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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. The districts were "said" to be downsized by G1 due to the server performance. (In other words no idea if G1 lied or not) Not sure if we could raise the cap because currently the servers are a bit touchy. We did just have a major problem with servers after all so caution is advised. Getting more players would mean more full districts though , but how to get them here?
  2. True True but irrelevant... True Because current laws and others about to exist on "loot boxes" would make this a crime. Which is why the previous post I said would be irrelevant. If the governments mess with our jmb's then we have to find another way. Any ideas?
  3. old players will not even want to come back without the Engine Upgrade and new content to go with it I.E. RIOT Releasing both at the same time in doing so is a good strategy. Very true , as are your other posts on this thread. Good work.
  4. That cant work from current issues like the amount of people required to fulfill that most likely wouldn't be free in a district at once. Like super rare to happen type of problem. As long as it was not so easy to change threat like that but as our current leveling scale is , it messes with this. Thats why I personally don't know what to do without the Engine Upgrade and phasing , and other things fixed for matchmaking and threat.
  5. Um....You're welcome? OP never did reply on what happened that day
  6. by your definition I complained by making a simple statement your word doesn't mean much since its too biased and distorted. And honestly I doubt you've seen anything at all.
  7. uh huh. Sure. right. ..........Not that's only your personal opinion yet how many people have posted otherwise? how many in district say otherwise? I play in bronze as well as silver do you know how many i seen that were gold saying " hacks " this past month? One. One single gold who played like a silver who got gold.
  8. no i didnt complain and also most players are silver so how could that not be true ?????
  9. I second that. That looks like English but all i read is " I drink from a sippy cup so I don't spill on myself " in the meantime , whos next to try this to 255
  10. what does that have to do with my post? As far as i can tell what you said has nothing to do with what you quoted.
  11. very few stay bronze. majority is silver.
  12. literally posted that days before you sigh.
  13. He was answering you and its a valid answer as to adding a surrender button so you can put your tail in between your legs and run away. i mean that is what you said. pft run faster then.
  14. So far I have heard the community disliked this and also that its possibly the most popular one ever as reasons why this video isn't liked. Yet those two reasons contradict each other. Especially since one actually says "hey it did good and i don't like that because of it" for a reason not to. Making videos for APB is not a bad thing if done to positively promote APB and doing it fairly without false pretenses used. Nothing wrong with that. Also if the ones who are "the community who disliked this" cant come up with a better idea , then they are probably just jealous that someone already did this good and said they didn't like it out of spitefulness. It was entertaining and fun to watch and I'm glad that after I lost my bookmarks from firefox updating that I found it again
  15. i wish i could speak french so many questions to ask OP about APB and what they think.
  16. This sound like a pat on the back is deserved for those who do , but in my case id go nuts
  17. Complete and utter B.S. People buy regardless of sales and putting pressure on people to buy to milk is never ok. And personally attacking me when I , me , myself have said the past year to support APB . and that i spend my money on APB when i can because of it? you c;clearly don't know me and have no right to give personal attacks to me like that. That was also proven to be false bans. not to mention temperamental ones for any reason/excuse And of course the ratio of cheaters to legit players was horrid back then. Merged. If i remember correctly most of that existed from RTW Btw you compare one year to how many for G1 ? sigh more than you care to admit. there's plenty of threads DETAILING all of this and you've posted on some of them as well. Ff was never "amazing" . you really don't seem to know much about anti cheats. Which by the way , comparing to private servers, does not help your case much.
  18. pretty much all of this answers but I'll try to clarify more. Its probably by your perspective and time when you are playing and against whom. its by a possible grouping on ops team which usually means a discord server to talk on mic with for better communication. it means it might just be someone better or you might just have not played your best which happens to us all. but in the end a lot of people play both enf and crim , so i suspect just bad luck on the teams.
  19. this post came from Saturday. I didn't get lag Saturday on Jericho. what server were were you on? its been attacked for years and the ones doing it are insane which is why it doesn't make sense.
  20. it was supposed to be handed over to begin with. When someone is in charge of a banking account for a company ( like a treasurer) those documentations are supposed to be handed over to the next person. and in this case it was not handed over properly a lot of if's but only Little Orbit can truly answer this. i can not answer sorry
  21. exactly why its a must to fix the spaghetti coding first. As for a total rewrite I'm not certain what they do and do not need to do because otherwise they'd just jump to the newest version if it was only a total rewrite thing needed.
  22. the roadmap states how they have to upgrade to 3.5 first to get the bugs out before they can update to the newest version.
  23. he said freedom of speech and such to imply he can do as he pleases. I'm not upset in the slightest
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