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  1. That will barely work, and i never hidden myself. There should get ride of likes or dislikes, it can happen anyways but limited to 10 per account...
  2. Let me give you a like. Seems you spent a productive day of your life, maxing out your dislikes on a forum. See you tomorrow then. Cheers and yes, definitely - but the nature of recording is kinda limiting, unless you collaborate with a bunch of different people recording or have many accounts/characters. Especially as I wanted to finish this in time for the 25th after the LO take-over announcement. Ah really, well lets see who will embrace having people to enforce the TOS on districts and forums, finally bringing some consequence and who is more busy being online warriors, getting into trouble, cuz' its "so edgy" being "an outlaw", right.
  3. I'm hoping Little Orbit will make this stuff account wide as it always should have been.
  4. Though a Multihunter (or IP-Hunter) plugin to avoid multiple accounts for one person would be good tho.
  5. And that's even before the isssue of most of those being per-character purchasable only which is just cruel. If you're gonna price-gouge for your 'micro'-transactions at least just leave the gouging to account-wide purchases or something.
  6. Defeated? You mean the fact that you went as far as to relog multiple accounts? You disliked something for the sake of disliking because you didn't like that I stated my opinion on your post. Get your head if your patootie a wake up, you didn't defeat anything you just proved a point. Just keep up the stupidity, and you won't be around for long.
  7. Mobile Spawn Point is in a pretty balanced place now compared to back then, after you know, the reworks. Remote Det, I have reservations about, but I still believe a few reworks could make it less contentious without being totally worthless. Yeah but that's major stuff like say, loot boxes, or character-bound-only MTX packs, not individual weapons in a laundry list of such.
  8. Hello lixil, i have lost my email to my account with character named Panda Rae, could u help me please with this issue ?

    i did send also support to ticket

  9. yea , eveyones forum account was unbanned, but look at your number at the side, eveyone was also reset to 0 posts nvm , seems they fixed that too, as im back at 330 posts lol
  10. if i heard properly he said: "up to 1 month" and its gonna be 1st major update probably with Anticheat update and some other features now they focus mostly on unbans(i am sure they are being spammed so hard with mails now), finishing BE anticheat and making protection of accounts probably working on double step veriyfication, etc..
  11. Pocket Heart is a separate account I made at the time. It was a complicated and emotional time, and I don't want to get into it, but I appreciate your question.
  12. Excluding a country from purchasing a loot box shouldn't be a big problem, just add a filter to Armas to exclude some IP ranges that they use. The Netherlands is a bit more relaxed on loot box gambling. They still allow it as long as it can't be traded. But since Joker Box rewards can be traded, even when it's limited to Marketplace, it's violating the Dutch law. There are websites where the rewards can advertised and sold for real money. In my opinion, all Joker Box rewards should be locked and account wide. It could have a positive or negative effect. I would be more likely to buy Joker Boxes because I have a lot of characters and like exclusive stuff. At this point, everyone is at risk of getting their accounts compromised because of the trading. They're even selling ingame "space bucks" for a good amount. I am not completely against trading legendary weapons. But when someone is stealing all your stuff, it has to go through marketplace. They can set any price they want and complete the deal. However, if they set it at 1 "space buck" someone else is going to find it and buy it instantly without thinking and are likely to get their account banned. They need to be fast, either have 2 computers (or VM) or 2 persons. If they look at the market price, i would say set a minimum price for each legendary weapon that it can be sold for. I guess it would eliminate the scamming somewhat, but would still violate the Dutch law. It is entirely up to you whether you want to spend money or not on this game, but you're not willing to spend from your own hard earned cash, but you're fine with spending someone else hard earned cash?
  13. He's been fast enough to remove the likes he gave himself to hide his accounts once again
  14. While I do agree that the JMB changes are not exactly the most ideal, we did gloss over quickly the idea of having the legendary weapons accessible to free players in-game somehow (for a lease time) MAYBE. That'll be up to LO on how they want to handle that stuff. I know that there's a big market for legendary weapon sales on the MP and losing that's going to suck, but they could counter this by making any legendary you get account wide instead. Also, I like how people cherry picked what he said in regards to what content he'd like added. If you read the open letter and some of his other posts, he does mention he wants to add new maps, modes, CARS, and weapons. Just because he didn't say it in the Q&A doesn't mean he's forgotten about it. Weapons were just an example during that stage. But, aside from the JMB issue and the whole moderation of nudity (which was a rule during G1's era, they just didn't have GMs actively monitoring it), I'd say everything else was pretty neat. They have a 3 step plan to get the game back on track and kicking, we're getting some stuff the community has asked about for a long time and we've finally gotten more active GMs in-game (which a lot of players asked for, for years).
  15. Thats exactly why this been removed lol... told you guys, 4chan is containment website. He is been giving likes to himself with his alts accounts too, you may reduce the numbers of likes too. @Lixil
  16. Its the same, he would use other accounts, ip, hwid hidder... there are plenty of software to cloak yourself. 10 per day *50 accounts... you make the maths.
  17. Check his account zombiebiscuit and all his variants, thanks!
  18. Lol! Show your zombiebiscuit account where you gave it negatives with all your accounts lmao. Please dont take this out this is funny. Its better than to play apb.
  19. You can already do that. Just record them using their theme when you die and send it up to support. Nine times out of ten they will go onto the person's account and delete the theme or ban them for a week or two and delete the theme.
  20. Ken2, just log back on your account. Just from looking at the way you type it's not hard to see it's you. You're just proving the point.
  21. ZombieBiscuit, why are you crying for something you started out of nothing??? Is nice to see all your alt accounts you been having all these years you been banned lol. I havent laugh this hard in some time xD
  22. You should change your way of thinking, the value of your account remains the same regardless of what occurs. To compare your personal goals and achievements to another player is meaningless as like you say it is all about how much effort you put into it. The cheater looking at his own account stats doesn't have the same level of accomplishment and pride as any genuine player but more importantly you should never compare your efforts to anyone else. Just remember this, what takes someone 10 years to learn may take someone else 10 seconds. < I hope you understand the message. Making a comparison between two players based on stats is meaningless as you do not get a sense of the real level of personal achievement. Walk away from this knowing that how you feel about your account can never be matched by anyone else.
  23. The game is free to play on steam, anybody has access to the game, like the rating is going to stop anybody because you can just pretend to be older than you are. Plus not everybody has the same opinion on nudity, personally, I'm all for it but I do agree with Mr Scott in saying that it has no place in a game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The guns AREN'T their top priority, if you bothered to pay attention to the QnA, you would know that. Their priorities for the game are in a very good order, to quote the QnA they are going to lay the foundation for the game before they start adding stuff in. Not only that but they won't be adding stuff until the engine updates since it would make more work for them when they come to move it over to 4.0, which should be common knowledge to anybody who plays games that gets updates. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lastly, the loot boxes, if the laws were to go ahead and come to the rest of the population, they would have to change it anyway. The game has done a very good job at keeping RMTing down but it will be in the game somewhere until they set a specific trading system into the game, they did say they were looking to make legendary guns account wide which is an excellent quality of life change for the game. "I told you so"...... Don't be petty, at least wait until you start saying things. You should be thankful that a company is so motivated to pick the game back up, no matter their intention.
  24. I'm blind in all the ways, so I feel I could benefit from the new crosshairs. And I appreciate that they are taking in account what we are putting out there and requesting.
  25. Hey, if they change the prices of things I've purchased previously, then I want refunds for the price differences. Just kidding No but seriously, I think we all agree that the current armas prices are too high. An account wide permanent weapon costs as much as a AAA game.
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