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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. I've done a lot of thinking about this ever since Little Orbit took over We have all said how segregating players would really hurt the playing from a small amount of players , but at the same time days like this are absurd. The only thing that comes to mind is that certain people never belong in bronze and their k/d and win streaks will show this. But how to go about working on this for a short term without hurting APB's already low player base is no easy task , that way we can fix it more permanently with phasing i personally do not know what to do about this for a short term fix
  2. THIS IS WHY I HOPE PHASING GETS INTRODUCED ASAP if your friends decide to come back ill go to gold district to play with you guys we can just have a bar brawl then
  3. there were people in RIOT ? I thought it was empty so I didn't go in
  4. sorry that we did not see unicorns and leprechauns on Jericho server
  5. contact support with server you are from and other details they ask for. this should not be discussed on forums since it can/will give out your info
  6. whats wrong with talking about ducks?
  7. this is also the reaction you get from those who hackusate though
  8. if they were banned then Little Orbit banned them. if its an afk then what are they supposed to do? there's even bronzes who do that intentionally. ban them too? who would be left?
  9. the real question is why is there no smoke coming from it?
  10. Still haven't seen any on Jericho where they claim they have sen them.
  11. yakuza have a history of being good or bad. some people loathe them while others revere them.
  12. on a different thread MattScott mentioned various connection issues the other day. it is possibly that again.
  13. because 3 am is an active time to play....... RIOT......not that everyone likes it of course A.K.A. basement bum XD never take mismatched socks seriously phasing but not server merge
  14. I'd drive it wear some beach gear as i do but yeah i would
  15. special racing death race mode? shut up the racing district noobs but enjoy it even if you hate racing lol
  16. I wouldn't dumb it down that much like some may imply. don't forget about the time delay for turning in cars. If you were only stealing cars to make money then making money is a little harder. When notoriety goes up mugging and getting 50 pickpocket items is faster for money. of course you said you want the achievement so my information is just to inform others who may be reading. also.... HUH???? lost in translation
  17. Just seen a tv program today saying apes went into the ocean and that they turned into mermaids and that they have body parts or something iono i only glanced at it
  18. scammers were not announced to be unbanned by Little Orbit. people banned for possible cheating when fair fight was flagging them as cheaters were unbanned since fair fight was unreliable.
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