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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Neither am I and being tracked like a "chip" is just another step towards it. You know the governments misuse anything they get a hold of. Its why I cringe over the thought of it.
  2. Once again no anti cheat stops 100% The anti cheat companies make a patch to block the new cheat , then the cheat makers make an update that works to sell off to make money , then the anti cheat makes an update to sell off and stop the cheaters. Little Orbit is a victim paying for protection , and in this case the bet on the market. NOT the ones making financial gain off of it. If you want to change cheating , change the people who use those cheats. They are the ones who fund money to keep this going. don't blame the victims
  3. Oh cmon that was obvious. you don't play enough APB
  4. oh I'm sorry to hear that when you posted hours later after me that you had lag that badly.
  5. Why hurt yood for cheaters when yood does not cheat? yood has right to be upset since it is directed at yood
  6. Being as serious as getting the best anti cheat isn't serious enough? Giving up freedom that allows us this game to begin with just to punish cheaters like countries with no freedom? Sorry that doesn't make sense to me.
  7. RTW had MAJOR reasons that were lacking in the thinking process on why they failed. G1 well they are fresh enough in our minds on how bad it went. Little Orbit? The only one who actually cares enough about us and APB to clean up this mess.
  8. Still some lag but its minor compared to earlier today.
  9. Havent heard of that before. New to me to hear that happening to APB on Xbox
  10. Probably to get back on schedule by doing extra work to catch up. Like if you have it planned to do one thing then another but you fall behind so you try getting both done to catch up? Only Little Orbit can answer that one to be honest though.
  11. Sign language? Bird bird bird , bird is the word
  12. It was mentioned but I do not know who mentioned it or any details.
  13. New World Order is your solution? *facepalm*
  14. If you would only reflect on yourself you would realize there is no need for me to. and that is because you have done it yourself. anyways about the cheaters , I still have only sen 3 suspicious people this past week and I have not seen them since then.
  15. Because the notion of " Gamers first" is a noble notion The company G1 however didn't believe in gamers first
  16. Theres a post somewhere in a thread from MattScott mentioning this. The thread with the server moving and the hardware failure recently. Keep in mind MattScott clearly says "a lot of the hardware is more than 5 years old" and in another thread posted around this time (before or after i don't know) it was mentioned it was from G1 which is why it was more than 5 years old. I cant find the other thread sorry I looked. If someone finds the other thread post it please or send me the link and I will for you. Edit : I went looking through multiple threads but there's too many duplicate threads so I just cant seem to find the other one mentioning this too. Sorry I tried. This is why duplicate threads is a very bad thing and why we keep asking people to stop ding that. The difference is G1 wanted to milk us intentionally. It was no accident.
  17. It will take the engine upgrade to properly fix APB's problems as well as improve APB the way you are mentioning. This current otudated engine is the main problem why it is not fixed already
  18. Big server or small server , either way I will not blame a victim for what an attacker does. It's not right.
  19. Wonka if you cant figure that out then there's not much that can be said to you much less done for you.
  20. Little Orbit inherited the servers from G1. And DDoS does not matter what server it is regardless. Cheap or expensive like nation's security. They can be DDos'ed just as much.
  21. I do not recall the engine being started on until Halloween. Merged. The thread for the engine upgrade is here ~>>> No idea where all the random posts for the engine are since there were so many duplicated topics. Thanks for showing me the thread so I can share it.
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