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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. giving out information to cheats is not a good thing. If it had anything that could be used for that it may be why. its also not good if it had a link. the community doe snot need to know , the community consists of legit players as well as a few cheaters. the anti cheat companies need to know , its not our job its theirs
  2. I dont know about changing it to that much , but it is difficult to make a decent looking car with such a low number
  3. I know what they do but I don't understand how blowtorch or high burn fuel is worse than others. As for spotter , that one I mentioned because it is unbalanced to me and others for various reasons. But unlike others , I am not saying to remove any mods , but they could use a balancing of their own. this part I remember now but I had forgotten thank you technically a team wall hack which is why I personally think its worse doesn't mean I'm right of course It's just an opinion.
  4. false positives are a posibility. no anti cheat is 100% effective nor 100% accurate. If a person gets a public ban , then regardless of being innocent they are shamed forever , and when returning to the game people will harass and grief. the toxicity a public ban showing regardless of my example would make APB become hostile just like it was when this was done. no thank you.
  5. wouldn't mind a new fight club arena to add onto the roster of already existing ones
  6. I think cookie meant not to be on the front hood if using car surfer , and he would be right for that. and you clearly mean its better to be inside and that's right too. car surfer is vulnerable, but you have to have someone paying attention to who has that mod , and make sure to kill that easy target , otherwise it can be a real problem. not always so easy to do. I've seen a few do it....i think its nuts
  7. absolutely. but the hood is the front of the car.... it blocks view of the driver and is an easier target to those camping at the objective point already.
  8. hopefully I don't sound upset. I'm not I'm just clearing things up
  9. id have to say spotter is probably worse because you don't know you were spotted. haven't heard those two mentioned as worse lately so I don't remember how so.
  10. when there is evidence that is clear and conclusive I have always said that it needs to be dealt with. when its people who in their posts attack and slander regardless of evidence showing otherwise I speak up. and when its people accusing others of cheating for the stupidest of excuses of course I wont agree A majority of the posts I have seen and posted on is Little Orbit being accused of neglect from DDos'ers when it is clearly not Little Orbits fault for being victimized. Its what I tend to speak against the most.
  11. thank you for keeping us informed. was it one of our other games hit as well or a different company's game
  12. zian your thread is terrible to say the least. its just shy of being a conspiracy theory nutjob post you not only have false claims but slandered and accused anyone for just disagreeing with you. never mind any evidence that shows you are flat out wrong.
  13. I agree with this. undecided about this however. never a good idea to say ' this is what we are doing and how" when it comes to anti cheat methods. basic info is fine though that it is being done just not detailed. loose lips sink ships
  14. I said there were enough ways to get JT not just one way by contacts alone. (doesn't mean more new ways to add content wouldn't be nice) I played for an hour or two each day and earned tickets any way available back then. there's even more ways to get tickets now than back then. Saying " new people don't play as much" does not say the game is unbalanced for tickets. As for Jericho depending on the time of day , including social , there's enough for 3 full districts , however some of you choose to modify cars clothes and socialize. the matches are not completely from lack of players , but from those on do more than just have matches. still need a bigger population though so start inviting your friends and group up to make it more fun. as for the car surfer mod itself , do you feel confident enough to sit on a car being an easy target? even golds die fast under ops using proper aiming no matter the threat color. (some shoot blindly rather than taking the time to breathe and aim)
  15. They tried that , and then certain people of the community who already talked bad about them started weird accusations. theres a reason why people think bronzes are weird.
  16. it is available in the joker store . pickups have beds actually...
  17. fly by night does not equal success that's fine , and that's fine as well , however that still does not make them evil except by usage by those who abuse them and APB is not abusing them in the way those article studies mentioned their study's about if APB was abusing the loot boxes id say that i dont like it. but its not. what i expect would happen is bundles being made instead that are way overpriced. and once again IF loot boxes are being abused by the company's then those company's need to be held responsible and if they are not abusing them there is no crime to punish. its not cut and dry like you are making it out to be. I already covered the F2P games that rely on advertising and those are on a major decline for various reasons , some of which are ads can get infected and do so often enough to be a major security risk certain ones had intent to do harm. those company's are liable for such. i refuse to punish the company's that do not do such abuse. although it may be different , it is similar to being racist just because one did. once again you are free to your opinion , but i still refuse to punish innocent people and dare to call it justice when it is lawlessness to do so.
