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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. mine was 200 but i then installed a graphics card and i get 60 to 70 fps regularly btw fun fact : In central California (San Joaquin Valley) it is possible to collect two trash bags full of cans and get 200 to 300 for the cans. Money is possible easily if you go on a college campus to collect. But lets face it not everyone is in the U.S.A. so this is irrelevant really unless you are in the U.S.A.
  2. because EAC has anything to do directly with RIOT.... EAC is the anti cheat which held up RIOT So....that would be a big ol NOPE
  3. Other games like warframe get bugs in their patches regularly and have to do an update to them. In warframe's case they have an updated engine software so doing hot fixes is much easier. But I doubt you would understand programming given your comments.
  4. vegas 4 slot is 10 k no idea what things should be priced im just saying is all.
  5. I do not recognize this error so I do not know what causes it. I am posting so that someone from Little Orbit can educate me on what this is and how it happens so that I can help with knowledge n the future.
  6. See that's worded much better and doesn't come off as a bully. That was one of my points that a few people who don't want RIOT were coming off as a hostile bullying and instead should just simply say " if you want to play it fine but this is how i feel" too many are getting pushy towards those who do want to play it. Much better. Thank you.
  7. nope you missed my point. the rest you got good enough though. Edit : Forgot to mention this....... some of your posts on this topic are based off of fears of what is unknown such as content after that. Fears have no substance they are only fears. Not facts.
  8. I have only heard you claim easy money. I personally have said its popular to where it can draw people in from a new experience of APB 's br perspective to where they may stay for APB. I have always said it is not meant to save APB but to add on so that there is more content otherwise APB will stay stagnant and die. If you don't want to play it then don't play it. No one said you had to play it or had to even like it. But as for the rest of us you guys are literally thread after thread trying to beat us down shaming us for wanting to play it.
  9. because not everyone programs code for the engine. there's more than one job to do and they already have those tasks being worked on for the engine. adding more people to the same task wont speed it up. Not everyone is against a br mode and its very popular out there for games for a reason. Its fun.
  10. What one person calls trash others call racing tracks. Everyone has their own groove and you gotta start somewhere.
  11. Little Orbit has matchmaking , threat , and phasing planned after the Engine Upgrade which means this will be an issue partially dealt with. It is not being ignored but there are things like the Engine Upgrade that are a necessity first. normally that has been non native English speakers because they cant say much else. not all but most .
  12. One of the reasons why GTA 5 gets mentioned a lot is because of variety and a lot of fun because of it. If APB does not grow and adapt with various new content there wont be an APB much less an APB 2 of any sort. If RIOT is for you fine if not fine but not adding it on just because you don't want to play it is foolish. Lets others decide for themselves.
  13. Whenever they have EAC ready since that was the holdup and not RIOT itself.
  14. a sequel Reloaded productions goofed when they renamed apb. The name could be reverted back to original plus it is what we refer to it as anyways. But the real questions then would be : how much does that cost and is it practical to do so. i dont know.
  15. I personalty do not like this due to how they need to make money somehow and car kits are a big deal for that. If there was a way to guarantee that APB makes its money to keep the servers going then I would be for it , but the way this is worded leaves too much open to cause failure. Edit : this could help if new kits were made and only the older ones released to the joker store.
  16. Assuming I am gathering the information about phasing correctly , we would all be in the same districts pre-mission. The ones who choose open world tasks to do , like ram raiding , would choose to do this anyways. When used properly it is one of the best cars in the game. leave my cars alone. Although the sliding on glass physics for all cars could use a work. It is already insanely hard to arrest..... do not make it impossible. Weapon rebalancing is scheduled for the future. You cant change one without the others or there would be no balance to apb at all. Um I get N 5 easily when I successfully arrest since its worth more.
  17. lately there has been a noticeable larger amount of TRUE golds in bronze. A lot of people are being chased off of APB from not being able to play from it. I personally don't like segregation but a true gold in bronze should not be there chasing bronzes off. 22 kills and 0 deaths is a bit much to go through for a bronze to face that type of opponent. I was called at the end and couldn't get across town to help in what time was left.
  18. sombrero is already on clothing list official list so its pinned
  19. Fortune Runner


    how could pets be worked into apb ?
  20. Dont pull peoples fingers if you dont want them to fart
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