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Everything posted by Amayii

  1. Amayii

    start balancing again?

    This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  2. Amayii


    This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  3. This thread has been moved to the Fallen Earth General Discussion channel. ~@mayii
  4. This cryptic thread has been moved to the General Discussions section of our APB Forums. ~@mayii
  5. This thread has been relocated to the Game Suggestions section of our APB forums. ~@mayii
  6. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  7. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  8. Amayii

    This thread has been relocated to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  9. This thread has been moved to the Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  10. I've been informed by the team that these issues should now be resolved. I'll be locking the thread as this is resolved. ~@mayii
  11. The team was alerted to this and is working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience. ~@mayii
  12. This thread has been moved to the Marketplace and Auctions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  13. This is nothing to worry about, these automated tradelocks happen when our systems detect that you are signed in from a new system. Hardware changes and major software changes (such as the update to Windows 20.04 as an example) are the most common causes. After waiting out the time specified, you should be able to trade without any issues. This thread has also been moved to the PC Bug and Tech Issues section of our forums. ~@mayii
  14. This thread has been moved to the APB Marketplace section of the forums. ~@mayii
  15. Sadly the test is being cut short, we will be sure to learn from the issues faced today and announce when the next test is. On that note, this thread is being locked. ~@mayii
  16. Sadly the test is being cut short, we will be sure to learn from the issues faced today and announce when the next test is. On that note, this thread is being locked. ~@mayii
  17. This thread has been moved to the Off-Topic section of our APB forums. ~@mayii
  18. Can we post the suggestions in the suggestions section? On that note, this thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of the forums. ~@mayii
  19. This topic has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of the forums. ~@mayii
  20. There was a minor issue in the link by @Sakebee which has now been corrected, please try again. ~@mayii
  21. This thread has been moved to the Bug and Tech Issues section of our forums. You can also contact the support team from within the game, press 'esc' and click 'support'. ~@mayii
  22. Amayii

    please fix this

    This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of the forums. ~@mayii
  23. I have alerted the team of this, they will work to get this resolved as quickly as possible. This thread has also been moved to the Xbox Bug and Tech Issues section of our forums. ~@mayii
  24. This thread has been moved to the Off-Topic Section of our forums. And a happy Fathers day indeed. ~@mayii
  25. This thread has been moved to the APB General Discussions section of our forums. ~@mayii
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