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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. I would have to disagree with rightfully so , because snipers were never meant to be hand guns and that did happen in the past. having to plan out skillfully with a sniper seems the better choice to me
  2. that's not a good idea with how some cars already go so slow they would be unusable if slower and in the end would make the gap even worse it is much easier to grab an alig and kill the car when you can catch up to it to begin with otherwise you would force even more people to rely on using nitrous
  3. because i never said anything about that? Edit : sorry I misunderstood that you were saying thank you for teaching new people when i can If a person is prepared in advance and play daily then carrying an alig is no problem then it would take 15 to 30 seconds to switch and then leave to go kill the car
  4. the oldest unfairest exploit in APB : wasn't that jump sniping? as for slower cars that was done by g1 because too many people complained about running when they refused to buy an alig to kill the car I personally dont like it being slower , even though I'm not the one running normally (sometimes you do need to relocate to a better area to fight) and before anyone says , I've been showing people to grab a faster car from NPC's and cut people off with an alig for a couple years now it still works fine to stop runners and is cost effective enough I honestly hope Little Orbit removes that slow buff on cars since alig because affordable enough and easy to get.
  5. punctuation would make this more palatable to digest too damn early to translate that mess so no ty wont read it.
  6. yeah its more time than that now phones everywhere to play games non stop
  7. so assuming you are correct ( I have no idea if they did or not) then because you cant get full damage by shooting without aiming , is what people are complaining about?
  8. When did Little Orbit touch snipers?
  9. or maybe an iconic fail black hole? so many things just skewed I don't know where to really begin other than why is this thread still a thing? lol
  10. Lets not forget that Little Orbit has said for a while now that they were doing this. I do not understand why it is such a surprise because of it. As for fundding APB - some people have 10+ chars so they would just buy the gun account bound because it is easier to do so (if they have not already) And new players - there will always be some who buy it account bound since it is easier to do. Never give up on human laziness to get things done quicker and easier
  11. 1 we have been here for years and when Little Orbit bought out APB we had 2k on 2 spreading out the population would only make things worse not better. 3 back then we had more people to do so , and not as many golds in bronze as lately did they downgrade the servers as well?
  12. why is this a problem? ogre is easy to kill as it is so I'm confused
  13. CookiePuss is only a tester for the new Engine Upgrade As for the rest of what you posted..... it only looks like hackusations to me true
  14. why would you be banned for streaming? is there something you left out?
  15. lately on Jericho it is the same golds in bronze who are gold as soon as they play until they log off hours later when they throw the last few matches to dethreat then log off. these certain ones pull out every weapon that is op to a bronze fighting them , going all out as if it were golds against them instead of bronzes. Since I play in bronze as well as silver I have seen how they truly play against other golds on equal ground and in their specific case should not ever be in bronze again. if Little Orbit looks for this very scenario of who is there daily like how I mentioned they can find the culprits easier , but thats if they have the time and people to do so. Hopefully soon phasing and the other matchmaking plans will be a thing for apb and help fix this which would stop it and not just treat the problem temporary like what i mentioned. TL;Dr offered a possible action to find the dethreated golds easier , but phasing is much better in my opinion
  16. true however what about future mechanics across all guns? that's why I like options on what works in case "this goes with that better" sort of thing - whatever "this n that" may be which is also why I'm curious about what everyone thinks as well on anything about this.
  17. hmm maybe the nfas brand should shoot a little slower across the board for rebalancing with what we currently have? Might be enough of an adjustment to do so. I'm not sure if this would be a good idea. what do you guys think?
  18. that would ruin the money balance. crims ram raid and enforcers arrest to make money
  19. link to youtube video please if you did not know then I am sure there has to be someone else who does not know I do it that way for the challenge of it its a major pain but the satisfaction of earning it works for me.
  20. you should of told us you knew nothing about that so that those who are "experts" at arrests could give you pointers.
  21. there used to be a bug where crims had LTL as well. since crims can not arrest it did not go well and the crims lost every match from the very unbalanced matches. Because crims could only stun who carried LTL then the enforcers would simply get up and arrest them finish objectives and win. the only way crims could win is if someone had lethal guns and not LTL
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