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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. is there anything better that we could add to APB instead of this? we change anti cheater programs when needed so I wonder if there is or not. not my expertise so i dont know
  2. do you mean just balance the maps more or do you also mean add more buildings/roads/expand to existing districts like some others suggested?
  3. even if it was in the right forum its in the wrong mind hows FE going?
  4. is this why i seen someone on Jericho running around in a cow outfit?
  5. omg creepy you typed what i was thinking as i read above you. rofl
  6. my mouth isn't big enough for that but I'd try. but i do love fried pickles
  7. do i have to? i'm so vocal already. can i sit this one out?
  8. A few of us were accused of saying there were no cheaters at all when we always said that no anti cheat is 100% effective instead ~~~~ two different things here some of the ones who claimed that people said there are no cheaters were accusing of aiding cheaters for not agreeing with them. cookie felt like he may of implied that there were no cheaters but i specifically remember it being said that cookie didnt see them ~~~~ two different things here as well. theres two different threads recently of two people who hackusate anything that kills them so a few of us disagreed with them. in those threads they claimed "hackers everywhere" on Jericho yet they are seeing only people who killed them. that pretty much leads to today , where we both noticed suspicious people . cookie may tease and troll but cookie is honest.
  9. totally forgot about that. they seemed nice hope they come back
  10. omg leave it to you to make me spit food everywhere
  11. these two posts should help some since I guess you missed them.
  12. only to some. we both know otherwise. and besides that was from a thread of someone who massively hackusates and needed to stop spreading misinformation Edit : the hackustion threads lately even had it pointed out how no anti cheat is 100% and that we didn't need name and shame. They tried claiming that there are those who say there are no cheaters , which implied that we implied there are no cheaters because we didn't agree with them. like zian's and Darkzero3802 thread of misinformation .... theres a lot going around but you didn't say there were none just that you didn't see them. i have those two threads bookmarked if you want to reread your posts.
  13. you didn't say we didn't have any. you said you didn't see any lol seen one suspicious one yesterday who seemed to know where we are before we did.
  14. i disagree with your disagree about the polls. not many APB players use the forums so those polls are inaccurate at times and flat out wrong other times. certain cheaters reformed and changed their ways. if a person comes from the darkness into the light i will not condemn if they stay in the darkness then that is on them. i like that idea. have it from the launcher instead of the forums since not many use the forums
  15. there was always an issue. I walked away when cookie indirectly asked but you want to keep it on? stop already.
  16. yeah you missed the point on what would help lol plenty of games have good tutorials on how to do things in their games. some have an optional obstacle course added to their tutorial to help refine skills
  17. MattScott's replies are in a different thread.
  18. shouldn't that percentage number be lower? I mean it looks like only 75 out of 1000 voted. or did i miss something? Not trolling just asking stuff.
  19. sigh fine. but I do have a point how it cant truly be fixed and why.
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