office, SC EOW: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Sergeant Anthony Oglesby, Jr. United States Department of Defense - Naval District Washington Police Department, US EOW: Wednesday, December 18, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Sergeant Scott Johnston New York City Police Department, NY EOW: Thursday, December 19, 2019 Cause: 9/11 related illness Police Officer Jose Humberto Meza Burnet Police Department, TX EOW: Friday, December 20, 2019 Cause: Heart attack Detective Clifton Martinez San Antonio Independent School District Police Department, TX EOW: Saturday, December 21, 2019 Cause: Vehicular assault Deputy Sheriff Bryan Charles Pfluger San Jacinto County Sheriff's Office, TX EOW: Saturday, December 21, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Deputy Sheriff Cooper Dyson Pierce County Sheriff's Department, WA EOW: Saturday, December 21, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash Master Patrol Officer Spencer Bristol Hendersonville Police Department, TN EOW: Monday, December 30, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle Police Officer Jerry Clyde Singleton Fairfield Glade Police Department, TN EOW: Tuesday, December 31, 2019 Cause: Vehicular assault Deputy Sheriff Chris Dickerson Panola County Sheriff's Office, TX EOW: Tuesday, December 31, 2019 Cause: Gunfire K9 Able United States Department of Justice - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, US EOW: Saturday, January 5, 2019 Cause: Duty related illness K9 Haas Duluth Police Department, MN EOW: Sunday, January 13, 2019 Cause: Gunfire K9 Chucky Bexar County Sheriff's Office, TX EOW: Friday, January 25, 2019 Cause: Gunfire K9 Defender BNSF Railway Police Department, RR EOW: Thursday, February 7, 2019 Cause: Gunfire (Inadvertent) K9 Doby Fairfax County Police Department, VA EOW: Friday, February 22, 2019 Cause: Duty related illness K9 Biggie Florida Department of Corrections, FL EOW: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 Cause: Heat exhaustion K9 Eli Gwinnett County Police Department, GA EOW: Thursday, May 23, 2019 Cause: Heat exhaustion K9 Max Portsmouth Police Department, NH EOW: Thursday, May 23, 2019 Cause: Training accident K9 Assuan Marion Police Department, IN EOW: Thursday, June 27, 2019 Cause: Training accident K9 Cas Whitley County Sheriff's Office, IN EOW: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 Cause: Vehicle pursuit K9 Havoc Utah County Sheriff's Office, UT EOW: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle K9 Verro Paulding County Sheriff's Office, GA EOW: Friday, July 19, 2019 Cause: Gunfire (Inadvertent) K9 Jake Alabama Department of Corrections, AL EOW: Saturday, July 20, 2019 Cause: Exposure to toxins K9 Windy Riverside County Sheriff's Department, CA EOW: Thursday, July 25, 2019 Cause: Exposure to toxins K9 Ozzy Long Beach Police Department, CA EOW: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 Cause: Heat exhaustion K9 Rocco Vernal Police Department, UT EOW: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle K9 Rambo Greensboro Police Department, NC EOW: Friday, August 16, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle K9 Thor Vicksburg Police Department, MS EOW: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 Cause: Heat exhaustion K9 EJ New York State Police, NY EOW: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Cause: Heat exhaustion K9 Hooch Alabama Department of Corrections, AL EOW: Thursday, October 10, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle K9 Rocco Tulare County Sheriff's Office, CA EOW: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle K9 Harlej Fishers Police Department, IN EOW: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 Cause: Gunfire K9 Cane Logan County Sheriff's Office, OH EOW: Thursday, November 14, 2019 Cause: Training accident K9 Chopper Davis County Sheriff's Office, UT EOW: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 Cause: Struck by vehicle K9 Koki El Mirage Police Department, AZ EOW: Friday, November 22, 2019 Cause: Gunfire K9 Bulder United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - United States Border Patrol, US EOW: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 Cause: Gunfire K9 Jackie United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - United States Border Patrol, US EOW: Sunday, December 29, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash K9 Niki Boyle County Sheriff's Office, KY EOW: Tuesday, December 31, 2019 Cause: Automobile crash ”To serve and protect with honor”
  25. I guess the fact that it stayed at 22 - 0 says enough for the actions and feedback towards next years event
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