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Everything posted by Amayii

  1. This thread has been moved to the General discussions section of our APB forums. The latest information on the engine upgrade can be found in the pinned thread on that: There is no current eta, but when that becomes available we will be making the needed announcements. ~@mayii
  2. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  3. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  4. Amayii


    This thread has been moved to the Forum Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  5. Amayii

    waypoint over player

    This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums, as it is a request for additional functionality. ~@mayii
  6. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  7. Amayii


    It has become clear that no further sensible discussions will be had in this thread, as a result it is being locked. ~@mayii
  8. And closed. ~@mayii
  9. This thread has been closed as per OP's request. ~@mayii
  10. This thread has been closed as per OP's request. ~@mayii
  11. I have moved this thread to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  12. Amayii


    A number of posts had to be removed from the thread as they were taking the topic to an entirely different direction better suited for DM's. Please keep to the topic of weapon balancing and primarily the N-Tec, if that can't be done we will be forced to lock the thread from any further discussion. ~@mayii
  13. Amayii


    I have moved this thread to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  14. Amayii

    Bandaid for dethreaters

    This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  15. This thread has been moved to the Bug and Tech Issues section of our forums. ~@mayii
  16. This thread has been moved to the General Discussions section of our APB Forums. The specific pack mentioned offers the 4 kits (2 for the Jericho and 2 for the Bishada) mentioned on the character currently selected in the Armas Marketplace. ~@mayii
  17. After discussing this thread with the staff, they have decided that this topic is not appropriate for these forums even if started as a joke. As a direct result I will be locking this thread. ~@mayii
  18. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The appropriate teams were already notified around the time of this posting. From what I'm being told, this issue should be resolved, be sure to notify us should that not be the case. ~@mayii
  19. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  20. This topic has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  21. This thread has been moved to the Off-Topic section of our APB Forums. ~@mayii
  22. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  23. This thread has been moved to the APB Reloaded General Discussions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  24. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
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