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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. so they can be bought just in a package. thanks no one answered me on if they can be bought or only earned as a prize since i don't know whats in the different packages Edit : maybe they will do something different for you since you already have it then. doesn't hurt to ask
  2. we didn't lose half our player base. its been the same. not everyone plays at once and this was proven on the other thread. by multiple people. some were not actively playing constantly like others of us do , who came to log on and take a look around of course. that's already been proven as well. the numbers have been the same as pre Little Orbit days and it shows it. btw isnt that the very chart that one of the people who proved what i just said supplied ?
  3. iono they seem to be coming up with a lot lately like a NY server for US and EU to merge... Edit : stop rerolls - is a broad term. some refer to new accounts while others refer to new char slots. if you mean new char slots that supports APB and everyone has the right to buy new char slots. if you mean a new account , some people live for shooter games while others may possibly be a cheater returning. Regardless banning someone just because they are low level and good is by far a terrible idea to do on its own if there is no cheating involved.
  4. support is doing better and better. its clearly not good enough but it is getting there. since thats off topic to the server election and mergers etc. so id rather not discuss that more on this thread. exactly why Little Orbit announced they were planning on phasing to help with matches. hopefully it does not end there because we could use a network of servers globally to make it easier to match up with other players elsewhere if ping allows it Warframe does something similar so hopefully its able to be done similar here
  5. When BattleEye had a cheat bypass made for it Little Orbit looked into new solutions. what made you think programming can just be swapped out like your clothes is beyond me. citation pleaseI do not recall that. I know we needed to do better and start turning things around but that's all I'm sure of. Are you seriously calling your speculation a fact that it may not be done , when SPCT and QA are completing the testing? something not completed because of a work in progress is not a failure. A failure means its done its over , and a work in progress means they're busy working. I'd hate to have you for a boss , and if you are one i bet a lot of people quit on you for that lol Multiple people already showed otherwise. What anti cheat does not have a private bypass? what anti cheat is 100% effective? You are pretty unrealistic. by that logic eating and drinking is a failure because you have to do it again? different worlds of course but just an example Citation please. I do not know of any solid time frame for how long they worked on RIOT. I know Halloween had parts of it and that new content is needed for APB , but I do not know of the exact time they started working on RIOT. A new map would be more difficult and take even longer , and time is not on our side for doing that with so little funding to support such a huge task. But I do wish we did have new maps , at the very least a small one to add to fight club maps
  6. no it wouldn't a merger like that would absolutely kill apb and is by far teh worst that can be done. colby and joker had trouble connecting to each other and it was easier to connect to Europe. please do not assume distance traveled by car is equal to internet distance since not everywhere has fiber optics in between. As for matching G1 , Little Orbit has already done more work than G1 , but the support speeds are about equal for now. however support speeds are getting faster , so when they do become faster for certain then yes Little Orbit is better either way from everything else they have done so why are you fixated on only support to say they aren't good?
  7. I was kidding just a joke about walking away with it. Dark humor.
  8. that would actually make matchmaking easier and some people left for that being a problem. Support staff does not equal programming staff or Quality Assurance staff. VERY different jobs. Also having too much staff is how RTW failed miserably so I would rather not go that route again. Last time ti cost 100 million As for support tickets , its faster than ever , and that's not to bad considering they got spam botted 70,000 support tickets in the past. Unfortunately most business is conducted out of California due to ease of travel , otherwise I would suggest Idaho since cost of living is much lower.
  9. stop duplicating threads please we already have one going on why this does not work. repeating threads only makes a mess of getting the proper information out and that does no good for us but instead causes harm with misinformation
  10. Anybody feel like giving me one to "test it out"
  11. the only real solution that has been given so far that works would be the phasing that Little Orbit mentioned then most of this shouldn't be an issue last i heard its planned for after Engine upgrade
  12. its possible to make a new map or we couldn't have APB HOWEVER between the Engine Upgrade and then matchmaking/threat/phasing there is not time for a whole new map anytime soon plus we don't have the population to support it but at the same time the news of it could spike population from it. too many "what ifs" about it for my taste Little Orbit mentioned adding some contacts but I forget the details
  13. agreed but that and other mechanics are scheduled for later after the Engine Upgrade Not like Little Orbit made it that way but yes it needs work. any review on steam wont be good they're toxic - its where the banned people post but we aren't and its not. From what i read on steam a majority were people banned but i haven't read any for over a year now either thats not Little Orbits fault since they only owned APB for a year as of May but they are working on it. No idea. People are fickle anyways so dunno Yes dethreaters are a problem but not all golds are dethreaters . Careful with that. Example : I can go gold if on a good team and get carried or if ops feeds kills or just does bad as a team etc. i don't normally get gold but its possible and I'm not good enough for it. I just don't want a generality of " gold is bad in bronze , must be a dethreater"
  14. I disagree. a failure would be rampant cheating like it used to be and its nowhere near that. no anti cheat is 100% regardless . cant say anyone expected it to be our "savior" but added content is added content. and some of us do like it. plus its still in beta so *shrugs* The QA team and SPCT found other bugs that they are working on. the time delay is not good but I wouldn't cal this a failure either. It will be done when its done and I'd rather not have major bugs/crashes. this was on a different thread and proven to be inaccurate.
  15. yes it would need a whole new midtown instead of the old midtown that had assets used. what else was supposed to be done to asylum? any ideas? I've heard this before but haven't heard what yet
  16. its possible for some games to crash so hard that task manager is inaccessible while you stare at a frozen screen. now that would really suck.
  17. people suggested a midtown being made before. would be nice if in the future Little Orbit added a district if/when we had the population/phasing/something to support it.
  18. it can be effective , but only if someone does not learn how to change it. then it only takes a couple minutes at most. however it can still help identify other alt accounts so its not a total loss example : cheater gets banned and the hwid was saved. the ip address may or may not be useful but with the hwid as well then it may enlighten on alt accounts. but as for banning with the hwid in itself , cheaters tend to already know how to change it quickly
  19. or how a few years ago they had a teleporting cheat to get behind people from 100 away in the blink of an eye. that was nuts
  20. 1. useless , it can be changed easily. 2. already have that. - its called volunteer gm's - they may be taking new applications. 3. I believe they have something similar to this for notifications already. Question - answer yes we do care and yes Little Orbit does say how things are going such as a week or two ago. just not on this thread yet. kinda redundant to keep expecting a reply for each thread though.
  21. some people suggested removing mod rank requirements as well.
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