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Everything posted by LittleMoneyFirst

  1. Anything from armas free until horses, helicopters and motorbikes.
  2. I think i dreamed once i could drive in first person (an idea i had some time ago), it was awesome.
  3. I didnt understand anyways. Is like he is avoiding to do all those things? I would like to have back my hard earned millions that i gathered through my entire gameplay for years and they fucked it up in one patch.
  4. I strongly feel the same way. The funny part is that they found the earth is flat and has a dome... so it fits "the sky is the limit".
  5. How are you suposed to aim then?
  6. Wrong. Spam doesn't limit only to that. And you are advertising nonsense btw, so yes its spam.
  7. New? It looks like if far and ursus had a handicaped child.
  8. If they are not problem then there is no problem removing them either.
  9. From all the possible design they pick a deform copypasted ursus... like "oh the ursus meshes loaded wrong, new jmb guys?" completly and absolutly disgusting. God this ship is going down lads.
  10. With f i think... it was long time ago i play apb.
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