  18. no but they do have massive ads and banners that sometimes are infected with worms and viruses etc. who wants their comp or phone slowed down to a crawl from ads anyways? plus wit ad blockers such places are shutting down from no revenue because it doesn't work. most players of F2P games are not playing AO games because most are minors. and regardless of that , you do not have a workable solution for F2P to stay F2P but instead would kill F2P games that is an opinion and not a fact. many F2P games would not exist otherwise its fine that this is your opinion , you can think what you want however most subscription games are because of a big and or wide enough fan base to stay afloat. theres a reason why most F2P games have loot boxes instead of subscriptions or ads. I would suggest researching this a little more.
  19. you accused Little Orbit of neglecting cheaters regardless of a new anti cheat just deployed you slandered anyone who disagreed with you while using slurs and other means of attack including taking posts out of context to justify yourself I'm most likely the one you claim is disrespectful because i called you out on it and also on you ignoring and dodging my questions and reply's to your questions. now accusations of twisting posts where I directly quoted you and you only went off slandering over and over. you said the same to Glaciers. I still think you have no real clue what Little Orbit has been doing since you posted such odd posts even though evidence shows otherwise you even didn't like that i post on an open discussion which you are still commenting on , yet still didn't answer anything i asked you or discussed etc. from your posts you do not seem to have knowledge of APB game play but that's only speculation. you claimed Little Orbit doe not communicate which they do every month and in some cases daily. for the most part you didn't offer anything good that wasn't being done already but did act like some of it wasn't already being done....so of course i disagree with you plenty of other things you did as well. At no time did i ever say Little Orbit is perfect and at no time did i ever say everything they do is wrong. but to be expected to take hard stance black or white is just foolish. not everything is good and not everything is evil to say otherwise is bias and depraved and history has shown that. only recently did you offer anything with substance such as gms in district which i replied how we talk to them in district. the rest of the time you were too busy attacking people for not agreeing with you. that reminds me are 3d glasses purchasable or is it only via prizes
  20. If a solution is realistic and not bias or slanderous then many would weigh in on if its a good idea to implement or not. and if it is not then why act like it is? um out of curiosity i checked your first post and the dislikes....doesnt seem like it was useful on how the community doesnt agree with you and to let it go. just saying. some of those same people earnestly believe Little Orbit is G1 ....... or that it is Little Orbits fault for what G1 did years ago......hard to convince them otherwise not sure if valid or not there was way too much misinformation on what actually happened. but most of it was fear mongering. and yes Little Orbit did investigate any and all claims that I am aware of. ( MattScott made a post on all of this somewhere )
  21. phasing is better than that but they mentioned a network setup so that there would be phasing , so sorta like that but not like that. the exact pots are on a different thread that MattScott posted in.
  22. when your solutions deny what is already happening its not a solution. pleas just stop. we already read you accuse enough times of "supporting cheaters" just because we don't agree with you. no just your "solutions" which so far has been slander for the most part while others are already being done that for some reason you act like they are not. no one sees perfectly but you twisting it around like you know what you are doing by saying Little Orbit neglects after switching anti cheats to not neglect really leaves me wondering how you pay your bills because you don't see to know anything about running a company other than generic reply's to it. if people disagree with you at your home they should ignore you but this is a forum for discussions. that's on you. while more GMs can be good , you already said you don't want to fund it so... cant be both. one sided happiness is not a happy relationship. please don't project what you have been doing onto me just for disagreeing with you and your behavior. you might delude yourself further and that would be bad for people living near you. actually I didn't have one because i moved out of California. just haven't hooked it up yet since everywhere i want to go is right here. take out food places are literally down the street in walking distance so i don't really need a phone by far not poor just not rich. any water out here is clean and drinkable so no don't need you for that either... and what is with your weird animal fantasies? perv ROFL
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