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Everything posted by LittleMoneyFirst

  1. Thats like really soon to expect an answer. Even replies on forum are delayed ;p
  2. Some rules apply really harsh to ones, and not to others.... so there is no closing in this goodbye thread.
  3. Lucky you spend a lot... if it was me doing a thread like this i would be banned once again by spunzabob.
  4. Actually, non of that. Its all made up, all of it. Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6pWEzkbnDE But in every life aspect.
  5. Maintenance in the launcher, not everyone reads the forums... While on manteinance: "estimated down time : bla:blah". Too much bother for 500 players tho.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgcY6qlzdf8&feature=youtu.be
  7. Its like i say: "working like a slave is fun because statistics says most people work so it must be fun". I tried guild war 2... and i can assure you i never been more bored playing a game in my life. For some reason went f2p. That honestly looks like a shilling site by just looking those game tittles. Its ok, you tried to help and with very reasonable aproach. -- And i said mmo's not mmorpgs. Mmorpgs are clearly dead. I found something to entertainme. Not the best thing around but nostalgia kicked. I hate its disbalance and admin wont listen to improve the game, like allways, but i am enjoying it.
  8. I tried to give them a proper aproach... work to improve current modes, incentivate people to stay, strong cheat moderation, use the potential that apb currently has (theres barely need for new modes but PROPER EXECUTION of events -or game modes w/e-), work on engine and slowly introduce new "br stuff" if you are willing to and see how community and new players reacts to it. He is not like getting what holds a player PLAYING... i truly advice him to start playing games for some years (try 15) and then come back and shape a game like you want. This frustrates me so much... how are you expecting me to not be "toxic"?
  9. They are the same (or worst), there is no point to change names.
  10. FF no. Monster hunter world looks nice but i am not paying anymore for games, if i don't like it or i get bored no one will give my money back.
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