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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. I'm just making it clear what I'm saying that's all
  2. Still not the same thing though. Plus it was made clear of goals so that some people would calm themselves down a notch. Saying " I hoped for this when i wanted but im sorry its not for when i hoped for " is not a bad thing. most of the things that delayed them wasn't their fault to begin with. to be open and share information with the community. something g1 never did. so salty
  3. until recently they didn't give an exact date for a deadline. the rest was " we are aiming for this timetable and if there's no setbacks this is when it will be" check MattScotts posts you'll see those words often enough.
  4. some can take 50 There's player hosted events as was mentioned already by AsgerLund From what I have seen those events have had a good turn out and would not be possible if this was changed. Unless there was a way to incorporate these events into APB then there is no good way to do the suggestion of kicking people or we could not have these special events.
  5. That roadmap was a timetable guide of when they hoped to b done by and what they have planned for APB which they have been following through on. The complaint you have is more of you want an exact time and for it to be followed. Today's attitude of "give me updates now" is the very reason why programmers get burned out and quit the industry lately. And please stop ignoring all the other hardships they have gone through for our behalf which is why it was delayed (like the DDoS attacks and server parts failure) I'd rather it be done right with realistic expectations rather than putting a greedy burden on Little Orbit. What work they have been doing is no small task to begin with since its the very foundation of APB they are fixing.
  6. FALSE The current matchmaking/threat system is how this happens to begin with. The matchmaking and phasing system that MattScott mentioned should fix these problems. Now about golds - some golds are only silvers who became golds in bronze. That happens to me if i get carried by a good team mate. I don't get gold otherwise especially with how I do not own a god enough computer to play competitive enough. Do I like gold in bronze - of course not. Not even if I get carried to gold because it means the match was unbalanced and that isn't REAL fun for anyone. It's only superficial at best. But against a full blown gold I get no fair matches either. I do play in bronze and silver districts but some days its only golds in silver to where it is too hard to play. But just kicking someone out over a color is not fair either. It does the same thing you are complaining about - getting destroyed by someone who you cant possibly beat and then quitting the game from lack of playable matches. As for golds who clearly have dethreated - that is a completely different topic portion to what I am referring to. THOSE people do not deserve to ever be allowed in bronze. And there is a HUGE surge of dethreaters this past week. Trolling like that shouldn't be allowed , or it only hurts APB as a whole. And the ones who dethreat to do so clearly couldn't care less, as they only do it to hurt others for their own amusement of cruelty at the expense of everyone else. It still comes down to needing the engine upgrade and then the matchmaking and phasing update to make a more balanced match possible. Its the only real valid solution we have had after all these years of APB , but it will take time to implement since this is work that has to wait until after the engine update to be able to handle this properly. Otherwise it would only strain APB current engine to the point the game breaks entirely. In the end all we can do is wait and hope the engine upgrade is finished soon so that the matchmaking and phasing can be worked on next asap. Thankfully the engine upgrade is nearly completed because of how the SPCT team made up of us players is testing it.
  7. suggestions are in a suggestion thread. Since this is the wrong forum section of course it would be misunderstood as being told to do so. ugh i feel sick i agreed with yood twice in 12 hours
  8. Sigh I keep seeing on threads " RIOT won't save APB" .........WHO SAID IT WAS SUPPOSED TO? One piece of a puzzle does not a picture make. As for how well it will do , I do not know since this is a phase to polish the stone to make it brighter. Too soon to judge how well it can do since this is not a finished work. To do otherwise is to be biased towards not just the product being constructed but towards the hard work of it to yet be done. If a boss did that to me I'd quit because of that abusive crud right away. Make sense? anyways we will see.
  9. It is possible there is a tutorial for those themes now. Some artist have done that by either teaching their work or others have shown how its made from sites for song making. the internet has grown
  10. The changing of shotgun content changes APB. The addition of new content after this may require a gun change like this as well. Like cramming too much junk in a small garage and needing more room for play instead. No idea for sure just saying.
  11. I don't like this idea. Reminds me of walmart too much and how other places dont get business from it.
  12. So get a horse instead of a donkey ? More powerful so more stuff done. Has its own poop problems. But that's life and if that part cant be overcome by us then its our fault as much as the horse pooping everywhere. *shrugs* I mean I got a shovel so..... ya know? Anyways for APB to be competitive for new players to say " hey lets try this" we absolutely need the Engine Upgrade. We can not live in the past programming of 10 years ago and only that Engine Upgrade can fix that. Most games don't last this long either way so if it fails its not really over anything but age. I'm hoping for some way to get more players here after the Upgrade is good enough to where people would want to play "something new". whole new generation to invite but as to how to do that , I'm not good at that.
  13. I was going to comment how things like refer a friend were exploited but most of op's post is about free stuff and not about wanting new gameplay. To have better gameplay we need the engine upgrade and that is being tested. Hope its finished soon. I don't remember a time that it was supposed to be that way without a mod to buy.
  14. if you say only a perfect scenario can succeed then you'll never set a foot forward. and technically APB had a rep but its not that well known anymore. A good amount of people now on steam are in fact unaware of APB and its past. It honestly sounds like its you who is not moving forward. (not meant to be rude in any way shape or form) No matter what happens though , we need to give it our all.
  15. if you guys go by semantics you will never understand that you just showed what im talking about. the car gets hit.
  16. warframe was nearly dead. then it wasn't from revamping things little by little to be more friendly to players. not easy to do but Little Orbit is showing they can do it like the current warframe team. no one knows the future though.
  17. A decent and unbiased answer. When I have been in social I see some now and then but not to that extent. The other person who replied could only insult with bias when not even understanding what I asked. (The irony of his reading comment is astounding in this case) A most humble and sincere thank you.
  18. Like I said....why were they not doing missions and ignoring them instead. well aware of what district they were in at the time. People do that in Jericho as well but they speak English. Server people don't really matter (Jericho coin tossers prove that enough) but this op statement sounds more like he doesn't like foreigners. That's when we go do missions and the spammers get bored and lonely. Guess you totally missed all of this but mmkay. While you were reading comics I was reading the novel. you gotta catch up a little
  19. honest question : why were you watching chat and getting upset and not doing missions? It looks odd to me that you were not ignoring them. I am not certain if the ignore function blocks coin tosses but it does block their mics and text chat. as for them saying they need to be paid to stop.... extortion can get them in trouble (even if its trolling and not serious) , along with the coin toss trolling can stack up on peoples nerves (as you clearly show) which means that I believe this will be looked into
  20. If you are serious about logging onto APB remember this : Tap fire certain guns for better control There is also a tutorial that by default should be the T key. you can get grenades that way. And when driving the faster cars let off the gas on turns or you will be driving on glass hope fallen earth gets back up soon for you all.
  21. Just to repeat : I dont know if you had lag or not and I am only saying what has happened to me. Not sure what happened to you. I did some shooting testing during missions and outside missions and did not encounter this unless lag made me move even 5 seconds later. No idea if this happened to you or a ghost inside APB fondled your gun and bullets to make them move. (we used to say that on Colby for some reason) Whatever happened I hope its not happening to you now. Let us know on the thread after a few days of testing this. I'll still be testing too. I bookmarked so I can find it again.
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