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Everything posted by LittleMoneyFirst

  1. I think most everyone wanted that... but i strongly think they understood it wrong and started messing with the weapons without knowing what they been doing. I saw it coming... i saw it coming. I really did, tried to warn them but i panic'd ;p
  2. Godbless your patience, not everyone can stand years of these apes ruinning the game as you did and when they are finally banned they given a "second" (wink wink) chance. I admire you.
  3. A gm position should never be granted to a player it doesnt matter your excuse is.
  4. Reviving economy is important... you barely understood what i meant so step aside please.
  5. Not everyone does it. I got mine playing and it was not an excuse, I felt rewarded for it.
  6. Wew lad, you are kinda late to the party. How long we been complaining about it, standing mockery and other stuff and nothing been done. We are understanding how bad it was to unban cheaters right?
  7. Will try once more: cheaters and poor management. Its never been more simple than that. Nerfing, making this game unappealing helped a lot too. edit: forgot the so famous censorship. You been hearing "get woke get broke".
  8. For that reason you need to spend a lot of money and time farming (up to the rank its given or maxing contacts) that could be your entire gameplay. Thats like a powerful gift as osmaw or opgl. There is no need for changing them. Again craping players motivation to play is not a good idea.
  9. Wow guys you are back into ntec shaming and some shitty mods changes to "fix" and "revive" the game when thats not really the issue... the game is simply not appealing anymore for what they have been doing this last year.
  10. The fun is working up to them, how do you think ive been hooked in the game? Work for it. Stop destroying games with "get it easy in a few days and then move to another game". You absolutly have not idea, so please stop it.
  11. Thats not a problem if the game gets populated how it should be, and thats fixing the "get it easy and get bored in days".
  12. Imagine caring so much after cheating in multiple characters, each one fitting one of your multiple personalities. I clearly understand why they lied for 4 years to you xD
  13. "Loitering" is part of the game and i did it a lot when im driving an listening to good music.
  14. WRONG. Progression is perfect, they need to remove the early player access to powerful weapons and mods to create an incentive to player to reach 195 or +. Read what you wrote above "everyone needs to be the same because loadouts", yeah no. Firstly, learn to play, then get the good weapons when you played long enough to deserve them. Any good player can start a trainee character and be at the same level of anyone because they know to play. Stopping crying for your oponents weapons is another step into learning to play and it seems you never steped in.
  15. They could use the multicolour weapons as rewards and make people happy with multicolour shit. As simple as it goes. But nooo, censorship and being triggered for a furry video on forums is more important. Is not even an idea is being implemented in most places.
  16. I even gave matt another idea about prem that could be impremented using other games ideas. Since everyone is so obsessed with free stuff, they could pay prem with apb$. So people who pay for prem can get some extra ingame income to buy those "legendaries" and freeplayer have a chance to get prem for free, so they dont need to make premium "balanced" or not p2w because everyone has the fucking oportunity to get it and stop crying for p2w like the retards they are.
  17. No, it doesnt, it just need to be properly executed. Lot of works in the "mmorpg" aspect. Improve rankings etc, make players feel they are progressing and reward them for it, something you could feel before. That what pushed me to keep playing, because i felt it worth it. Theres so many ideas you could spice apb with... i cant believe people is so unimaginative with the potential one game has. Theres no even to do great changes... here goes a quick idea that ive got just typing: it goes as simple as having tier weapons. For example make legendaries legendary, they are mostly shit. Make people desire them. Make new tiers, you just need to fucking change its icon colour and give them some pristine name like "epic" -or some bullshoot like that, people would feel they are diferent- and give them a little more tier. Even more desire for weapons like that would be more rare and so on. That would revive the economy and make apb$ worth getting and worked on, that would motivate players to keep playing etcs. Simple ideas like that that could keep moving the wheels, how is that so f4cking hard, and there they are working on a mode that barely anyone gives a shit. God i am tired of seeing smart people ruining stuff. edit: its not even an idea, its already done in plenty of places and gives flavour to the games.
  18. I dont think a race related mode would work, but using vehicles in apb is one of the best thing the game has. I would like to see more vehicles involved in missions. People complain a lot about "running with items" and other car activities because they cant drive for shit and i witnessed it enough. Totally handicaped. I cant even understand how anyone would have so much troubles to drive in apb... play some nfs, you disgust me.
  19. Yes you are wrong and its fact. Turning this in a generic shooter where everyone is the same, everyone has the "skill" and not persuit for anything is going to miserably die. If you dont understand gaming or fun just step aside please, im tired of equality bs speech.
  20. The mmorpg progression, thats where you are wrong. You need to motivate players somehow with objectives and rewards, dont turn this to some kind of generic shooter? Be careful with these comments because they are really lost with what they are doing. I hope someone can give them some lights because i feel really sorry, specially for the game that i somehow would like to keep playing.
  21. When you think things could get worst... Lets reach 400 players!!! We can do it!
  22. I will admit this guy is really good at baiting, but quite obvious.
  23. Looks like a mix of daddy issues and long term hc porn actor.
  24. Resetera is coming for you guys. You can already spot users and other kind of "people" abusing the word toxicity.
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