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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. its the same as real life. has no purpose but its their thing think of it as a different way to decorate and modify a car which is what it pretty much is
  2. We still drive around playing that song in the dumptruck lol as for griefing itself , driving around and randomly running into cars for the sake of driving around is about the same as a pioneer going through blocking a road we can just go around but the ones who got in trouble blocked the car spawns at contacts ( in some cases for a couple hours) to where no one could get out which is a big no no there will always be randoms driving through smashing things up in their way no matter what vehicle it is. its when someone trys to intentionally ruin peoples gameplay to where the game is unplayable that gets them into trouble.
  3. quoting CookiePuss to expand and agree on what he said. I'm not the best player so keep that in mind as I say this ~ I'm only a silver shotgun vs most other cqc ~ even I have above a 50% chance of winning with my lack of shotgun skills and I cant hit the broadside of a barn BUT in the hands of anyone who can use a shotgun PROPERLY .....I truly believe you should kiss ya butt goodbye if its an N FAS which is why if I know someone has one I grenade the crud out of that corner like common sense should dictate but that's another story
  4. I'm not THAT weird geez Btw is it working yet?
  5. well that is just it , Little Orbit does not ban off of the smaller things the first time it happens so i am sure most are aware of that. If this person does this behavior daily then its the same as 100 different things piling up
  6. well we did know about this since last year so its not really a surprise that they are working on the engine upgrade and RIOT. i do not recall anyone complaining about it back then so yeah I'll admit it that I don't get it. Dont forget though MattScott said how they are not focusing on RIOT as much as people think.
  7. I believe so as well. yood is yood no idea what is happening with his account though for buying g1c. to be fair : yood has not team killed me in ages but I have no idea about anyone else though and also yood does get bad lag at times so I can understand yood being in bronze
  8. Many opportunities to fix APB of its major problems will need a better engine to do so. Optimization for instance is something I hope for as much as anybody.
  9. well since others are having the same problems I thought it best to gather you all up so when a solution is found you all get the news faster. I mean I may annoy you guys from time to time but I do care.
  10. do you mean the text based chats or voip mic chat?
  11. I am not sure but i think OP is in fear because of how Little Orbit kept the Gamersfirst tag like how others mentioned in the past.
  12. while I agree with this at the same time instancing may be a better choice for certain times and things so please keep it on the table "just in case" and not dismiss it completely. If a server has to many districts already (assuming we get a larger population of course) that strains the server and networking , then an instance may be able to take the burden off temporarily But as I said for certain circumstances and times when this would be more effective than phasing alone.
  13. i use them to get through traffic because sometimes a pioneer isnt enough wit some of those traffic jams but for him to think everyone's a griefer for using one? wow
  14. while i have not seen the video , nor am i aware of details about the advanced launcher as others are, i can say that there is a reputation for those who use cheats to use the bare crappy settings like that , from some who used to steam when they did use cheats. its one reason why when someone does use settings that terrible that people suspect them of cheating , myself included. most normal people want a game to look and feel awesome , and the industry's direction to please the consumers with better graphics and performance the past few years show that.
  15. some people keep moving just so they can not be afk kicked. when you can not call in backup and someone goes afk but avoids the afk demerit intentionally it only hurts the team they are on. I do not know about the situation with op , but there's people who do this intentionally the way I mentioned and it really hurts the missions then. in situations like that the person avoiding the afk kick to throw the mission is in the wrong.
  16. in all fairness intended , the community kept asking for new content and received new content then complained about new content it is hard to know what people want when that happens
  17. contact support is all i can say.
  18. while it is wrong for detrheaters to be in bronze , it is also wrong to throw matches and screw over your team two wrongs do not make a right and in this case its why they came to their decision. i have no personal opinion on the matter.
  19. removing the distance fog has nothing to do with seeing the distance of ops. the distance fog is farther than that and only impacts computer performance for aesthetics ( how it looks to the eye) if you are referring to the distance fog , then i do not know of Little Orbit saying its cheating since you see people the same regardless. if they did say so I'd like to know. if you are referring to the Halloween event then yes that definitely was because it allowed people to be unfairly seen when they could not be otherwise. In my case I do not touch any files regardless.
  20. Fortune Runner


    isn't that what people refer to as "closet cheater" ?
  21. arresting a crim hearing a crim talk dirty and wanting it rougher. me killing the crim to get the heck away used to happen a lot on Jericho lol
  22. we are discussing this on that thread as well. I personally do not know what is happening to VOIP but i hope it gets solved soon.
  23. two anti cheats and also new anti DDoS says Little Orbit cares
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