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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. look let me spell it out for you..... I never said any of that. that's all from you. I never once said Little Orbit owes anyone I said how they can give mercy when they feel it is deserved to give a second chance. way to go.
  2. so you say no one deserves a second chance no matter what it is about. glad you don't work for Little Orbit. Even society gives second chances but like you said ....common sense understatement lol
  3. ok. I was curious because a background update did something similar to that to me.
  4. did another program update on your computer? graphics card maybe?
  5. now if people would only go in the testing districts and help test them. i haven't seen anyone in there so i cant test them
  6. I was wondering about that too its odd. that's true. minor instances do not usually have anything happen.
  7. Yes yes we get that you say "Russians bad" geez its the only thing you've really said.
  8. True. This was said by Little Orbit before.
  9. its not being given special treatment you just dont want it to exist to begin with isn't there a country that knows 12 different language and not one of them is English ?
  10. i know right? so what else do you want to suggest then????
  11. nuuuu it has to be you because you're special lol
  12. wouldn't this be off topic for our crazy antics ?
  13. its humor like this that makes me smile after all the talk of Cyrillic in chat. that and I worry for your family
  14. Fortune Runner


    possible double agent as well.
  15. So mercy towards others who reflect on their actions and repent is a bad thing?
  16. That is not giving unfair preferential treatment towards anyone who speaks a foreign language. It would be favoritism towards English to be bias towards other languages. That's what favoritism means : an unfair preferential treatment. its no different than any other language. I like this idea just so if we want to talk its easier , just like group or team chats to me
  17. That is not my nor your decision to make.
  18. Um when did test districts go live? I missed the memo that we were going to do that so I didn't even know they were a thing for this testing going on
  19. please do not do drunk texting its confusing as @#%% rofl but i don't see why not have the coding updated properly or maybe you can respect other culture? just a thought
  20. impossible to be a rude awakening because I'm looking forward to that. wont be fighting golds or bronzes ever again. wont have to go easy on a mission to teach or get owned with 1 to 5 kills vs 20+ deaths. With that said can you and the rest of SPCT hurry please so we can move onto getting this part done? Not intending to be rude so don't take it that way - its just that I really REALLY want this to hurry up and happen its just this is what i want more than most things right now - except maybe some clothes added from that request list the community made.
  21. that wasn't me lol but nice troll though
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