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  1. ive been here since alpha, but i am crap at keeping track of accounts. must have lost my old info some time when switching to G1. anyways, all i want to say is thank you. i was pretty sure id never play this game again. now im making my s1 medium pistols all over again. you should add a donation link that explicitly doesn't do anything. or maybe consider selling commander at a reduced price, and putting everyone accounts on the low-tier premium in a few months. free accounts suck though, so maybe dont do that if you want to keep the ball rolling.
  2. I dunno Hex, I could make a new account in maybe 2 minutes. I can't say I've noticed more cheaters, at least not on NA. Though maybe I'm just not good at spotting them. Anyways thanks for the response.
  3. With segregation, the cheaters would have to reroll new accounts every day to gain access to the more active population they can easily sweep through. The mindset of a cheater is one who is lazy, looking for cheap thrills, so this extra effort would inevitably lead to them moving on to more easily accessible venues. This was proven as the bronze district saw a sharp decline early on, and then has been basically cheat-free for years since. The silver district was also basically cheat-free during the EAC days, but saw some minor activity since the return to BattlEye. With the removal of segregation, cheaters have no barrier to entry to access the active population. Thus, there's now a big fat flashing sign hanging above us calling them back... and they came back, in force. Used to see maybe one suspicious individual in a month back during segregation, there's now very obvious peeps every day. Plus, APB is attractive to cheating regardless of that. Action is never manually taken (LO doesn't care about cheating), which means you never are at real risk of losing your account. The one thing that could get you banned is when the anti-cheat updates, because cheat program's detection isn't always fool-proof. That's easily worked around by having a burner account to test the anti-cheat before you begin your session for the day, negating that issue entirely. This is all very obvious to anyone who gives even the slightest thought to the state of things, and who actively plays the game.
  4. Force disconnect says invalid password or account despite the password being correct Edit: fixed by typing the password outside the game and copy-pasting it in, broken keyboard layout detection in launcher maybe?
  5. was thinking about adding it, also was thinking about making voters public. I wish i did since i want to make sure that someone doesn't vote twice from different account and who actually voted can it be changed
  6. fucking p2w cheater can't play with the free guns - every free account
  7. It's kind of hit and miss making truck ramps, most of the time the truck doesn't sit right and you just smash into it. Sometimes it sits just right, I did a huge backflip, hit it perfectly straight, went higher than the buildings and landed on wheels. Also landed on a high roof but it was out of bounds.
  8. Hallo zusammen, da ich ingame noch nie Werbung für einen deutschen Clan gesehen habe, nehme ich an, dass es in dieser Richtung noch nichts gibt. Bei einer Neugründung wäre ich auch mit dabei. Der erste erreichbare Clan-Manager ist in New Flagstaff, iirc. Man braucht 10 Chars(Auch mehrere auf einem Account, so wie ich das verstanden habe) um den Clan aus der Probezeit rauszubekommen. Viele Grüße
  9. Players have been banned for expressing opinions well within the bounds of the ToS through the display points in social. Example, this meme... http://prntscr.com/1z6y8lb
  10. This is all opinion, and as such should be taken with a grain of salt. In the past three weeks I have found the APB administration and staff to be falling back to the old G1 ways. Many players are being banned speaking out about various issues while in-game, or being flat out banned for expressing opinions/views about how Little Orbit staff/volunteer GMs have been handling situations. Additionally, there has been a number of bans that have raised brows with regards to the reasoning to back them. Personally, if a volunteer member, such as a GM, makes the decision to revoke an account it should be done so with a reason as well as proof of the action. While the ToS states that Little Orbit itself reserves the right to revoke account access for any reason without warning, let it be said that GMs are not official staff of Little Orbit, but as mentioned volunteers. Whats more, there have been conversations carried out in private that have suggested that some GMs do in fact partake in favoritism within the community and the players in it, despite the clause for their application stating that favoritism is not acceptable. I personally have not been subject to any of the aforementioned bannings, in fact I have never been banned, to my recollection. I have spoken to individuals that have been, receiving final warnings that should another offense take place then their accounts would be revoked permanently, despite the fact that the original reason for issuing was in fact false. Upon requesting proof, the GM that carried out the punishment denied credibility to back the temporary banning and warning. When it comes to speech in-game, I believe it necessary to provide proof, as the GMs themselves are human and could make mistakes and ban the wrong person, it happened with G1, it is ignorance to suggest that LO is not subject to human error. To add further, its come apparent that perhaps there is a GM, or two, that could be abusing their power. Though it is hearsay, there are rumors circulating that if one were to question a GM, or ask about the anti-cheat in game, that they would be met with threats of banning. Again, rumors and speculation, but if this is happening then perhaps it is in LO's best interest to proceed with investigating these allegations; lest we have another G1 situation arise. The rift between community members and GMs is once again growing, and once again leading players to not trust the volunteer members of APB enforcement. To conclude, as mentioned this is all opinion, and while I have not touched on the topic of rampant cheaters, I will say that GMs absolutely should be required to investigate potential cheaters in-game. Perhaps not when mentioned in-game about it, but with enough reports about players are made. The GMs are here to enforce the ToS, and cheating is a part of that.
