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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Nope cant be me I don't work for free
  2. That's why CookiePuss and I speak up for Jericho and are vocal about if we see anyone suspicious. I haven't had time to play this past week from a lot of work to get done and CookiePuss reported on a thread this past week that there wern't any suspicious people in sight recently. For the record , any suspicious people I seen the past few months who would destroy other golds in silver district , " disappeared " so either they were legit and just ahven't played or got banned for not being legit. Wow .....so we know what you like now.....
  3. It's an outdated engine. Pretty sure with how it cant use modern graphics cards too well , that the lag it causes would be a problem until the engine gets updated to handle the better graphics cards and performance issues.
  4. Osmaw tutorial.....noob teammates get behind me and launch it at my head !!!!
  5. more like you didn't read and update your ticket lol
  6. 27 day response time Link was literally posted before you posted
  7. is it just me or does her but look more well rounded in the newer pic than just big n flat in the old one. Heh Hollywood lighting really does make everything look better.
  8. so you should survive a gun that close because ????
  9. Yood if i could i would drink with you. no worries i know yood is ok
  10. done for the fun of it. hope they can get the bugs out of the Engine Upgrade soon. I remember hearing its performance is better.
  11. As inspired by this thread Lets have some fun and talk about this.
  12. That one pic still happens even after all this time. Just not as much but someone mentioned they seen it recently again.
  13. I used to but then I had trouble with java for it when windows 10 came out.
  14. Isn't your post really over how you want the 3.5 pics even though Little Orbit and SPCT have said it is not ready for pics from being not ready for it Sure I want to see what 3.5 looks like too but as I have said in other threads I know incomplete pictures will be used wrongly like all those "reviews" get APB wrong on a regular basis. I want new people here so rushing pics is bad for business because of it.
  15. yes and even in this day and age of excellent cameras with 4k pictures we get grainy crappy pictures of UFO's and Bigfoot
  16. The support here is a small staff. It used to take a few months back when there was 70,000 spam tickets. Now it does not take as long as that but it is still longer than other places since it is a small company. From what the tracking customer support thread says it is a 27 day response. There were also a lot of people spamming support over cheaters ( some legit reports some not ) so that tends to slow things down as well. Of course we all wish it was only a few days until a response but it is much better than it used to be back when support was spam botted with 70,000 fake reports
  17. The car spawns were not supposed to work that close though. Wouldn't that mean even the car spawner spawn is broken too then? Besides how else would i spawn on a roof to try jumping down on your head ? ( and yes I do try that lol ) We need a party to socialize and brainstorm then.
  18. A spawn car that also has max armor when its a Nulander pioneer is by far the hardest type for a bronze to deal with. If the car spawn mod had a negative effect of armor not being allowed together with it then at least it would be more manageable I have been thinking that as well.
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