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Everything posted by LittleMoneyFirst

  1. No compensation sorry. Imagine if i had to claim compensations for every lose i had... i just after months got a generic response about my nhvr. Just imagine it, waiting months to be compensated for a broken weapon and get a generic response that basically says "no". Get over it, it could be worst.
  2. Dude stop. I once lost almost a month, and it was one of those moment i could pay for it.
  3. LittleMoneyFirst


    Impossible. The good old modsquads still kicking.
  4. Sup resetera. What would bring you here? Imagine being that toxic to claim everyone is toxic
  5. Progress with any contact in any map and game mode... but nooo why listening to something so obvious. Lets just smash it battleroyale.
  6. Its nice to see a honestbro saying things out of his mind without fear to be banned. We need more people like this.
  7. There is allways a few players that will abuse low skilled ones. Thats not a problem, they would lose to anything anyways.
  8. Yes i know. But phones spyware is never enough, thats why i dont use one. Imagine being tracked like a pig and not caring, what a cattle.
  9. Thanks to silvers complains and cheaters who couldnt win to this weapon. Enjoy your wasted money if you bought it.
  10. Why would you use that? Now you have spyware in your phone gj.
  11. Tfw you told them how to make it more appealing but they didnt listen... now game dies. Merged. No when you are forced to use it.
  12. Ugly car, ugly character, awful driving, silver and i couldnt see any bug but poor character handling. Because of people like you we are not took seriously and matt is sinking this game.
  13. What did you expect? Did it have the colapsing walls? It would make it even worst if it was added. I cant believe how they are butchering apb... this really needs to stop.
  14. Is that supossed to be a bad thing? There are plenty of balls you can suck.
  15. *Ignore my idea of making you able to rank up any contact in any map*. That was another of my brilliant ideas. It come from me absolutly refusing to play action district and enjoying fc and not be able to rank up... and other issues ofc. Sadly now its all gone.
  16. Ehmm no thanks. I relate him to the logging screen, i just cant...
  17. Probably not to apb players for sure. I had a laugh that some user said "apb needs changes", not like these. Not the weapons nerfs and changes that been done, etcs. Boi.
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