  11. if only there was some way to decrease the odds of getting matched against these top tier players, some way to ensure that 15-20 players didnt account for up to half the available matchmaking opportunities oh wait, expanding the matchmaking pool would do it poor matchmaking contributes to players leaving which contributes to poor matchmaking which contributes to players leaving - as youve posted above, players dont enjoy getting stomped by the same people for an entire play session sure, a larger potential pool may not help much now when the pop is so small, but how do you expect the pop to grow without fixing these issues? more content is definitely required for pop growth new players are more likely to be hooked by something if theres a wider or deeper variety being offered, often just the sheer amount of content can convince someone to try a game once new players are hooked they need content to remain engaged after theyre no longer new players new content is needed for all the players who have played apb and quit, because who is convinced to try a game again thats exactly the same as when they left? new content stops veterans from leaving or keeps them returning on a regular cycle depending on the content, it can even help players escape the dreaded top tier stomping without outright quitting - getting dunked on in missions? maybe if there was 1 or 2 other game modes to jump between for a cool off period, it wouldnt be so bad the engine upgrade on its own will absolutely not solve the pop issue, but it will cause a surge of players to return for at least a little while - its up to orbit if they can capitalize on that surge to jumpstart population growth again
  12. They bought G1 for roughly 1.7mil USD (converted from euros) I don't know who you are or how much money you have so I'll just skip to the next part. It's so much easier said than done man. I can understand why Fallen Earth has poor retention. It's buggy, it's clunky, and it's not very action packed for new players. APB on the other hand, I didn't play as much as some people so from my understanding it just had monetization issues. Still, those are pretty much gone now and the amount of players hasn't improved. Spending money on ads doesn't seem like a great investment for these games unless there are major changes. The people who already know about APB are going to be like "funny meme, we've heard this one before" and any potential new players will say "this isn't GTA5 no thanks". Now, I think you have a good idea with the streamers though. Give out a ton of free (account locked!) items to these streamers and an additional small payment to advertise the game. Give them a code for 20% off their viewers' first Joker Ticket payment. All these items are free for LO to hand out and costs them nothing besides the additional payment. Youtube creators need sponsorships more than maggots need corpses right now, and they will all jump on it. Hell, you could even just give them a percentage of any payments made using their code instead of paying them directly. I originally started playing this game because Criken and BedBananas made videos on it. I'm nearly max level now. I wouldn't have played this genre of game if I didn't see them having so much fun (and stealing fun from other players who were ram raiding. "QUICK! GET THE FUN!"). In my eyes, APB doesn't even really need engine updates for it to be playable for all audiences. It needs better matchmaking and more population to keep the game fun. Joker tickets have fixed the monetization issues in my eyes. The devs need to update the engine to be able to more efficiently add more content, but that can be done while the server is up.
  13. Everyone is starting from 0. You must be mistaken. "many people who's accounts seem to all still have their old stuff from back when the servers went down" things are NOT as it seems. Sure, its a bit of a grind to get back to top tier gear but I'm having fun going though it all again. Best of luck in the wasteland!
  14. Glad to see this coming back! However, I reinstalled on STEAM, logged in...and the characters I had are gone, as are all the Key and Store items I'd gathered over the years since release, even though I'm seeing many people who's accounts seem to all still have their old stuff from back when the servers went down. Any way to fix this?
  15. Tomorrow is Wednesday and thus the weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held! As always, it takes place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not open world crime is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be in one of the Waterfront districts. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. Members of LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we'll see you on the streets. In any case: Please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- BEWARE: Due to the recent removal of threat levels (September 2021), and thus threat districts, there could be serious issues with finding a moderately empty server to run events. At the moment only very few servers are available when logging in, so it remains to be seen if player events can take place in specified districts. It is also impossible to say if there are going to be enough free slots for all who want to participate (if the district is not empty). Whether or not those random players present will grief and interfere with the race and traffic control on purpose is also a hit and miss thing at the present. The same issues exist regarding open world crime activities, and it amounts to pure luck if units on patrol in available districts come across any of those. --------- * Make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the LAPD Squad Meet Up (19:00 GMT) as well as Chipp's Car Club (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST! Links to a time zone converter, showing your corresponding local time, have been inserted for your convenience.
  16. So happy to be able to play this game again. Just wish they could really revert it to Classic times before GamersFirst period. GamersFirst made so many bad changes to this game. Removing "certain" tradeskill items from terrain salvage tables. Removing "certain" salvage refinement books. Changes to the faction system that were not needed. Etc. Merged. I had some high level characters too, but I hope they never bring it back. So many bad stuff with exploits and duping happened in the live game. I don't see how they will ever be able to fix that mess. To be honest, it would be such a waste of time with the limited resources they have right now. It would make no sense at this point. Resources at LittleOrbit are that limited now, that FE development is on the back burner at the moment. So that should say everything you need to know at this point. When ever the game re-releases on the new engine, it would be nice that everyone just starts with a clean sheet again. New experience for everyone. Last thing we need is a poluted / broken start of the re-release with the server full of broken high level characters with fat bank accounts and inflate the market from day 1. I mean, just look at the current Classic Server. Within 2 days I already saw max level characters driving around on vehicles. They are just using the old exploits/dupes again. It's really sad, but it just shows the bad nature of gamers and why we can't have nice things. People always try to cheat and exploit if they get the chance. /shrug
  17. Before I start playing I figured I should ask, can one account have multiple characters saved to it, or is it one character per account?
  18. DjR3mYx

    Problem log in

    Hi, I have a problem with my account, I changed my email address with one that I use and when I enter the game and log in everything works, my character is not loaded so I can enter the server, please help me
  19. I have spent well over £2000 on both of my accounts playing this game, I don't mind the wipe, as long as I can still come back and enjoy the game, so well done devs, can't wait for the new FE while enjoying the classic
  20. I touched on it here: Except it wasn't a ghost town. There was consistently at least one active bronze district, and commonly a partially active silver district. Now, there's barely one active district. The golds that refused to play (because they'd have to fight other golds), now play because they have easy opp to farm, which leads to the bronze/silver population leaving (and the golds thus becoming less active because they're again forced to actually fight other golds). Add into the mix the massive uptick in blatant cheating (no longer a barrier to entry - needing to reroll new accounts to access bronze district when silver dies off in the later hours), and population continues to decline. Of course, I don't know why I bother to directly respond. You're not open to hearing any of this, because "tHeRe'S nOtHiNg WrOnG, gAmE's BeTtEr NoW!1!!!11!"
  21. Given the subject of the thread is Jericho's population, and taking into account it was a ghost town before the segregation change, I'd argue there was/is a significant difference between NA and EU servers.
  22. use your email that you used for the account Merged. opps messed up on the quote xD
  23. Time to dig up my old alt accounts, if i can even remember the emails.
  24. Your gamersfirst account is based on email and password. So if you have your password, just use your registered email address as login name.
  25. you can try logging into the market full email and password like enteremailhere@email.email with password 1234password if still not working type one handed that might help i some times fat finger other keys with password or account names
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